Are you owning your or are you giving it away? Being a powerful person and feeling it is safe to immerse yourself in the true you is a very prevalent theme in Dede Lyon's empowerment coaching.
Published 05/31/24
What better way to purge and purify than by releasing what no longer serves you? Julie shares action steps that you can immediately use to cleanse your life and increase your vibrancy.
Published 05/24/24
Published 05/24/24
They told her she had an Auto Immune Disease called lupus. They said she was dying. With apologies, the miracles of modern medicine had nothing more to offer her. That's when Lynda Dyer made a decision that literally turned her life around.
Published 05/17/24
Rebecca and Paul share their intensely powerful and personal stories, including ones about near-death experiences and resulting emotional trauma - they share insights into human strength, hope, and the ability to prevail over life's challenges.
Published 05/10/24
If you'd like to get more done by being still, come sit and listen to author and spiritual teacher David Gandelman share his insights on how to accomplish that by meditating.
Published 05/03/24
Financial Stress can be tough. The "Stress in America Survey 2022" conducted in February 2022 found that 87% of Americans are stressed due to rising inflation in the country, up from 59% in August 2021.
Published 04/26/24
They told her she had an Auto Immune Disease called Lupus. They said she was dying. With their apologies, the miracles of modern medicine had nothing more to offer her. That's when Lynda Dyer made a decision that literally turned her life around.
Published 04/19/24
A conversation about Love as the supreme creator of all good things in life and how to deal with loss and sadness when love and life as we have known it is taken away. Judy Satori speaks with Dr.
Published 04/12/24
Each one of us is blessed with skills and knowledge we have attained through life experiences. Using these talents to serve others will benefit all. Through acts of sacred service, may we each be an instrument of peace, joy and unconditional love.
Published 04/05/24
Separation from a company, for any reason, can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety and fear. It impacts self-esteem, confidence, and self worth which makes it almost impossible to muster the influence and impact you need in the interview process.
Published 03/29/24
in the age of 'False Narrative' when looking deeper we find that the victors re-wrote all of human history to their advantage. Ironically, as in movie editing, it leaves the 'TRUTH' lying on the cutting room floor.
Published 03/22/24
The joy and power of giving helps us in so many ways. Lynda Dyer, global humanitarian, shares her personal story and charitable services over the past 15 years in China, Africa and Vietnam.
Published 03/15/24
This episode features an exploration of holistic health and its relationship with self-love. Petra Brunnbauer, Creator of the Jorni and a Wellbeing Coach, offers a detailed discussion on the concept of "wholehearted living".
Published 03/08/24
This episode features an exploration of holistic health and its relationship with self-love. Petra Brunnbauer, Creator of the Jorni and a Wellbeing Coach, offers a detailed discussion on the concept of "wholehearted living".
Published 03/08/24
Most people have trouble feeling inner peace and /or experiencing ease in their lives. They are wrestling with their 'things-to-do' lists, struggling to get past financial limitations and stiving to prove themselves worthy of the things they want.
Published 03/01/24
Most people have trouble feeling inner peace and /or experiencing ease in their lives. They are wrestling with their 'things-to-do' lists, struggling to get past financial limitations and stiving to prove themselves worthy of the things they want.
Published 03/01/24
If you long to become a more confident and graceful communicator, Corey Folsom offers a path to personal empowerment and tools for relieving stress and upgrading your communication, mindfulness and connection.
Published 02/23/24
If you long to become a more confident and graceful communicator, Corey Folsom offers a path to personal empowerment and tools for relieving stress and upgrading your communication, mindfulness and connection.
Published 02/23/24
In this insightful episode host of the podcast 'My Perfect Failure', Paul Padmore takes a deep dive into the transformative power of our setbacks...
Published 02/09/24
In this insightful episode host of the podcast 'My Perfect Failure', Paul Padmore takes a deep dive into the transformative power of our setbacks...
Published 02/09/24
To have a sense of balance and peace in our daily lives we can often feel impossible. We're always on the go. Even when we're not physically doing anything, our mind is likely more than a few steps ahead of us anticipating and solving the next problem.
Published 02/02/24
To have a sense of balance and peace in our daily lives we can often feel impossible. We're always on the go. Even when we're not physically doing anything, our mind is likely more than a few steps ahead of us anticipating and solving the next problem.
Published 02/02/24