I'm so excited to be speaking with Christa Hardin, author of the book "The Enneagram in Marriage: Your Guide to Thriving Together in Your Unique Pairing." In The Enneagram in Marriage, readers will learn to: understand their partner's emotions and reactions extend more grace to their partner and themself have productive conversations that foster connection build a legacy together with intention. Each chapter concludes with three sections that aim to lead readers into a practical engagement...
Published 09/22/23
Published 09/22/23
Laurie Palau is the author of the book HOT MESS: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO GETTING ORGANIZED, host of the popular weekly podcast, This ORGANIZED Life, and founder of Simply B Organized-a lifestyle company helping people live simply and work smarter. Laurie speaks on the topics of clutter, parenting, and entrepreneurship. Her latest work connects the dots between personality type and clutter, through the lens of the Enneagram. Her framework helps you to understand: Whether you have a natural...
Published 03/22/23
Instead of focusing on the particular Enneagram types I want to talk a little about the Lower Level of all of numbers. What happens when we are trapped in habitual patterns of thinking and even trauma that has never been dealt with? Should we start with a song or two? Oh the weather outside is frightful but ….that’s NOTHING compared to the STORM that’s happening inside!! Or….Oh there’s no place like Home for the Holidays….WHERE EVERYONE IS ON EDGE! I attended a class last week that was...
Published 12/04/22
“Now is when all your experience pairs with possibility. That’s why these years are your Power Years™. I love that quote from Sara Smeaton, creator of The Power Years™ Passport, The Midlife Manifesto and a wealth of wonderful resources and insight for women entering and traversing Midlife. Sara says..." Our ageist society trains us to fight getting older and to believe ‘all of the good times are behind me’. I think this is so wrong on so many levels – and here’s why: These are the Power...
Published 11/22/22
Type 1s - They already carry the core FEAR of Being wrong, bad, inappropriate or Immoral They ARMOR UP by thinking….It’s not okay to make mistakes therefore.....I must strive to follow the rules, be responsible and catch my mistakes before others do. It’s the only way I’ll be safe and loved.  Type 2s They already carry the core FEAR of Being unloved, unwanted, needy They ARMOR UP by thinking- People depend on me for help. I will earn the love and appreciation of others through acts of...
Published 11/15/22
Women in Midlife already know about change! There are conversations everywhere you look about transformation and change. But the conversations mostly discuss what we need to change FROM!! What do we do when things change and we don’t know what they’re changing TO? We may even be pretty sure what we’re changing FROM but sometimes the change TO is a big mystery. Hélène Stelian is helping women to THRIVE in midlife and take some of the mystery out of the change. Hélène is the Midlife Mentor with...
Published 11/07/22
Midlife Metamorphosis - A Revolution of Spirit I've taken a refined direction...a place I feel 'at home'. Carl Jung says..."The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it." For those of us who have lived long enough to form our story, or ego-story, the question is, as we transition to new phases of life...why must we let it go if we've worked so hard to create it? What is its purpose? And how can we let it go if we aren't...
Published 08/30/22
Kelsi is an enneagram 9 and licensed professional counselor in the Kansas City area specializing in adolescents and adults with anxiety, depression, life transitions and identity work. She's continually excited to get to bring the Enneagram into her counseling work and continue her own growth through it as well. Her most favorite part of her work is getting to help people come home to themselves. Outside of her career, she enjoys college football, Summer thunderstorms and re-reading Glennon...
Published 03/23/22
How do you use your understanding of the Enneagram with people in your life without saying the word ‘enneagram’ ?  Shantris shares the beauty of simply being aware of the energy of other people to give them support in the ways they need it and, as she says...holding space with "Gracious Expectations." Shantris is a trauma and Enneagram-informed postpartum doula and parent educator. She is also an Operations professional primarily providing financial, administrative, and organizational...
Published 03/08/22
Like many terms of phrases that have been used with the Enneagram for decades, recently we have begun to expand on the original ones - not change their core meaning but dig a little deeper into the words themselves. So what if I restated the original childhood message for type 5s in this way…. “It’s not ok to let your guard down because you won’t be able to handle things competently.” Type 5s…”All you truly need to know RIGHT THIS MOMENT is that you are heard and seen and loved.”
Published 12/08/21
Today, let’s look at the childhood message for type 4: It almost seems impossible to think of a child hearing these words even though these exact words were most likely, never spoken but somehow the message was received that “It's not ok to be too functional or too happy.” Imagine how that feels….I CAN’T BE TOO HAPPY, do Too much. You ARE seen and LOVED for ALL that you. You are NOT too much. You don’t have to hide the beauty of ALL you offer to this world. Listen deeply to that message. 
