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Marty Fischer’s Wing and Clay Nation
Wing and Clay Nation is an outdoor show that is dedicated to the wingshooting, waterfowling and family-oriented clay target shooting markets around the world. There are currently more bird hunting and clay target shooters than ever before, and the lady and youth markets are helping drive that growth. Hosted by professional shooter and instructor, outdoor television host, outdoor writer and gun club designer, Marty Fischer, Wing and Clay Nation will be both entertaining and educational. Marty’s vast experience and knowledge coupled with weekly guests who are experts in the wing and clay...
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Ratings & Reviews
3.6 stars from 18 ratings
Way too many advertisements
I like the content and the guests- but most of this podcast is a long intro about the speaker ,, longer intro about the sponsors product - too many sponsor ads- and not enough time for the guests to speak.
purpopinchedos via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/01/20
Enjoy the podcasts
Marty needs to ask a question then let the guest answer. Often times in the middle of a response Marty jumps in to make sure he is as important as the guest. Let your guests finish their thoughts and move on to the next question, the podcast will be much better.
stiffed Uber trip via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/23/19
Marty Relax. Allow your guest to finish a thought. So often you jump in right as the guest has one last sentence and you are fighting him to be heard.
rck80nv via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/12/19
Recent Episodes
There's a saying used by wing and clay target enthusiasts that goes like this. "You can never have enough shotguns." There's a lot of truth to that statement, but it today's world, getting those shotguns might not be as easy as you might expect.
Published 04/09/20
There's a saying used by wing and clay target enthusiasts that goes like this. "You can never have enough shotguns." There's a lot of truth to that statement, but it today's world, getting those shotguns might not be as easy as you might expect. This is especially true of the guns manufactured...
Published 04/09/20
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