Shownotes:  Today’s episode is for those who would call themselves “introverts.”  If you feel like the world was built for the extrovert and you have to essentially turn yourself into someone else to be successful, not only do you need to know Andreea, but you need to listen to this episode! We talked about:  What are the qualities of an introvert? (If you're like me and TikTok has diagnosed you as introverted, this part of the conversation will be super helpful!)Systems you can put in place...
Published 12/15/23
In this episode we answer 4 key questions:  1. How the heck can I find perfect fit collaborators?  2. What different kinds of collaborations are there?  3. How do you actually nurture these relationships?  4. How do you make *time* for collaborating? 
Published 12/13/23
Gloria Chou is on and she's spilling some major tea on this $10,000 / hour task. [Hint: It's cultivating a simple and DOABLE PR strategy] But before you start thinking this is a task you need to hire out for, Gloria spends only 15 minutes a day doing this and she's walking you through exactly how to do it for yourself. In this episode we cover: Why you should be focused on PR — even before you launch Exactly what to do in your 15 minutes of PR work a day Exactly what to do if you are just...
Published 12/08/23
This is part 2 in our 2024 prep series!  Last week we talked about 4 ways we can prep ourselves for more clients in 2024, now let’s talk about how to use last year’s data to create content that performs even better next year. 
Published 12/06/23
There’s a little change of pace on today’s show.  This isn’t an episode about marketing advice today — it’s more a conversation about healing from heartbreak, falling in love with yourself, and how devastation can open you up to your greatest power.  Thirteen: One Woman’s Sacred Journey to Discovering Her Greatest Power opens with Nikol about to be reunited with her husband, who she has been having a long distance marriage with.  And she is over the moon excited.  She’s getting his...
Published 12/01/23
Today we’re talking about setting yourself up for more clients in 2024.  I’ll walk you through 4 things you can do right now – that have nothing to do with running a holiday sale that will totally burn you out – so you can bring in more clients in 2024 without all the hoopla.  Mentioned in this episode:  In this episode I mention The VIP Day experience which is essentially the combination between VIP Day coaching and a Done-For-You Project.  There are 3 styles to choose from: The...
Published 11/29/23
Oof! Get ready for something juicy. Sage and I dive *IN* during this episode. We talk about: 1️⃣ Our favorite ways to grow our list and get *fast* clients 2️⃣ Quick tips for strengthening your email subject lines 3️⃣ What the Simpsons has to do with your email content 4️⃣ A step by step process for strategically scrubbing your list 5️⃣ Reasons raising your email open rate should be top priority And SO much more. Sage doesn’t hold back with the actionable advice. Plus, GRAB...
Published 11/24/23
We’re back!!!! In honor of Thanksgiving week, we’re talking about the holidays. Whether you have a holiday sale and you want to set it up for success… OR You don’t have a holiday sale and you’re feeling like you missed the mark… OR You don’t have a holiday sale and you’re feeling pressure to whip something together… This one is for you! Because there are MANY ways to leverage this season. I want to share 3 mindset shifts and 5 strategies. Resources: Are you on my text list...
Published 11/22/23
Published 08/31/23
Today we have Lindsay Maloney on the show!     We’re talking about how to build a 6 figure business in 5 hours a week.     Now, as a total over-worker … I have absolutely been a skeptic of this concept.     But I love how Lindsay breaks it down.     We’ll talk about:  How to come up with your daily tasks Any “prerequisites” you need to make this happen Why so many coaches assume this impossible How long does it take to get to this point How do you know what your top priorities are And...
Published 08/25/23
The business growth advice that works for *everyone* And  I mean that, I don’t know one person that this hasn’t been true for. Today I’m sharing some behind the scenes on what the first few years of business looked like for me. And while the way my business looked / looks doesn’t have to be anything like how your business looks, one thing is true for all of us: SIMPLIFICATION SETS YOU UP FOR SUCCESS. So today is really about learning how to zero in on the thing that is going to make...
Published 08/22/23
Today's guest is Celia. You should hear her story…  She started her first business when she was 10 years old in order to pay for ballet classes. She worked her booty off and later became a professional dancer; a tango dancer in Argentina. She then moved back to Argentina in her 20s to get a second degree in fashion design and started a clothing label at 25 which grew to have global distribution. Somewhere in there she also became homeless! Since then, she’s got a masters in business and...
Published 08/18/23
If you’re growing your email list like this:  Spend a million years in CANVA building a lead magnet Then share lead magnet Doesn’t perform the way you want it to So spend a million more years in CANVA on another lead magnet Performs pretty well! But now you feel like a broken record promoting the same thing again and again It stops performing Spend a million years on a another lead magnet (and repeat)  Then you need this.  We are totally missing the mark on the EASIEST way to grow your...
