Time to cancel out the outside noise. The place where we've been looking for confirmation in the first place. Why do we feel like we need someone in order to affirm our own value an ability to ourselves? You need no one else's approval but your own. Time to realize that our true power already lies within. As the Devine resides within us, so do we have the power to co-create whatever reality we envision ourselves to have. Claim it. ✨
Published 12/11/22
Be proud of yourself. In hindsight we can see that we've grown and made forward movement in life. Of course we're not perfect now, but will we ever be? Let's not be too hard on ourselves and remember the long road we've walked to get to the point we're at right now. Sometimes succes can't be defined by your surroundings, but you're credentials lay within your soul. Shift your attention back to gratitude right now. The rest will come in due time 🧚🏽‍♀️✨
Published 12/02/22
Fear of failure: I get afraid of failing sometimes... a lot of the time. Perfectionism can be a flaw when it doesn't allow you the space to make mistakes and not be perfect. Growth can sometimes bring upon us the fear of going backwards again. This can show up as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Setbacks don't mean that you haven't made any progress, even when they leave us feeling like that sometimes. In this episode, I'm putting these emotions and fears into perspective. 
Published 11/20/22
It's that time of the year again👻🎃 , celebrating the death that is pivotal before our rebirth. Time to let go of the past and welcome in change. But how can we declutter our minds and redirect our energy from things that belong to our old selves, to things that will bring life to our desired future? It's time to make space for change. Let's talk about it. 
Published 10/23/22
Learning to set boundaries goes hand in hand with learning to love ourselves, respect ourselves and putting ourselves first. I quick look on why it is important to get to know our boundaries and to communicate these within our relationships. Friend-wise, romantically and also in business partnerships! 
Published 10/21/22
Patience... We'll definitely need a lot of it in life. In this episode I reflect on the different ways that life has been testing my patience lately. Maybe changing our perspective on what patience means to us might help us to handle it with more grace and allow ourselves more time and space. Let's talk about it…
Published 10/09/22
Patience... We'll definitely need a lot of it in life. In this episode I reflect on the different ways that life has been testing my patience lately. Maybe changing our perspective on what patience means to us might help us to handle it with more grace and allow ourselves more time and space. Let's talk about it... 
Published 10/08/22
Happy Equinox Day loves! Today we look back on the long road that finally lays behind us. Thank yourself for the person you've become, for the steps you kept taking every single day and where the road has led you today. Welcome in this new energy and the infinite possibilities of the future. ✨CHOOSE YOU✨Everyday you have the power to take back your energy and choose a new start. Show up and Show off! 🌸∞ Disclaimer: Forgive my passionate cursing in this episode
Published 09/23/22
The battle between heart and mind. I must admit, sometimes it's myself and I that make me crazy. In this episode I discuss how following our hearts desire and voicing her, can be the ultimate freedom we're looking for. But the mind will often battle in the name of pride and ego. Which one will truly set you free? 
Published 09/17/22
In-between space, you're no longer who you were but figuring out who you're becoming now. A still time after the storm. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. 
Published 09/15/22
This episode is also available on YouTube.  https://youtu.be/SW5BFxMcAqo
Published 07/31/22
Back from the dead... well 'the resting'. Yes I'm still alive and spending my summertime way different than I would've foreseen myself to. In this episode I'm sharing a little insight upon my current position in life and my look on the journey so far. 
Published 07/13/22
Not an episode, just a little something I created real fast I wanted to share with the real ones before I go 
Published 06/16/22
Broadening our perspectives on what stepping out of our comfort zones actually means. Sprinkled with some extra thoughts and POV's slipping in :)
Published 05/21/22
To the judged and the judgers: In this episode I talk about the loneliness of being misunderstood or misjudged & remind ourselves of the importance to forgive ourselves and others. 
Published 05/08/22
Published 05/01/22
Published 04/10/22
How to know if we're making the best choices for ourselves in life? We're talking about a few points of view about how we can live a life that feels fulfilled on a regular basis. 
Published 04/03/22
It might not feel that way, but you are exactly where you are supposed to be. 
Published 03/23/22
I'm resting but I'm still here 🙋🏽‍♀️ A little update of what I'm up to during these absent days, and the importance of taking these times for ourselves to recover.
Published 03/13/22
But how exactly do we get through our emotions? Today I found out for myself ✨
Published 02/25/22
Let's have a random free flowing conversation tonight. Share some thoughts get to know each other better. Take you on a trip through my thoughts (1.0)
Published 02/16/22
Let's have a random free flowing conversation tonight. Share some thoughts get to know each other better. Take you on a trip through my thoughts (1.0)
Published 02/16/22
You're on the right path ✨ Full video also available on my YouTube channel https://youtu.be/fISdkxhfiZI
Published 02/13/22