Welcome back all! Today I am going to be exploring more into my new found passion of Improv comedy classes and why I am here to tell all of you, to try one out in your own hometown. On episode 158 I delved into some deep content about facing your fears and sitting with discomfort. I directly referenced Phil and I pushing past our awkwardness and joining Improv classes. It turns out I wasn't quite done with the subject, and in fact will probably record another podcast about how to make...
Published 06/22/22
Every year my husband and I do a sort of reset after the holidays. We aren't people who drink a ton. We stick with nicer wines and maybe a Negroni or two when out. Our diets are pretty good, and I usually only consume matcha or decaf espresso in limited amounts. However, the holidays build and build upon these vices, and since we have been eating cleaner every year, when we have more than we should, our bodies feel it more. Sleep gets affected, memories of a story the night before are hazy,...
Published 06/14/22
Use this meditation anywhere to quickly come back to your breath, check in with your body, and become more grounded while traveling. For more meditations or private sessions visit www.martaonthemove.com or email [email protected] @martamazzonipgh @martaonthemovepodcast
Published 06/10/22
This is a subject I have avoided writing or speaking about. I think this avoidance was unconscious, but I am now highly aware of it. I am aware of it because at many a time in my life I have suffered from self doubt, imposter syndrome (I didn't even know that existed until two years ago), and confidence issues. This month is particularly bad for me. I could not understand why I would awaken to dread and sadness. I felt on many days no motivation at all. I know I am still healing from grief,...
Published 05/18/22
Fear– An unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. We are not immune to fear. It comes to us like waves and is usually unwelcome. There are global fears such as the war in Ukraine, global warming, food shortages, death. Death of a loved one, or our own amount of time on this spinning globe. I will touch on some of that later, but today I want to tackle some fears that we ourselves can have control over to allow us to stretch outside our comfort zones, try...
Published 04/13/22
We all have a toolbox in our home. A toolbox is a collection of items that is there when we need it in case we have something to fix. All handy, and all in one place. It probably contains at least one of the following items- Hammer, wrench, nails, measuring tape, screw driver, etc. We create these boxes for fixing things in our home, but have you ever thought to create your own personal toolbox to use as a coping mechanism? I sure as hell didn't. Not until I heard someone talk about their...
Published 03/04/22
I had someone ask me recently what the fives books that really helped me with this last year of losing my sister. I figured this would be a good opportunity to put them in one place in the hopes that the people who need them, will find them. If you know someone who is grieving and don't know how to help them, one of these or another read delivered to their house is a wonderful way to show them they are on your mind. Friends and family sent me books during this time, and I feel that more than...
Published 02/21/22
*Update* I am no longer in a coffeeshop in Philly, but finally got up to record this post as a podcast episode. It is February now. Enjoy and stay warm. I find myself sitting in a coffeeshop in Philly overwhelmed by how many friends and strangers have reached out to me about losing someone they cared about in their lives recently. I have been working on this post for a while, quietly coming back to it time and time again over the past year, and never ready to post or record it. I am ready now...
Published 02/16/22
#155 Hosting and Toasting! Tips on Creating a More Inclusive and Welcoming Home. How to Not Get Burned Out Doing it. This episode has tips for hosting including- - Creating boundaries - How to create an inclusive space - Not getting burned out - Ways to ask for help from guests and also tips for guests on how to get invited back.
Published 12/08/21
Dear Croatia... I have a lot to say to you, and I hope I summed it up in this episode. I needed to collect my thoughts, to gather up my senses. I also needed some time to completely fall apart when I got home from this month long odyssey. Reintroduction is always hard. In this episode I talk about reasons that I both completely love, and reasons why I am completely annoyed with Croatia. I hope you find each of them useful, or at the very least somewhat amusing. It might even convince...
