Amanda Kingsmith shares her unconventional journey traveling as a yoga teacher, and how’s she created an online yoga offering.  DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * Gaining experience and building a career while you travel * Different career paths a traveling teacher can take* Why it takes more than just being a good teacher to be “successful”* Components of an online yoga offering * Teaching on Skype * Developing a YouTube yoga channel RESOURCES MENTIONED: * Show notes...
Published 01/20/19
Published 01/20/19
If you’ve ever thought about starting a yoga program for a special population with unique needs, this episode is for you. Shannon McQuaide, founder of FireFlex Yoga, shares advice and tips for creating yoga programs as she takes us down her own journey of serving firefighters. DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * Using a population’s pain-points to identify and address a need* Using yoga as a solution to those pain-points* Developing curriculum* Using assessments to demonstrate program...
Published 12/21/18
This conversation is about the soul’s journey from fear, lamentation and confusion to sacred love. Based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, Simon Haas shows us how to overcome life’s greatest challenges AND how teachers can integrate this wisdom in their asana classes. DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * Honoring crisis and challenge (aka the dark night of the soul) as a right of passage * What the Gita and other Indian texts tell us about pain and suffering * Why pain is something you...
Published 12/06/18
What does to mean to thrive as a yoga teacher? Michelle addresses this question as she reads the opening chapters of her book, The Thriving Yoga Teacher: How to Create A Sustainable Career Doing What You Love. DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * Knowing your path and values * Teaching yoga full-time vs. part time * The commercialization of yoga * The missing ingredients to a thriving career * Dreaming big and manifesting your desires * Overcoming fear RESOURCES MENTIONED: * Show notes...
Published 11/08/18
Maybe you already have a digital presence or perhaps you don’t even know what that entails. A website? Social media? Email list? What does it all mean and how can a digital presence help you fill your classes and spread the wisdom of yoga? In this episode Destinee Berman answers these questions and shares her expert strategies for teaching yoga in the digital age. DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * What a digital presence consists of and where yoga teachers should focus their efforts * What...
Published 10/19/18
Do you have a website, but feel as if it’s not working for you? In this episode, yoga teacher and web designer, Risa Kawamoto, discusses strategies you can implement today to help your website convert visitors into students attending your classes, workshops and retreats. DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * Why it’s important to have a website * How to make your site secure, relevant and trustworthy * How to improve your search engine ranking * Building your website with a simple design * How...
Published 09/26/18
DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * The commercialization of yoga and how that relates to “yoga for everyone” * Why yoga doesn’t have to be defined by the commercial realm * Alternative frameworks to offering yoga as a fee for service * Gift economics, gift exchange and generosity-based business models * Integrating social benefit into your business * Donation-based yoga * How money changes to relationship between student and teacher * How to tech less, and teach more RESOURCES...
Published 09/08/18
Understanding human anatomy and the biomechanics of yoga is vital to teaching safe and effective yoga classes. Yet, the quality of anatomy training varies drastically and anatomy is often hard for teachers to retain (especially if they don’t have natural knack or passion for it). In this episode, Gabby Delorenze brings 12 years of experience in orthopedic and musculoskeletal rehabilitation to this discussion about anatomy to help teachers expand their knowledge base. DISCUSSED IN THIS...
Published 08/21/18
Kids yoga is growing in popularity as the benefits of mindful practices becomes more apparent. In this episode, kids yoga teacher and author, Susan Verde, shares her best practices for teaching kids and creating programs in schools. DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * Why it’s important to bring yoga and mindfulness practices to children * The best and most common setting to teach kids yoga * How to develop a kids yoga program for a school * How to format a kids yoga class * Tips for getting...
Published 07/31/18
Trauma informed yoga teaches us to approach students with compassion, sensitivity and free of judgement. Yet, it’s an approach we should apply to everyone, not just students experiencing symptoms of trauma. After all, we’ve all been through some sort of trauma, big or small, and curiosity and compassion are the foundations for teaching yoga. Nonetheless, there are critical concepts, techniques and skills one should understand and apply when working in a trauma informed setting and with those...
Published 07/12/18
Internationally acclaimed author and teacher, Mark Stephens, discusses guiding principles and best practices for teaching students with injuries and special conditions. Even if you don’t intend to work with injured students directly, they show up in our classes daily, so it’s important to be informed and aware of how to conduct yourself. DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * Appreciating and implementing healing practices with yoga students * How the 8 Limbs of Yoga relate to teaching students...
Published 06/06/18
If you want to expand your teachings beyond group studio classes, but don’t know what direction to go in, this episode is for you. If you want to teach yoga full time, but can’t seem to make enough money teaching, this episode is for you. If you’re a new teacher, struggling with confidence, this episode is for you. Maite Issa shares how she sold out her first yoga retreat only 8 months after teacher training, how she quit her corporate job in just 4 months and how she created an income that...
