GLASS OF REAL LIFE: This is not my usual episode of Marketing Bar podcast, but it’s about to get real! I’m sharing my thoughts after 1 year of podcasting. The good, the bad, the ugly, the imposter syndrome and everything in between.  What’s in this episode:  An Instagram post I loved from Laura Belgray.  My sad ceo day (& the story behind it) A quote I saw on Instagram that helped me make a big business decision An excerpt from a potentially life changing meditation that...
Published 03/19/24
Published 03/12/24
POURING YOU A HALF GLASS OF MARKETING ON OUR 1 YEAR BIRTHDAY Today I'm keeping it short and sweet, briefly celebrating our 1 year birthday and sharing my go to tips to make social media do-able. AKA: How to find the time and stay consistent! It's time to trade your excuses for tips that keep you consistent! MARKETING BAR INSTAGRAM MARKETING BAR SHOWNOTES THE WEEKLY SIP  
Published 03/12/24
GLASS OF EMAIL: Wanna know the real reason I use social media?  It’s to build my email list!  No, seriously. My email list is the most powerful tool in my marketing tool kit because I own it AND it doesn’t rely on an algorithm to show my content to my people.  In this week’s episode, I’m spilling my email basics & the secrets to having a successful email list.  Everything from how to approach email marketing to breaking down the proven email framework that I use.  Whether you’re...
Published 03/05/24
GLASS OF SOCIAL MEDIA: Creating content is HARD.  We all see the reels with the girlies and their perfectly curated outfits, impeccably styled homes, ALL the finer things, and think, “I’ll create more when I have what she has…”  When I finally get around to re-painting my office.  When my calendar clears up. When [insert your excuse here].  But the truth is, perfection will never come. And the longer you’ll put it off, the more you’ll wish you would have started earlier! This episode is...
Published 02/27/24
GLASS OF MARKETING: Part 2 to episode 53 (What No One Tells You About Building A Business) I felt like I needed a part 2 to Episode 53 based on some conversations I was seeing about how "social media just isn't working for me." So, this episode is exactly what I would tell you if I were auditing YOUR social media to see why it’s not working! In today's episode, I'll help you figure out what to ask yourself, analyze and STOP doing asap! It's really one giant glass of what I would tell you...
Published 02/20/24
GLASS OF LIFESTYLE: What I’m calling my first “Solo Dolo” episode (thanks to Kaitlyn Bristowe).  I’m catching you up on what I’m listening to, reading, watching, eating, wearing, and just loving lately!  Everything from CEO & mom life to self care and wellness.  Listen along to this easy-going episode & find all the links to everything I mention in the show notes.    MARKETING BAR INSTAGRAM MARKETING BAR SHOW NOTES THE WEEKLY SIP
Published 02/13/24
GLASS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP: There’s one thing that no one tells you about starting, building, and running a business… THAT IT’S HARD!  That it takes work.  That there’s no super secret, magic wand to wave to have a wildly successful business appear out of thin air.  And as much as I hate to be the one to tell you - building a business isn’t easy.  It takes showing up - even when it feels like, “None of this is working! What’s the point?” It’s taking a hard look at things, putting yourself...
Published 02/06/24
In this episode, I’m sitting down with my favorite podcast duo - Alissa Jenkins & Katy Caldwell of the Hustle Humbly podcast!  In their chart topping, real estate podcast they come together to chit chat about a wide range of topics - all aiming to help fellow agents run their business professionally, and make the industry more professional as a whole.  Not only do they bring so much value about real estate and professionalism, but they have amazing insight about what it takes to start,...
Published 01/30/24
GLASS OF MARKETING: CONTENT THAT SHOWS, NOT TELLS What if talking about your business on social media was fun and came naturally instead of feeling awkward and salesy? What if your captions were like mini letters typed DIRECTLY to your dream real estate clients and your graphics painted a picture of your personality and what it’s like to work with you instead of looking like the real estate handbook you had to study to get your license? What if your marketing actually felt like you,...
Published 01/23/24
GLASS OF BUSINESS: WHY MY MEMBERSHIP IS A ONE YEAR COMMITMENT While I’m talking about my membership specifically today, this concept applies to any business. Whether you’re the one running the business or you’re someone investing in a new course, a new website, a new program, product, or even a gym membership! In today's episode, I talk about the true value of COMMITTING and why we require a bigger commitment to become a member at Modern Agent Social Club.  Here's the thing: When your...
Published 01/16/24
GLASS OF MARKETING: Take a sip of THIS favorite content strategy of mine and get your followers HOOKED on your content! Whether you want more engagement on Instagram, are trying to think of a way to re-engage your email list, need to get consistent like YESTERDAY, or want to make a splash on social, you're going to want to lean on SERIES STYLE CONTENT.  In today's solo episode, I talk about why series style content is my favorite (and all the amazing benefits / results it can provide) and I...
Published 01/09/24
GLASS OF MARKETING: My marketing predictions for ‘24! It’s the first episode of the New Year! So of course, I’m sharing my marketing predictions for 2024.  2024 has me excited because it feels like we’re going back to the basics. A major focus will be on differentiating yourself from the rest of the noise on Instagram.  Less trends, hacks, and how to’s. And more connections, personality and relationships.  Listen to the full episode for my 8 marketing predictions for 2024, specific...