Published 09/24/21
Taking apart the word "Help"- How to ask for it, how/when to offer it. Why it isn't a burden, but a way to forge new connections and intimacy with others. We are all experiencing loss on some level. Hopefully this episode will offer some guidance on both ends of the relationship. Take 10% off your orders with code MARTA over at www.bw412.com The best and highest quality butters, creams, oils, and sprays you can ask for.
Published 06/23/21
Valentine’s Day is coming up very soon, and it might look different in 2021. I myself am not the biggest fan of Valentine’s Day. I think it is a consumer, capitalistic holiday, BUT I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about how folks are surviving Covid alone, or with their partner. The beginning of this podcast I must apologize for my Marta rant and update of what is happening in my life right now. Life is currently on crap mode. My sister is fighting cancer, there are changes all...
Published 02/12/21
It is officially 2021! Yeah, nothing truly has changed. If anything, most of us held this upcoming year up to such high standards, that when we crossed the finish line, we were greeted by more of the same. It’s ok though, it is normal to feel let down. Almost everyone is feeling it right now. You are not alone. I have personally been in a slump for about 2 weeks until I started my program I do yearly called 3 to be ME. I finally feel back in control, am stepping lighter, and having an...
Published 01/18/21
“What are you thankful for, or what has been your lifeline in 2020?” “What are you looking forward to in 2021?” These are the questions I wanted to ask my audience, and pass along their answers in the hopes that someone who may be struggling hears them and is inspired or uplifted. This year was a rough one, and I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate my 150th episode than featuring some of these thoughts and wishes. Thank you to all who contributed, I love you.
Published 12/31/20
This podcast starts with our origin story, leads to our tips for finding a accountability partner, and why they are so important and leads to talking about where we both are headed, and why we feel great about that direction. Check Byron out at www.byronnash.com
Published 12/18/20
Didn't intend to record today, but had to get this out. 2020 is coming to a close, and this will be what you take away from this year that has the most meaning moving forward.
Published 12/08/20
#147 The One Thing You Can Do To Change People's Toxic Patterns and Behaviors Around You That Actually Works.
Published 12/04/20
Are you ready to invest in yourself? Details about my wellness course launching in January 2021! Beta launch discount opens for one week starting today November 27th for one week to my newsletter subscribers www.martaonthemove.com to sign up to receive first dibs.
Published 11/27/20
This episode is all about why you should NOT feel guilty about taking care of yourself. The whole idea of self care has been blown up, and made into an “expensive spa day”, and frankly, I am ready to think differently about it.  On this episode I delve deep into this idea of changing the way we think of self care, and why you should never feel guilty about it. 
Published 11/22/20
Have big ideas but can't see them through? There is nothing wrong with you. Join me in this podcast as I discuss my recent eye opening moments of being an idea person and how to make those ideas happen.
Published 11/16/20
I wrote the post below before I recorded today. After I had posted it, I realized that I needed to record more of what I was feeling about this podcast my husband and I listened to this morning. Tune in.  The episode featured Brene Brown on The Science of Success podcast episode. In my recording, I go off the rails here a bit talking about becoming the best versions of ourselves, and also my wellness program I am creating. I put it out there, it was scary, but I am all about changing my own...
Published 09/30/20
I was pretty scared to write this, it started as an simple Instagram or Facebook post, but then when I finally started writing it, it became long. I figured it may be better as a blog post instead, so here I am. I wanted to reintroduce myself. I feel everyone is going through a transition right now with the state of the world, and honestly, that isn’t a bad thing it just means more time to be introspective. This year has been stressful and moment to moment we all question certain decisions...
Published 09/22/20
Courtney Hazlett Creator of Hit Netflix Show "Restaurants on the Edge" Talks About the Food Industry During Covid, Creation of the Show and More.
Published 07/03/20
#140 Paige Davis from TLC's "Trading Spaces" on Marta on the Move Podcast -Talks History of the Show, Life During Social Distancing, Body Image, Being a Libra and more.
Published 06/19/20