I'm answering a question tonight from Lisa in our WMMW community. She wants to know why she doesn't know how to be vulnerable in her marriage anymore. I'm going to be unpacking the nitty-gritty of vulnerability and how safety plays a major role in this space. Meg PS. Masterclass Link: https://bit.ly/2rXCt7K
Published 03/10/20
I'm answering another WMMW member question tonight, Susan's. She wants to know how to support her husband who is going through a mid-life crisis. I'm going to answer - it's going to be an answer you've never heard. How fun! Meg PS. Masterclass Link: https://bit.ly/2rXCt7K
Published 03/06/20
Tonight we're covering how and when and why our brains bring us data points. How that can serve us as we build and create something important, and NOT serve us when we are unfocused and looking to confirm our hypotheses about our husbands. Let's unpack this. Meg PS. Masterclass Link: https://bit.ly/2rXCt7K
Published 03/03/20
I'm going to attempt a metaphor (not my strong suit) about technology and self. Specifically, how we need to continually upgrade our operating systems - which is our sense of self and the ways we take in information and process it then react to it. Looking forward to unpacking this with you! Meg PS. Masterclass Link: https://bit.ly/2rXCt7K
Published 02/25/20
Talking tonight about clarity and depth in relationships - the one you have with yourself (the only cake you get) and the one you have in your marriage (the cake you get to co-create). xo, Meg PS. Masterclass Link: https://bit.ly/2rXCt7K 
Published 02/21/20
I'm talking today about family history and where you fit into that history. We'll focus on what you have inherited and what you can do to change/influence that. Talk soon! Meg PS. Masterclass Link: https://bit.ly/2rXCt7K
Published 02/18/20
We are going to unpack the most simple yet HARD skill to bring to a marriage in crisis. I'll describe what it is, how it works and how to do it (and where to go to get help if you need it). Meg PS. Masterclass Link: https://bit.ly/2rXCt7K
Published 02/14/20
About 90% of the women I work with tell me their husband has stopped communicating with them, and responds only in 'task' related conversations, or will answer in short, often curt answers.  There seems to be no vulnerability, no marriage leadership and no way of getting the marriage back on track.  Let's unpack this tonight! xo, Meg Ps: Here is the Masterclass link: http://bit.ly/mrwmasterclass
Published 02/11/20
This is a question I get every day. Where a husband who is out of ideas, out of skills and out of hope that his marriage can still work calls it quits.   The trouble with this decision is that there usually IS hope. Only he hasn't found the thing that works before calling it quits.  This is where YOU can step in...Let me talk you through how to do this. xo, Meg  Ps: Here is the Masterclass link: http://bit.ly/mrwmasterclass
Published 02/04/20
I cannot stand 'Fake it Til You Make it'. It is the very WORST strategy going round. Let me share with you the antidote, that allows you to successfully navigate the very thing you are TERRIFIED won't work (i.e. the thing you are 'faking'). Tune in, you're not going to want to miss this! xo, Meg Ps: Here is the Masterclass link: http://bit.ly/mrwmasterclass
Published 01/28/20
I'm talking tonight about how we become who we are, and how easily it is to stay there and not question it. And how easy it is to make the decision to change. Meg PS. Here is the link to my Masterclass: https://bit.ly/2rXCt7K
Published 01/24/20
Tonight we are going through a step-by-step, behind the curtains look at how we assess the health of your marriage. Bring a pen and paper, and let's do this.  xo,  Meg  Ps: Here is the Masterclass link:http://bit.ly/mrwmasterclass
Published 01/21/20
Answering a question from Lyndsey, who wonders how to navigate being married to a husband who stonewalls anytime she tries to talk through issues. Lyndsey has tried everything and feels like however, she approaches it, she will have his same reaction of stonewalling for days afterward. I'm going to unpack this, and talk to you about where it's coming from, why people use this strategy and the dangers of not interrupting this cycle. xo, Meg Ps: Here is the Masterclass...