Published 05/22/18
Do you ever feel stressed out, burnt out and broke as a yoga teacher? Know that you’re not alone. Michelle and her guest Amy McDonald get it and have been there too. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Today, teachers all over the globe are making shifts and earning viable incomes doing what they love…and you can too! DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * What in yoga philosophy relates to running a yoga business * How yoga teachers can shift their mindset around earning as a...
Published 05/14/18
Despite our good nature, lawsuits are popping up in all corners of the yoga world. These days, insurance for yoga teachers is a must and not only because most studios require it, but because it’s your best line of defense in the event of injury, property damage or theft. In this episode, Michelle discusses the most important benefits to look for in a policy so you can shop smartly and/or see how your current policy stacks up. DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * What liability is and what’s at...
Published 04/30/18
Have you found yourself thinking there aren’t enough hours in the day to teach all the classes you want and reach more people? Online yoga courses may be your solution! Yoga teacher Eileen McGurty brings 20 years of experience teaching online to show as she shares her best practices for creating online yoga courses. DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: * How going online solves the problem of not enough time in the day * Why teaching online doesn’t have to be a substitute for in-person classes *...
Published 04/17/18
Kelly Smith, E-RYT 500 and founder of Yoga For You, shines light on the topic of finding, developing and exploring your voice as a yoga teacher. Kelly shares her multi-step process to discover your own voice if you’re a teacher who feels a little lost. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: * What is really meant by the term “finding” your voice * How learning your truth influences your voice * How to create confidence while discovering your voice * How authenticity leads to abundance and and...
Published 03/26/18
Guest teacher Amanda Hill shares her experience and tips for integrating essential oils into your yoga work and earning an income through essential oil sales and workshops. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: * How essential oils compliment yoga * Ideas for integrating essential oils into your group classes * How to expand your essential oil offering beyond group classes * Advice for converting students to 1×1 essential oil clients * Tips for communicating with students & clients * How...
Published 02/26/18
In this episode Michelle reveals her most important tip for managing your income taxes. LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Show notes: www.loveteachingyoga.com/episode053 * FREE Online Workshop: Tax Training For Yoga Teachers (www.loveteachingyoga.com/taxes) * The Yoga Teachers’ Guidebook to Income Taxes (www.loveteachingyoga.com/the-yoga-teachers-guidebook-to-income-taxes/) * Get 15% Off Aeromats Yoga Mats with Code: LOVETEACHINGYOGA https://www.aeromats.com/all-yoga-pilates/
Published 02/01/18
Yoga teacher and massage therapist, Lauri Glenn, shares her experience using workshops as a tool to empower students and to grow her yoga business. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: * How workshops can grow your community, boost your income and build your yoga business * How workshops can help establish your expertise in a specialty and enhance your reputation * Tips for creating workshops, setting a format and choosing a topic * How workshops support Lauri’s massage business and vise...
Published 01/14/18
Yoga teacher and professional editor/writer, Lori Snyder, shares insightful tips about finding your writing voice as a yogi and sharing your message through written word. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: * Differences and similarities between your spoken voice and written voice * Why voice matters and how to find your authentic writing voice * Choosing what to write and brainstorming * How to start a blog for your website and community * How to write email opt-ins for subscribers * Tips...
Published 12/04/17
In this episode Michelle shares her intentions for inviting sponsors onto the show. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments at the show notes: www.loveteachingyoga.com/episode050
Published 11/16/17
Angela Sullivan shares her experience and advice about the all-too-common challenge of teaching multiple levels and body types in one yoga class. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: * What makes a class effective for everyone * How to create unity in a class with mixed level yogis * What is meant by “level” in regards to yoga * How to level up your class without increasing speed or pushing students * How to approach modifications and tips for cueing * How to encourage students to stay...
Published 11/15/17
Adell Bridges shares her stories and advice about how she makes her way around the globe teaching yoga. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: * How to become a traveling yoga teacher * How to make money and find work * How to trust in the journey and overcome fear * What it’s like teaching workshops abroad * How to be adaptable and manage expectations LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Show notes: www.loveteachingyoga.com/episode048 * Adell Bridges (website) (free webinar: Become The...
Published 11/07/17
Brian Aganad from The Asana Academy shines new light on the common approaches to stretching the hamstrings. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: * How subtle changes help protect the body from injury * How tight and weak glutes create tight quadriceps * Why “move the flesh away from the sit bones” is a risky cue * How to rethink your sequencing to stretch the hamstrings more effectively * How to identify the difference between pain and stretching LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Show...
Published 10/25/17