#156 Life After Death- A Journey with Grief. What Has Helped, What Hasn't.
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*Update* I am no longer in a coffeeshop in Philly, but finally got up to record this post as a podcast episode. It is February now. Enjoy and stay warm. I find myself sitting in a coffeeshop in Philly overwhelmed by how many friends and strangers have reached out to me about losing someone they cared about in their lives recently. I have been working on this post for a while, quietly coming back to it time and time again over the past year, and never ready to post or record it. I am ready now because I hope it helps someone who is feeling the way I do. I also wanted to shine more light on the subject because... In our society, grief isn't talked about as much as, well, everything else.  We avoid the topic like the plague, even though the one thing that links all of us on this Earth is death. Impermanence and mortality are subjects that are now a part of my fabric. I embrace these topics. I want to have salons with like minded humans going through transitions, and look into their eyes and know we are connected. I know deep down that there are so many others who need this subject to be discussed more. We are not alone. You are not alone, even though right now if you are reading this, you may feel the opposite. I get it, and I hope this offers a little bit of insight into at least what I have found to be helpful for me this past year. It might not apply to you, or maybe it will. I would also love to hear what works or doesn't work for you. Here we go... Deep breaths! Traveling- Seeing something bigger than yourself puts things into perspective. It takes you out of your bubble and allows you to breathe for a bit. Coming back home however, will be hard as you realize your loved one is still gone. As long as you know that, traveling is a wonderful way to make some space for yourself. Talking About The Person That Has Passed- People try to avoid their name, their memory. They are uncomfortable with grieving and death. they may also feel that bringing up the subject will cause you pain. For me this wasn't the case. I needed and still need to talk about Nina. I want to talk about her all the time. I want to have her memories wash over me so that she remains right by my side and at the forefront of my mind. For those in denial, or not facing their grief, not wanting to remember, or speak about the loved one who has passed could be a sign of not fully accepting their death and can be detrimental over time. Speak their name and remember them. Bonus points if you are the friend or loved one who actually makes eye contact while doing it. :) Friends Who Have Grieved- Having someone who has possibly gone through something similar really does help, allowing you to open up more. It can sometimes be hard to fully be vulnerable with a friend or family member who just doesn't have that shared experience of loss. Don't be afraid to reach out to someone if you need to talk. This was VERY hard for me, so I understand if it can seem intimidating. Walking- Just simply walking outdoors for 5 minutes helps me get out of my own head. It is simply, my lifeline. It has been since Covid began. It allows your mind to be present in nature and have some fresh air clears the demons away. Embrace the Tears- I am fully for crying in public to be the new normal. Laughter is an expression of emotions, so are tears. If everyone cried more, we would be a much healthier nation. It is extremely healthy to cry, it allows your feelings to bubble to the surface so you can let them go and heal. Please don't tell someone not to cry. We were told that as children, and look where it usually gets us, being an adult and NOT BEING COMFORTABLE CRYING. In the beginning I was embarrassed by my tears. Now, I welcome them. When I cry I know I am healing, and bringing my sister back to life because I am feeling all the emotions. - Being in nature. It just helps so much. Sitting outside. Going on a hike. Gardening. Try Forest Bathing. Look it up. It is amazing. - Medita
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