The Primal Urge to Create: Unleashing Your Inner Artist
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Hello friend- Welcome back! Today, I'm coming to you from the beautiful heart of Mexico City.  I have my mobile setup going on, so please excuse the audio quality – you might hear some music and cars in the background. But trust me, the inspiration I’ve found here more than makes up for it. I had an incredible experience exploring the Anthropology Museum here. If you ever get a chance, spend a day there – I highly recommend it. Honestly, I could have spent three days soaking in all the history and art. Mexico City itself is a full-body sensory experience, with its vibrant art, mouthwatering food, rich textures, and stunning architecture. It’s an artist’s paradise. Why You Are an Artist (Yes, Even You!) While wandering through the museum, I kept thinking about the role of art in our lives. So, I thought, why not dedicate this episode to talking about what it means to be a creator and an artist? Now, if you’re someone who doesn’t consider yourself an artist, this episode is especially for you. You’d be surprised to know that being a creator and an artist is actually a fundamental part of the human experience. My Journey with Creativity Growing up, I was surrounded by talented artists – my grandmothers and aunties. But I never saw myself as one because the only thing I could draw were stick figures. I can’t paint, and I have zero sense of style. My wardrobe? Mostly black clothes.  It wasn’t until college that a professor changed my perspective. She asked, “What is the most primal human instinct?” The class answered with things like eating, drinking, and having sex. But her answer shocked me: “To create.” She said creativity is our most basic primal instinct. We’re all artists at our core, and this urge to create can’t be removed. It can be suppressed, but it will always be there. The Role of Art in Human History Every time archeologists uncover ancient signs of human life, they find art. Cave paintings, embellished pottery, tools with intricate designs, musical instruments, jewelry – all these were more than just utilitarian items. They were vessels for creating beauty and telling stories. Today, walking through the Anthropology Museum, I was blown away by the intricacy of ancient tools and pottery. These weren’t just practical items; they were created to be beautiful. And it made me realize how often we overlook the artistic qualities of our own creations. Art is Everywhere Art is not just painting and drawing. It’s everything. It’s the way we dress, the jewelry we wear, the food we cook, the songs we sing, the color and texture of our bed sheets – everything around us.  Look around wherever you are. Right now, I’m sitting in an Airbnb in Mexico City. I see a kitchen, a couch, a TV, plants in beautiful pots, art on the walls, and a cozy blanket. All these things are the result of someone’s creative process. They didn’t just show up. Someone imagined them, brought them to life, and made them tangible. In today’s society, we’re really disconnected from the creative process behind the things we use daily. We order something on Amazon, and it shows up at our door. We buy food without appreciating the process of sowing seeds, tending plants, and harvesting. We turn on the sink without considering the complex system of pipes that bring us clean water. I lived in the rainforest for three months with no utilities – no kitchen, no bathroom, no water, no electricity, no house. Just a hammock. This experience left me fascinated by how things work, like how the hell water gets into the sink? Since that experience I’ve always been facinated by how people create things. Becoming the Artist of Your Own Life More importantly, it’s crucial to understand that we are the artists and...
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