Published 05/17/23
“The cracks in our perfection is what humanises us” In order to stand out online, we need to fully own who we are. I know, it’s easier said than done. But what if what we perceive as our imperfections are actually what makes our unique flavour? I had so much fun recording this episode with my friend Becky Rui. She’s a personal brand photographer and bringing out our unique energy through picture is at the heart of her work. She is sharing so much wisdom in this conversation from her own...
Published 05/05/23
Burn out is so present in our culture that whether we experienced it ourselves or not, we can all relate and understand why it’s so easy to get sucked into doing more, faster and forgetting to prioritise resting and taking good care of ourselves. Learning to re-balance Doing with Being is essential to growing & running a business in the long run. But it’s not always so easy to keep this balance. And often, once burned, we tend to avoid taking action all together… or we fall back into the...
Published 04/06/23
These days you have 3 seconds (or less) to grab someone’s attention. Make theses counts! Wouldn’t it be a shame to have spent all that time and effort creating great content for your audience, only to miss out on potential clients because the link to your website wasn’t updated or they got confused reading your bio? Lets’ make sure it doesn’t happen to you. When someone gets curious about you and wants to know more, they’ll click on your FB or IG profile and decide if you’re for them or...
Published 03/21/23
When you are a business owner building your social media presence it can sometimes feel like you're getting naked in front on strangers. And this surely will trigger visibility wounds. It actually requires a lot a bravery to show up like this and allow yourself to be seen. This is also what happens during a photoshoot, even more with a boudoir shoot. Have you ever tried? I did. And it taught me a lot about vulnerability and power when you allow yourself to be seen. In this episode I...
Published 03/07/23
Do you Self-Sabotage? Self sabotage is happening in different stages of business. Maybe you have a clear desire to pivot in your business but find yourself stuck in the starting blocks, battling with impostor syndrome & lack of confidence… Maybe you sat everything in place and then ghosted your business or changed your offer (again) after deciding it wasn’t working fast enough... Maybe you are getting super close to accessing a big result and keep bumping yourself against an upper...
Published 02/06/23
Happy New Year! I hope that you are enjoying the start of this new year so far. This is the perfect time to go slow, to spend time in reflection, and to give yourselves permission to just be. Don't pressure yourself to set intentions and goals before you are ready. It's okay to float. When you go at your own pace, do things at your own time, you start to truly hear yourself. From there, your true desires and intentions can come to you.  I've created this episode to guide you through a...
Published 01/07/23
Published 12/23/22
It’s December and even if it may feel like it’s busy time, what if you actually used this opportunity to slow down and prioritise more of your wellbeing? I know, you can’t always relax as much as you want while running your business (especially when you’re a solopreneur) but even then - you can create little pockets of times to rest, restore and nourish yourself. The thing is, if you only prioritise the actions, keep on pushing yourself to do it all and forget about your body… well, your...
Published 12/09/22
I know you want to be spending more time actually coaching, serving than chasing clients You want to have people who are great fit for you engage with your posts, ask you questions, send you DMS and book your consults. You want to be able to relax knowing that you have DEMAND for your coaching Problem is that clients are not coming, or at least not fast enough. Creating clients feels out of your control, kind of blurry, and frankly exhausting. As a lot of you don’t get why it doesn’t...
Published 11/23/22
Commitment is one of the most important key in your business. You can either resist it (and waste energy and time fighting with yourself) Or learn to make it work for you. This week, I invited my sister Pauline Busson - who is a Love Coach for single independent women - to talk with me about Commitment. Both in Dating and Business there is a lot of fears around being commited and in our conversation we had fun exploring the similarities and ways to transform those fears and resistances...
Published 11/08/22
I see you doing a great job in your marketing and selling, up to a certain point - and then thinking «ok I’ve done my part“and then waiting for your next client to show up Except that when s.he doesn’t… you start to question things and doubts start to creep in again. What if you actually were so close to onboarding your next client and more just behind, are getting ready to work with you? What if all you needed was to « go all the way » towards your client? This is what needs to happen...
Published 10/25/22
One thing we don’t talk enough in coaching are the side-effects of going through a transformation. Clients come to us with a specific problem to solve and often underestimate the ripple effect it will have in their whole life. Transforming one area of your life impacts others areas - as everything is connected. That’s what I like to call the Domino effect. You start moving with the most stagnant part of your life and watch the  movement unfold. My client Kimberly knows how to leverage it...
