Season 5, Episode 2: The Wine Down About:  The wine business is a billion dollar industry with Guest Bio: Tahiirah Habibi is an esteemed Sommelier, Founder and Executive Director. In 2012, Tahiirah opened the prestigious St.Regis, Bal Harbour. Her career ventured through many leadership roles to include, Micheal’s Genuine. Frustrated with the lack of diversity in the industry, she uses her skills to bridge the intersection of wine and culture. In 2017, she launched Hue Society as a safe...
Published 04/17/22
Published 04/17/22
Season 5, Episode 1: Farming and Reclaiming the Land About: Today we are discussing Black Sustainability as it relates to increasing our knowledge about urban gardening with Guest Momomologist Iyeshima Harris-Ouedraogo. Guest Bio: Iyeshima started her journey in the food justice movement over 10 years ago as a Green Guerillas Youth Tiller. A Jamaican native, she struggled with the process of assimilation into a new culture. Through farming she found great comfort in her community....
Published 03/27/22
Generational Wealth. We hear this term with the connotation devoted to trust funds and inheritances passed down by (white) family members.  Can we have thriving Black businesses/communities to pass our level of generational wealth? ..Let’s talk with our guest entrepreneur, Qui Winfield!
Published 11/14/21
In Season 2, we discussed school choice, however focusing on all things private school from a prospective parents POV. Today, we will continue this conversation, however, from the side of administration within the private school. We are diving into private schools enriching culture and community relationships with our guests, Darnetta Forteau (Director of Admissions) and Kellee Murrell (Principal), from St. Philip's School and Community Center in Dallas, TX.
Published 10/10/21
Child Obesity has been on a steady rise over the last 5 years. Childhood obesity in the Black population in the US has climbed to 22% versus 25.8% in the Latino community.  Today, we have a guest Momologist and mother of 2, Vanessa Rissetto, to discuss obesity and more.
Published 09/11/21
Let’s discuss having a partner and/or being the partner who is neurodiverse.
Published 07/25/21
You have heard of the CROWN Act (Listen to Season 2, Episode 22) but why aren't most states passing this law?  Have we seen an improvement in the workforce re: perceptions of natural hair? Is the CROWN Act considered political activism 2.0 (1.5-ish)? Black Moms your voice is your vote!   Produced By: Great Music and Games https://greatmusicandgames.com/ Continue the Discussion, Download, Subscribe, Rate, Like, Follow Us, and Share on: Website and Shopping: www.mahoganymomology.com ...
Published 06/20/21
How does one get the support and clarity, as black women within the higher education culture. We’ll be talking with Dr. Monique Bruner. About Guest Momologist Monique Bruner: Dr. Monique Bruner is completed her doctorate while graduating 2 girls from high school and taking in 2 toddlers. Not to mention she raised her husband's sister...we have 35, 21, 20, 6 & 5 year old children. I’ve been in higher education for over 25 years. Episode Sponsor: Juni Essentials ...
Published 06/06/21
Season 4, Episode 2: Corporate Diversity Mel and Tash discuss how the Black Mom is affected in the new Corporate world of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. Episode Sponsors: Juni Essentials and Mother's Magical Milk
Published 02/21/21
2020 wasn't that bad....was it? Mel and Tash are back, new year, new season, new .... wait music?
Published 02/07/21
We'll discuss one of those factors that *may* contribute to the decisions OUR families are making--the wealth gap of education. Thanks to social media, not only have we heard the about the expansion of ‘learning pods’, we also hearing of other options like concierge-type teaching where teachers come to their homes.
Published 07/26/20
We’ve covered a lot of topics during this pandemic, but we’ve never really sat down with ourselves to check in with how the black mother is doing...feeling...surviving during the pandemic. It’s time to schedule an appointment, sit on the couch and make sense of it all with our therapist, Dr. Dahomey Abanishe.
Published 07/19/20
With a little over a month away from school reopening, parents are expressing concerns about the protocols for safe social distancing, sanitation practices, and teacher training. Let’s discuss the education options and concerns during COVID-19.
Published 07/12/20
When Black women are the token minority in the workforce, we attempt to seek out other Black women co-workers within the office environment. But what happens when that sense of pride and #blackgirlmagic turns to misery and dread the hands of said Black woman? Let’s talk bullying is the worst, as an adult, when it’s buy us.
Published 07/05/20
Last episode we spoke with Awete Tyehimba, owner of Pan African Connection, about reconnecting with our roots...the inspiration behind the reconnecting. One question we asked was where do we begin. It can be quite an overwhelming and daunting task. We’ll be talking about the process of researching your roots with our guest momologist, Bernetta Knighten of BernettaStyle. 
Published 06/28/20
Season 3, Episode 16: Return to Your Roots Many of us are revamping conversations that we had in 2016 about leaving the United States… Going back to Africa… Reconnecting with our roots. What does that process look like? Where would we begin? We’ll be discussing this with our guest momologist, Aweke Tyehimba. 
Published 06/14/20
Topic:  The Brown Mama’s Mindset A little self-care is warranted during this time for our black mothers nationwide. Not self-care in terms of deflecting your feelings and concerns (or maybe that might be true, for the moment, as well), but maybe a sense of reflection of who you are and how you can move forward?? how to prioritize your time for thoughtful conversation in positive mobilization?...or maybe reflect on your personality as a black mother and the tribe you wish to exist in?
Published 05/31/20
Topic: Buy Black Data from the Small Business Administration indicates that just over 19 million businesses, or 70.9 percent of all U.S. businesses, are white-owned. Blacks own about 2.6 million businesses or 9.5 percent of all U.S. businesses, and Latinos own 3.3 million businesses or 12.2 percent of all American businesses.  Obvious questions include:  Why the disproportion is fund disbursement?  Is buying black more important today than 70 years ago? Why? Why not?
Published 05/25/20
Mel and Tash have a deeper conversation on how hip hop, tv, and shopping has shaped us as we were growing up and how it may have affected our motherhood.
Published 05/17/20
Have you ever heard of mindfulness meditation? Let’s explore this thought process of mindfulness meditation  with our guest momologist, Alana Sutton Watkins.
Published 05/10/20
Daily life during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has been stressful for people. The need for natural human interaction has abruptly halted with mandates to immediately shelter in place for an unforeseen amount of time. Our lives have shifted. We’re having varied, valid emotions in adults and children. We’re discussing feelings and coping during COVID-19 with our returning guest momologist Sh’Niqua Alford.
Published 05/03/20
The current state of sheltering-in-place has forced the use technology more than ever for economic stability (as weak as it is now), social/mental well-being and educational tools for society. Sadly, we’re hearing of hackers displaying explicit images and expressing racist rhetoric within Zoom calls or kid Youtube videos. Today, we will discuss cyberbullying and cyber crimes during COVID-19 with our returning guest momologist, Dr. Alicia Makaye.  
Published 04/26/20
Mel and Tash discuss how moms can in and outiside of states that have legalized marijuana can have a business in the cannabis industry. Guest Momologist: Whitney Beatty, CEO of The Apothecarry Brands, INC.
Published 04/19/20
Menopause affects all women regardless of race or socioeconomic background.  However, recent studies have shown that the experience of menopause is different among different racial groups.  Unfortunately, when it comes time for menopause, you're also likely to have more intense symptoms than your white peers. We will talk, in-depth of the change of life with our guest Momologist, Dr. Tiffany Woodus
Published 03/01/20