#157 Five Books That Got Me Through My First 6 Months of Loss.
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I had someone ask me recently what the fives books that really helped me with this last year of losing my sister. I figured this would be a good opportunity to put them in one place in the hopes that the people who need them, will find them. If you know someone who is grieving and don't know how to help them, one of these or another read delivered to their house is a wonderful way to show them they are on your mind. Friends and family sent me books during this time, and I feel that more than flowers, or candy (Aside from hand written notes because I loved those) recieving the gift of a book in the mail is so lovely. Thank you to all.   #1 The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and Sacred Work of Grief. Francis Weller I know I should put my favorite in the bottom of the post, but I just can't. This book is everything to me. In my darkest moments it was a source of light. It is written so beautifully that I found myself not wanting to consume too much of it in one sitting. I would have to put it down so I could come back to it when I was feeling lousy or down. It is my top, top favorite. It got me through some of my lowest points of despair, and it speaks not just about my particular grief, but the grief the we as humans share everyday. Grief that connects each and every one of us. Everyone should read this book. Even those who haven’t lost someone. The world would be a much better and kinder place to live in. # 2 Life is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age.- Bruce Feiler This was a very interesting read. For about two years I could( and still can) feel the pressure of transition bearing down my neck. Even if my sister Nina hadn't died, I know this feeling would still be there. I think we all feel it right now. The world is a different place, and after Covid a lot of us had to rethink the way we live, what is important to us, what matters most. If you have feelings of being lost, old patterns not serving you, wanting a higher calling, foggy, trying to get in touch with your most honest self, or truly just feel like you are ready for something different and life is leading you to that- This is a great book to grab. It solidified that the steps I was/am taking are alright and healthy. I was proud that a lot of the things I was already doing in my life were listed in the book and it helped validate those actions. I highly suggest it for anyone going through any transition, not just grief over losing someone close to you. # 3 Set Boundaries, Find Peace- Nedra Glover Tawwab I am about 80% through this and It is a game changer. It is for those who are ready to take a deep look at themselves and how they interact with the people in their lives. It will peel back the curtain of your healthy and unhealthy one relationships and communication. Complete rewiring of the system here. Not for the faint of heart. I learned some things about myself that I didn't know, and would like to change or shift. Be ready for some eye opening insight, and have a pen and paper handy for exercises. I suggest getting their workbook to help with this it will aid quite a bit to be able to follow along and write some things down. #4 Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Non Violent Communication- Oren Jay Sofer   “THE WAY WE COMMUNICATE WITH OTHERS AND WITH OURSELVES ULTIMATELY DETERMINES THE QUALITY OF OUR LIVES” ~ ANTHONY ROBBINS Suggested by my therapist! Thank you Kim you are the best, and if you are reading this, I don't know what I would have done without you! AHEM. Back to the book...I bought two copies. One for me, one for Phil. We are reading this together, and it is a game changer. After loss, any loss, people may have trouble expressing their feelings. It can lead to fights, miscommunication, and a breaking down of relationships. Healthy communication is essential and it starts with YOU. Not the other way around. This read is helping me in my own communication with myself and those I care about. It is eye
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