Published 08/26/21
If you are an Enneagram type 3 listen deeply and compassionately to this message as if a child is saying this….“It’s not okay to have my own feelings and my own identity.” Can you hear that sweet child say….”I’ll be what you want me to be, I’ll be the best for you and I know you’ll love me, right?” Breath in this pure truth….”I was loved before I ever put on the first mask to hide my true feelings. I am free to drop anything that covers my true identity which is simply and wonderf
Published 07/29/21
Young enneagram type 2s heard: “I’ll be loved if I sacrifice my own needs for the needs of others.” Their self-love became conditional upon earning a sense of worth through taking care of others. Say it out loud…."The needs and desires of my heart are my birthright." Breath in that truth. Empty your heart of the suffering you carry of believing you aren’t worthy of love and belonging unless…. There is no “unless”. You ARE love and you are LOVED and wanted - no strings attached.
Published 07/22/21
For Enneagram type 1 the message was “It’s not ok to make mistakes.” Who told you it’s not ok to make mistakes? And how did you feel when you do? Ashamed? Afraid? Who made you feel that being LOVED depended on your being good? And who decided for you what “GOOD” looked like. Can you empty your heart just a little bit today? Can you listen DEEPLY with a loving voice? Say it out loud….I am not ashamed. I am not afraid. It’s not up to me to prove my worth or my goodness. I am Good.
Published 07/15/21
Just like Passion without Compassion can be ineffective, information without transformation is useless. I knew that if I was going to take the necessary steps to move OUT of the space I was in and into a new space I needed to guidance….someone who understood where I wanted to go and could help me recalculate. I needed a Guide - A Coach. After many years of preparing, personal coaching and strategic planning toward becoming a coach, I’m excited to be able to confidently say….I'm ready.
Published 07/07/21
The Passion for For type 1 is ANGER. The Passion for type 2 is PRIDE Type 3's Passion is SELF-DECEIT The Passion of type 4 is ENVY Type 5's Passion is AVARICE The Passion of type 6 is FEAR The Passion for type 7 is GLUTTONY Type 9's Passion is SLOTH How does our Passion (our suffering) result in an attempt to be good and, in doing so, bring about the Deceitfulness of Good?
Published 06/04/21
In this episode we look at Enneagram types 4,5,6 and 8. We are saving types 7 and 9 for next week as those are our types and we'll explore how this journey has opened up such growth for ourselves, as individuals, as well as our marriage.
Published 05/26/21
"What we resist not only persists, but will grow in size." ~ Carl Jung There are a couple of different words for what each Enneagram type resists - but typically they are referred to as The Passion or The Vice. In this context Passion comes from the Latin word Passio which meas TO SUFFER. What we would call a fault or an act of wickedness, a vice, seems to be an outward action where are PASSION is inward…it’s what we HOLD INSIDE. We will look at Enneagram types 1, 2 and 3 in this episode.
Published 05/19/21
I’m so excited to share his latest project, HUMAN - An Exploration of the Inner Life. Through the visual arts, the zoological, the poetic and the musical, HUMAN is an exploration of the drive that makes us...well...human. With a philosophical base in the identity framework of the enneagram (plus a few extras), this is your chance to explore your deeper desires, your compulsions, your hopes and your fears and how they shape your life for better and for worse.
Published 05/13/21
We return to the podcast world today in a new series. The topic is the Deceitfulness of Good. We’re approaching this subject from multiple perspectives. Denée will be coming form the 9 perspectives of the Enneagram and Doug will be coming from theology and world religion using the Spiral. The human being is so complex in our make up. We are the sum total of many different elements and life conditions. All of us experience transformation in some way every day of our lives.
Published 05/06/21
What was adorable in childhood becomes ridiculous in adulthood. What worked in junior high school doesn’t work in the work place. What took COURAGE as a teenager, when it served our developing sense of self, is sometimes seen as weakness (dare I say, stupidity) in adulthood. This is the 'unworkable'. That place of choosing to either keep allowing the pain to exist or pivot and question...to turn off autopilot.
Published 03/10/21
I think we can all agree that our words matter. They can harm or help. They can inspire or destroy. What you say today isn’t confined to this moment in time. We may not be Instagram Influencers but we are absolutely influencing more than we realize. I referenced my latest blog post and you can read it here: The Accidental Mentor https://www.lovethynumber.com/post/the-accidental-mentor I also quoted Kaylee Friedman, M.A., LAC  IG @Kayleerosetherapy
Published 02/04/21
We've had a lot to think about during this long, long year of the Pandemic. It's time to get back to doing what I love and I love podcasting! But I love a lot of things and another one of them is writing so let me share a story that I call "And The Winner Is". In this episode I mention two amazing people who I've come to adore and admire. You can find out more about their work here: TheEnneagramWorkshop.com - Vanessa Fernandez MorganHarperNichols.com You can find both on Instagram and...
Published 01/28/21
We are excited to share this information about the upcoming November meeting of the Georgia Chapter of the International Enneagram Association. While we miss the personal fellowship we are excited to be able to come together via Zoom. Registration is open to everyone! If you are a member of the Georgia Chapter there is no registration fee and if you are not a member it's only $10.00 . You can register@ IEAGeorgia.org/event-3632925
Published 11/06/20