Published 01/14/20
Visualize the life you are dreaming of and what goals you can set for yourself to get there! Now, I want you to take those goals and WRITE THEM DOWN! You have the ability to create the life you want!! xx Meg
Published 01/10/20
I'm talking about something incredibly important tonight: Parenting while your marriage is in crisis. This is a call to action, this is you remembering what it was like when your parents weren't getting along and the impact that had on you and how it has manifested all these years later into the marriage you currently have. Let's be the change we want to see. Don on your Superhero cape -we are the leaders we have been waiting for. xo Meg PS. Here's my Masterclass link:...
Published 01/07/20
Do mental health problems live in your marriage? Do you find yourself tiptoeing around those issues and trying to avoid triggering the protective responses that are connected to them? Is this having an impact on your marriage in the worst possible way - where those mental health problems become the primary source of decision making for each of you (through trying to avoid their triggering) and you can't solve ANY real issues, because you can't respond freely, or talk openly. And if you try...
Published 01/03/20
'Boundaries' are a very 2019 conversation and YET most of us still don't really 'get' what a boundary is, or if we do - we don't know how to hold it in the face of it being challenged. So, my gift to you these holidays is a conversation around boundaries.  What they are. How they work. Why they are important. And how to do them successfully! xo, Meg
Published 12/20/19
Talking tonight about how we get in our own way when it comes to the holidays. If you are someone (or married to someone) who; * Gets discombobulated with all the changes to routines across the holidays * Is asked to manage more than you can handle, and not really acknowledged for it * Wants to enjoy the Holidays but finds all the moving parts hard to manage... This is the message for you! Happy Holidays everyone! xo Meg
Published 12/17/19
Want to understand how these work? Where they come from?  What to do about them in YOUR marriage?  Tune in. Then let's talk.  xo,  Meg  PS. Here's my Masterclass link: http://bit.ly/mrwmasterclass
Published 12/10/19
I'm answering a WMMW work community member question from Yvette today, who wants to know how to influence her husband who is using denial as a coping mechanism. Denial is made up of avoidance and active resistance to growing/taking responsibility and doing hard things - I'll take you through all of this, and more. The holidays are fast approaching, and now is the time for leadership. Let's do this friends!
Published 11/29/19
I'm going to start by defining what infidelity is because it's actually far broader than many of us think. Then we are going to cover what happens in a marriage where infidelity has occurred and exactly what needs to happen in order to GENUINELY repair the shattering of trust, commitment, and safety within the marriage. I'll also tell you exactly what NOT to do in the aftermath of an affair reveal. xo, Meg PS. Here's the link to my Masterclass - http://bit.ly/mrwmasterclass
Published 11/26/19
I'm covering a really painful topic tonight. What divorce is, what it means, and what happens. Nope, not from a logistical standpoint -but instead, from a physiological, emotional and psychological perspective. If you DON'T want to go through divorce and are ready, willing and able to work on your marriage - here's my Masterclass: https://bit.ly/2rXCt7K
Published 11/19/19
Many people, very often women, use a part of their personality that we call 'The Controller/Scolder' to run their marriage (and perhaps their life). We're going to explore this part of your personality and talk about why you use it, what you're trying to achieve when you activate it, and what the antidote is. This is a deep dive into understanding self, and to understand others. You're not going to want to miss this! xo, Meg P.S here's my Masterclass: https://bit.ly/2rXCt7K
Published 11/12/19
Tonight we are MYTH BUSTING. You know that old adage, 'never go to sleep angry'? I'm calling it - it is out of date and an inappropriate response to big feelings. Talking tonight about why going to bed upset is ok and talking alternatives that WORK to help you process those big feelings. Tune in for more details, Meg PS. Here's the link to my Masterclass -http://bit.ly/mrwmasterclass
Published 11/08/19
Halloween is DONE. Now the onslaught of holiday festivities! This will make you happy if you have a way to ALLOW yourself to thoroughly enjoy this time of year, OR it will make you MISERABLE if you know it's going to add to the mental load you already carry. Talking tonight about your legacy, and the type of experience you want your husband and family to share with you. Meg PS. If you want to know more about my Masterclass, here's the link: http://bit.ly/mrwmasterclass
Published 11/05/19