Published 08/15/23
Get ready for some ENERGY!  This woman is like lightening.  She’s the mother to a child under the age of one, a cancer THRIVER and someone who has navigated business “failure” twice before the successful business she has today.  And despite the lows and the energy zapping circumstances, she shows up with so much power and passion that it is impossible not to stop the scroll and fall in love with her.  The best part? She helps others do the same.  So if you feel like you just don’t...
Published 08/11/23
If you find yourself constantly judging yourself as “boring,” and therefore struggle showing up on social because you can’t compete with all these other coaches and their fancy mourning routines and well put together outfits – you don’t have to!  The truth is, boring is kinda a good thing.  I’ll walk you through it.  And also share a quick little homework assignment to help you know exactly what to post the next time you’re feeling too boring.  _____  Heads-up: Doors to the Go-To...
Published 08/08/23
Aimee Cerka is a real life wonder woman.  She is the mother of 4 kids including a 10 month old, wife to someone who works away from home 5 or so days a week, a business owner, AND she homeschools all of her children.  She has also navigated some MAJOR medical experiences in the past 10-ish years that has made her an expert – not just in helping you create money systems that support your business – but in the country’s money systems.  For that reason, she can speak extensively on...
Published 08/04/23
Welcome to part six of our #sorrynotsorry series! An unapologetic marketing series that forces you to audit the stuff you got goin’ on and come face to face with the stuff you don’t going’ on. One 15-ish minute episode each week. One get your sh*t together task. And no promises that you’ll like what I have to say, but every promise that it will help. Today, we’re talking about making sales. Are you even set up for conversions? Judging by the MANY feeds I’ve audited over the years,...
Published 08/01/23
Holy moly we cover a whole lotta ground in this episode because we’re taking YOUR questions one by one.  And man did you deliver with these questions.  SO. MUCH. DETAIL!  In this episode we talk about:  ➡️Why it’s imperative that you know your CEO style  ➡️Selling your online course (even with a small audience)  ➡️How our brains work  ➡️Achieving long-term goals  ➡️Working IN your business vs. ON your business  ➡️The value of relationships  ➡️Affiliate...
Published 07/27/23
Welcome to part five of our #sorrynotsorry series!  An unapologetic marketing series that forces you to audit the stuff you got goin’ on and come face to face with the stuff you don’t going’ on.  One 15-ish minute episode each week.  One get your sh*t together task.  And no promises that you’ll like what I have to say, but every promise that it will help.  Today, we’re talking about a messaging issue I see A LOT. And it’s this: Coaches are great at selling solutions, but they struggle...
Published 07/24/23
Today’s episode is about questioning the hype.  Do you REALLY need a niche?  Do you REALLY need a pretty website?  Do you REALLY need a big list? In fact, what’s possible WITHOUT a big list? (Erica has 400 people on her list so you’re about to find out…)  Do you REALLY need to obsess about what your social media looks like?  Do you REALLY need to have X, Y, and Z before you start selling?  There are so many “nice-to-haves” that we confuse “need-to-haves.” This episode is about...
Published 07/24/23
Please welcome Brittany to the show! Brittany helps service pros increase sales without being on social 24/7—using the power of SEO, story, + social proof. She’s breaking down…  What the heck a case study is and how is it different from testimonials How do you choose which stories to feature as case studies?When is a good time to ask for case studies? She also shared her framework for writing case studiesAnd gave us a sneak peek into the systems she has in place to always be collecting...
Published 07/15/23
Welcome to part three of our #sorrynotsorry series! An unapologetic marketing series that forces you to audit the stuff you got goin’ on and come face to face with the stuff you don’t going’ on. One 15-ish minute episode each week. One get your sh*t together task. And no promises that you’ll like what I have to say, but every promise that it will help.  Today, we’re talking about your growth strategy.  (Or lack thereof.)  And I get fiery about this topic because I SO get...
Published 07/13/23
Chris Williams is such a breath of fresh air! She’s a soulful business and leadership coach because she feels like building a business that’s aligned with your heart and soul is how to create a successful business. And I agree with that. If it’s not aligned, it just won’t work. We covered…  ☑️…the biggest mistakes new coaches make when trying to grow a 6 figure business?  ☑️…the foundations of a 6 figure business?  ☑️…what coaching schools miss when training coaches to monetise their...
Published 07/06/23
Welcome to part two of our #sorrynotsorry series! An unapologetic marketing series that forces you to audit the stuff you got goin’ on and come face to face with the stuff you don’t going’ on. One 15-ish minute episode each week. One get your sh*t together task. And no promises that you’ll like what I have to say, but every promise that it will help. Today, we’re talking about your message.  (Or lack thereof) We cover:  ➡️What the heck your message is  ➡️How to discover your...
Published 07/04/23