Published 09/25/23
Really excited to share my conversation with Leslie Trovato with you, friends!  She is a writer and a mama, loved thru divorce & breast cancer & COVID over the past two years, so she has a lot of content!  We chatted about how to let go of expectations around the holidays, and what Emmanuel, God with us, actually means.  Hope you enjoy it, let us know!
Published 12/22/21
Published 12/22/21
Thanks for sending in your questions for Dr. Russell Moore!  They were SO good that we decided to dedicate an entire episode to his answers!  Hope you enjoy part 2 of our conversation with @russellmoore
Published 12/01/21
Have you ever found yourself in a conversation these days wondering, “am I crazy?”  Or, “how do I have conversations with friends & family with whom I disagree politically?”  We asked Dr. Russell Moore these questions as well as what it means to be an evangelical Christian in a post-truth world. Dr. Moore is the former head of Ethics and Religion for the Southern Baptist Convention, and is now a public theologian for Christianity Today.  Hope you enjoy Part 1 of our conversation with...
Published 11/10/21
The pandemic has taken alot from all of us.  One thing we are just barely recovering is our ability to see possibility, to dream again. Dan Bremnes - musician, family man, risk-taker, dreamer - reminds us that we need to listen to our crazy ideas because they just might unlock our next step to a life lived. Dan shares the story behind his new single which is a real-life example of what can happen we we go after the crazy ideas that we generally disregard. Hint - it involves a deserted island...
Published 10/27/21
Chris & I just read “The Bible Tells Me So” by Peter Enns, & it’s helped us feel ok with our questions about the Bible. Whether it be genocide in the Old Testament or wrestling with the commandment “thou shalt not kill”, there’s a lot that makes us uncomfortable. It hit us while we were reading Bible stories to our kids, that there is a lot that is too R-rated for them to handle. It left us with a lot of questions, and in case you are in the same boat, we wanted to give you...
Published 10/12/21
We are so excited for you to join our conversation on anxiety with the one and only Sissy Goff!  She is an expert child and adolescent counselor at Daystar Ministries here in Nashville, as well as an author and equipper.  She has helped our family so much amidst our flood trauma during COVID.  Here’s the thing - everything she says doesn’t just work for kids, but also applies to adults!  
Published 06/25/21
Wilderness seasons are never something I pray for. It’s just not that much fun being in a season where you lack clarity & purpose. But here’s the good news: Jesus & John the Baptist wandered in the wilderness, so it can’t be all bad! There has to be a deeper purpose to it, a way to wander well even on our worst days. This realization has helped me so much in a season full of “I don’t know.”
Published 06/02/21
Jasmine Murray is the kind of influencer you want to follow. American Idol top-13 finalist, Miss Mississippi & top 10 Miss America, she’s had to deal with how to be authentic while still stepping on stage to impress. We had a good ol’ girl chat about all the things! Hope you enjoy this conversation with singer/influencer/powerhouse woman, Jasmine Murray!
Published 05/20/21
It hit me while we were jumping on the trampoline in the backyard of our broken house, and then out of the blue while I was making pizza in my friends kitchen, missing my own. We don’t like to give ourselves space to grieve. We like it to happen on a certain day in a certain way, so we can control it and look “strong”. But the truth is, the happiest moments are often when the sadness hits out of nowhere.
Published 04/22/21
For this week’s pod we wanted to bring you something a little different.  We turned a green room conversation with our good friend Pastor Jeremy Louison into a podcast!  We had the chance to tell our love story, how L&TO started, how we’ve remained individuals within a marriage where we work together… and a lot more!  We hope this episode gives you a glimpse into our story, and also helps to illuminate the path you’re on as well. We are all on a journey, and we’re so glad ours has...
Published 03/17/21
We found Rich Villodas and his church, New Life Fellowship, online the Sunday after the Capitol insurrection. We were confused and wrestling with the church’s response or lack thereof, to this evil act. Rich’s sermon that Sunday assured us that there is no way to separate justice and mercy from the gospel, and that becoming a Christian means we have to deal with our stuff, not just pass it off to the Lord and peace out.