Published 10/09/22
The problem I see over and over with women running online businesses is that they aren’t getting visible in a sustainable way. They are either clearly hiding or showing up but without consistency… or without a clear strategy/message… or without being themselves (hello vanilla version) - or a mix of all. As a consequence they don’t get clients and start the downward spiral of doubts, compare & despair that gets them to feed all the stories about how it will never work for them… The thing...
Published 09/25/22
Are you in passive or active selling mode in your business? Are you putting posting on social media and then waiting and hoping that someone will approach you… Or are you fully committing to selling, and selling every working day? Loving your offer, connecting with your audience is an essential part of making offers yes, but if you don’t go all the way and sell, you are leaving money on the table (literally) Selling is not pushing, convincing or annoying your audience! It’s actually how...
Published 07/28/22
We tell ourselves a whole lot of garbage about marketing. “it has to be perfect”, “I have to be the expert”, “I have to nail my pitch” And this has you focus on you (and your imperfections) instead of where you should really focus: helping your future clients! Marketing is simply connecting. It’s tuning into your ideal clients, talking to them from your heart and letting them know that you can help them. In this part 2 of the Summer Camp “I love Selling” I’m diving deeper into...
Published 07/13/22
This episode is part of the "I Love Selling" Summer Camp I'm hosting over the next few weeks. And in this part one we are focusing on loving your offer. Because you won't go selling much if your relationship with your offer feels like "meh" In this episode I'm sharing the #1 thing that'll simplify & amplify everything in your business: How to make decisions about your offer + don't change them until it’s sold out You decide what your offer is and then change your thoughts about...
Published 06/29/22
For the majority of coaches & creatives selling isn’t easy nor fun. Its activate feelings of dread, worry, doubt, awkwardness or any type of fear… If this is how you feel, it’s not because of your offer, its’ only because of your thoughts & beliefs about your offer. It’s because you haven’t totally SOLD yourself on it first! When you are sold, selling happens easily, naturally. If selling isn’t happening like this for you, join me for the “I LOVE SELLING”, Summer Camp! Over the...
Published 06/14/22
In order to create what you deeply desire in life - and business - you must be willing and able to accept the best that life has to offer you. Yet (and it may sound strange) many of us have difficulty accepting the possibility of having what we want in life. This usually comes from some basic feeling of unworthiness which we took on at an early age. And the good news is that you can totally do something about it, now that you’re a grown ass woman! In this episode of the Magnetic Feminine...
Published 05/30/22
How do you get things done in your business? As an entrepreneur your business relies on your capacity to get things done: > creating content… > making offers… > selling your services… > serving your clients… We all do it in our own way, some of us struggle with self-discipline, others with feeling that they are doing enough. Being aware of how you get it done is super useful. In this episode of the Magnetic Feminine Power Podcast, I'm sharing the keys to make sure you get...
Published 05/16/22
I use to not even like the word “Marketing”. It sounded so dry and unappealing, and you might not like it much either. Yet I’ve completely changed my perspective and LOVE marketing today. And I want to invite you to see it through my lenses and enjoy yourself as much as I do creating reels, videos and posts online. Because when you love and enjoy something you actually do it and, with practice, get good at it. On today’s episode you’ll learn what’s my definition of “Marketing” that...
Published 04/30/22
It is not your job’s job to make you happy. It isn’t your clients’ job either. Just like it’s not your partner’s job or anyone else in fact. It’s on YOU ;-) Yet we tend to expect a lot of uplifting emotions to come from outside of us. And when we don’t receive enough evidences, signs, validation of our business working, we then procrastinate and shut down. Want to feel excited, inspired and happy on the regular? You can source those emotions from within, yes, you can create them. On...
Published 04/16/22
What does: Over-giving, Negative self-regard, Poor boundaries, Being nice all the time and Limiting your sexual expression have in common? They are all signs of energetic disempowerment. A woman who’s energetically powerful has a radiance about her. She has not only enough energy to move through her day feeling powerful and nourished, but also an overflow of energy to give to those around her. She feels inspired, creative and alive! Women often leak their energy by not pulling in from the...
Published 04/01/22
When you give yourself permission to show up fully as you and own your voice - without shrinking, apologising for taking up space, or trying to please - you give other women permission to do that. It is both liberating and empowering to speak your truth, show up messy or imperfect and still feeling 100% worthy. Yet, we first have to deal with lack of confidence, self-doubts and sneaky thoughts activated by a lack of safety in our primal brain and/or fear in our body. What helps is to...
Published 03/18/22