Published 01/02/24
GLASS OF THE NEW YEAR: Taking messy action in 2024 The episode is all about what I want to get better at in 2024! Things like taking messy action, simplifying my life, strategies, and systems, getting things done, and doing what works. All about, moving to a winning mindset instead of being stuck in an excuse mindset. And focusing on what you can do instead of what you can’t. Whether you’re traveling this week, at home in your jammies, munching on leftovers, or ready for business - this...
Published 12/26/23
GLASS OF MODERN AGENT SOCIAL CLUB: Your holiday, behind the scenes with the Modern Agent Team!  In this episode, I’m joined by two members of the Modern Agent Social Club team!  Kayla Fox, Content Director & Chloe Imming, Assistant (to the) CEO In this laid back conversation, we’re talking about our favorite holiday traditions, what we’re excited for in 2024, and lots more! This is the perfect episode to turn on while you’re cleaning for the holidays, baking, wrapping presents, etc.  ...
Published 12/19/23
GLASS OF REAL ESTATE: A Modern Agent's Journey of Starting Her Business Over From Scratch. In this episode I’m sitting down in my home office for an interview with Christine Cooper!  Christine is a full time agent in Madison, Wisconsin and co-host of the Call Before Showing podcast. But before all of that, she got her start selling real estate in Washington.  After relocating to Madison, Christine rebuilt her real estate business from the ground up! Listen in as we chat about her...
Published 12/12/23
GLASS OF MARKETING: BEHIND THE SCENES OF MY PHOTOSHOOT Peeling back the curtain to take you behind the scenes of my most recent brand / membership content photoshoot! I’m sharing what I did before, during, and after. Plus, tips you can use while planning (and during) your next photoshoot.  I break down the photoshoot location, vibes (outfits I wore and props I used) and more!  Listen in before your next photoshoot!  *This episode pairs well with Episode 41 - The Brand Brain Dump* ...
Published 12/05/23
The Modern Entrepreneur’s Holiday Gift Guide GLASS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP: This episode is the shopaholic’s dream!  I’m sharing all of my favorite things (with dozens of links for you to shop in the show notes!) Everything from what’s making a difference in my business, what I love to have in my office, things that help me wind down after a busy day, and props I love for aesthetic photos!  Whether you use this audio gift guide to shop for yourself or a friend, I hope you find a new thing (or...
Published 11/28/23
GLASS OF MARKETING: It's a very merry episode of Marketing Bar today as I dive into holiday marketing strategies (that don't require a ton of planning)! You don't even have to SELL anything. You can use this as an opportunity to: Bring attention and brand awareness to your business Grow your email list Grow your following Connect with other businesses Provide value to your community Stand out And if you DO want to sell an actual product, I have some super simple ideas for you too! ...
Published 11/21/23
GLASS OF BRANDING: In this off the cuff conversation, I’m getting real with you about my personal brand.  Because over the past few years, I’ve evolved. But my personal brand has struggled to keep up!  Now, that’s all changing. I have a new found clarity about my brand, and I’m going to tell you how you can find that same clarity!  In this episode, you’ll hear:  My personal brand journey - from my agent era to now (and everything in between) What made me start the revival of my personal...
Published 11/14/23
JOIN ME FOR A GLASS OF REAL ESTATE WITH 2 OF THE CALL BEFORE SHOWING PODCAST LADIES  Today's conversation feels a lot like a sleepover with your girl friends where you're drinking wine and talking about all your juiciest secrets (except for the fact that we're unfortunately not drinking wine and the secrets are in the form of marketing strategies...  Alex, Alison & Christine are real estate agents in different parts of the country who decided to start a podcast together all about real...
Published 11/07/23
GLASS OF MARKETING: HALLOWEEN EDITION In honor of Halloween, I'm talking about SCARY MARKETING. You know the Sunday Scaries (the anxiety induced anticipation of the upcoming week and all that you have to do?) It's kind of like that - BUT MARKETING! I'm taking you through the 8 haunted houses of marketing you should beware of and what you can do to avoid them at ALL COSTS (and market smarter, not harder)! Put on your costume, pour yourself a spooky beverage, and get ready to dust off the...
Published 10/31/23
GLASS OF MARKETING: My Q4 Four! In this episode, I’m taking you through my Q4 FOUR - the four things I’m focusing on in Q4 to set myself up for a successful Q1.  Tune in to this episode to hear me dissect them!  Pssst… Love being a regular at Marketing Bar? Write a review!  Tell everyone what you love about the show, an idea you got from listening, your favorite episode so for, when we you listen, or how the podcast has helped you / your biz! To make it even sweeter, when you leave a...
Published 10/23/23
GLASS OF MARKETING: Breaking down the Q4 Launch!  If there’s something I love, it’s hosting a party! And launching a membership or a course is a lot like planning and hosting a party.  We recently wrapped up the Q4 launch at Modern Agent Social Club. So in this episode I’m taking you behind the scenes and breaking it all down!  Like… Why we’re a closed door club, how many people signed up, the marketing strategies that fueled it all, and more!  Even if you’re not planning to launch a...
Published 10/16/23
GLASS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP (ON VACATION): When was your last 5 star experience? Was it at a resort, your favorite restaurant, the spa or your hair salon?  Think back to that experience. What made it so memorable? Maybe someone went out of their way for you.  Maybe they just knew what you needed, before you did!   In this very special episode of Marketing Bar, Marc (my husband) joins me ocean-side in Cabo on our 5 year anniversary, to dive into an idea we’ve been working on for years.  How...
Published 10/09/23