Published 03/03/21
Have you ever felt like your worth is tied to your career and talents?  On this week’s podcast episode, Chris & I sat down with the one & only Rebecca St. James!  She reminds us that “our worth and value come from who we are, not what we do.”  Phew, don’t know about you, but we needed this reminder after not touring for the past year! Rebecca’s concert in Winnipeg was the first ticket Jodi spent her own money on, and her music and career have been a huge inspiration for both of us.
Published 02/17/21
We want to let you in to our questions & the things we’re working through, and we trust that if you’re here on the journey with us, you want to join in the conversation and do the same!  Our prayer is that even in conflict, we could be loving towards each other.  If we make our point but lose the plot of loving God & people, we’ve lost everything.  We love you and we’re so glad you’re here!  
Published 01/27/21
We had a 2021 “planning meeting” today and it was weird! How do you plan when your industry is shut down? Maybe you’re not facing the same challenges that we are as musicians who can’t tour, but I’m sure you’re feeling some tension. The inability to put dates on a calendar or see our families…maybe you’ve given up on dreaming? This podcast is all about dreaming even when you can’t plan or see what’s ahead; how to not let last year’s disappointments steal your anticipation for what God
Published 01/06/21
This week’s podcast episode is a short, ten minute devotional based on Matthew 2:10 - “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great delight!”  We all need to be guided this Christmas.  We all need God’s light to brighten the dark places of our lives.  And if you’re looking for a way to give this year, head to www.lovehealinghugs.com & pay for a child living in poverty to have a life changing surgery this year. 
Published 12/23/20
I woke up this morning feeling heavy-hearted, overwhelmed, and an overall lack of clarity & focus. We're all balancing a lot these days, and the holidays are a magical time, but they add another layer to everything don’t they?  I don’t have all the answers, but God does, and He definitely met me in the middle of it all and helped me through.  Here’s some tangible ways to feel and fight through overwhelm... and it all starts with His love.
Published 12/10/20
Jesus himself said “Blessed are the poor in spirit” giving us permission to feel down. Scripture also reminds us that we don’t mourn as those who have no hope and “the joy of the Lord is our strength”. The only way Chris & I know of, to resiliently find hope in the midst of a challenging 2020, is to develop our gratitude muscle. Gratitude leads to joy, which leads to strength. We hope you find this encouraging, you are not alone! Wishing you all a meaningful & memorable Thanksgiving!
Published 11/25/20
It’s been the coolest thing watching the words I wrote connect with your heart and lead you to the Father. I started writing “You Got This” when my kids were babies, and seeing it in your hands is thrilling! Chris collected all of your questions about the book and some of our songs and we turned it into a podcast. Hope you enjoy having your questions answered and I hope our shout-outs were pronounced correctly!
Published 11/04/20
Riley Clemmons is fierce, friendly, and unafraid of being herself!  I guess when you’ve been writing songs since the age of ten, you know your voice pretty well.  Now, on the cusp of turning twenty, Riley opens up about her story and how it feels to be a young Christian woman in the music industry, with opinions and perspectives to share. This episode is sure to inspire you to be less scared of what people think and more aware of who you are and who God is calling you to be.
Published 10/21/20
Do you ever find yourself scrolling through Instagram wishing you had everyone else’s life? We spend so much time comparing and envying other people’s dreams and success that you don’t lean into your own! Today’s podcast conversation with Jamie Ivey helps us realize that success looks different for all of us, and satisfaction is closer than we think! She shares practical ways to embrace your space, bloom where you’re planted, and live your best life now, all from her new book “YOU BE YOU.”
Published 10/07/20
We haven’t played a live show in seven months, but we’re learning that our calling hasn’t changed, just the way we do it. We spent this episode sharing the steps we’re taking to stay hopeful and sane and productive during this season, and how protecting our kids from everything is not our aim as parents. You gotta listen to the episode to get our thoughts on cancel culture and we’d love to hear your thoughts too! Oh yeah, and it’s Chris’ b-day!!
Published 09/23/20
This week’s episode with Carlos Whittaker is so empowering.  He just released a book called “Enter Wild,” all about moving from safe and boring to living a wild-not-mild faith.  He has battled anxiety and shares some of the tools that have helped him overcome it; praying scripture over your life and promises instead of problems. He has become a voice we follow and respect so much when it comes to race and injustice in America. 
Published 07/29/20