Go here to watch and read the newsletter and get even deeper bombs of knowledge. My newsletter in an audio format because... why not!!! It's 2023 and content is everywhere. Let's see how far I can have it reach.TLDR about what’s coming up;🥵 Late night runs & 8 great recovery foods | Present things you can try right now!📊Training Updates & What I’m digging | Past things to learn from me🏃🏽‍♂️Tabata style intervals + Doing Real Work | Future stuff for you to try Sponsor: MOS COACHINGIf...
Published 06/27/23
In previous war times soldiers were taught to advance cautiously, to stay low and move slowly to avoid enemy fire. But there were those who charged ahead, ignoring the risks and the warnings. They were the ones who often paid the ultimate price. Fast forward to our modern personal, work, school and run lives. We face a constant pressure to hurry and rush towards success, and even to ignore the consequences of our actions. But just like in war, those who charge ahead without thinking can find...
Published 06/13/23
Seasons are everywhere in life: Tax season, weather season, fashion season and yes, RUN SEASON. Like seasons you can’t keep wearing the same Summer clothes in the winter. That aint gonna work. So you gotta switch things and adapt! Just like the clothes in your closet, I’ll teach you how to adapt your eating to support your diff run seasons on this episode. In this episode of Trees and D-Lake, the hosts discuss how to adapt your eating habits to support your different running seasons. Just...
Published 05/30/23
Improving running form is essential for success in any running event or endurance sport. Having good running form can help you run faster, farther, and with less effort. Poor running form can lead to injury, fatigue, and decreased performance. Unfortunately, many runners focus on the appearance of their running form instead of its efficiency. They want to look like the pros, but they don't consider the fact that the pros have likely been running for years and have developed their own unique...
Published 05/25/23
This was a wild one I almost didn’t put out. But after editing it and realising there was a lot of great information in here I let it slide. The reason why I wasn’t feeling it is that I wanted to talk about Vo2max workouts in this. But then I realised halfway through that we should have clearly explained what Vo2 and Vo2max were (they are different btw, and I use them interchangeably) Do you need to know advanced exercise science to get this? No. But this is a great intro to a bit of the...
Published 05/16/23
Imagine this, you're a pilot in the cockpit of a plane. You have a destination, but the journey is full of unexpected turbulence and challenges. The key to success is staying on course and making small adjustments as needed. And just like flying a plane, navigating life requires a steady hand and a clear sense of direction. Learn all about cavemen, carbs, and recalibrating your inner GPS voice to make sure that you stay on course and reach your goals all on this episode of D Lake...
Published 05/02/23
Running gels are like stocks in the stock market. Some people swear by them and couldn't imagine training for a marathon without them, while others avoid them at all costs. Like with stocks, it's essential to research and determines what works best for you personally. We discuss using running gels as a source of energy during long runs or races. Then we emphasize the importance of researching and determining what works best for each runner, as some runners swear by gels while others avoid...
Published 03/07/23
A few episodes back, we talked about four tips when coming back from injury. Now let’s talk about the long and bumpy road to connecting the dots and running your best times once you’ve gotten through that initial injury recovery period. There are four essential tips that we will walk through; You develop new mental toughnessYou have something new to trackYou get to learn the basics (this is a good thing)Follow (good) medical advice On that last point - we are not doctors, nor do we play any...
Published 02/21/23
Discover the subtle training differences between the 5k and 10k races. Learn how to improve your 10k time, how training changes for each race, and how to run a fast ultra 50k race. Listen on to find out more. What You’ll LearnPsychologically what is happening to your body in the 5k vs the 10kCan training for a 5k and 10k help you to run a fast ultra 50k raceHow your training needs to change from 5k specific to 10k specific workAnd more Links & LearningsIf a XC runner started running...
Published 02/07/23
After a long run, it's hard to resist the urge to eat everything in sight, much like how it's hard to resist the pull of a toxic romantic relationship. Just like a long run can leave you feeling exhausted and drained, a toxic relationship can also drain you of your energy and sense of self. And just as a post-run snack can provide a much-needed energy boost, a toxic partner can also temporarily provide a rush of excitement and validation. Find out how to break the run a lot and eat everything...
Published 01/24/23
When you see a runner with perfect running form, what do you think? Damn, they look fast, how can I look like that?How efficient are they at injury prevention??Is that running form by winning the genetic lottery or did they work at it?Do they do drills to look that good? Well, you might not think those things, but I sure as hell do. Listen on to find out more! The 4 drills to help you get better run form Butt kicks uphill - get foot placed correctlyhigh knee uphill - helps with getting knee...
Published 01/12/23
Work + Rest + Recovery = Training, not work + work + work. This means that when you go hard or long on a run, you need to properly recover. Supplements! They polarise and divide the endurance sports and running community. Some people love em, so people don’t - I personally like them for many reasons and… maybe you should consider them in your recovery routine if you don’t already. Disclaimer - Take these if you’re healthy and consult with a medical professional. this is all for fun. this...
Published 11/17/22
Picture this it’s race morningof the race you’ve been training for all year. you’ve got your race shoes, your race clothes and your race tunes… or do you? Are you the type that races with music or without it? Well find out why you maybe should and shouldn’t on this special series called “This Or That” featuring Remy B Reel on Trees & DLake I teamed up with my content brother from another mother Remy B Reel to make this new style of video podcast glory. Our main goal is to discuss and...
Published 11/01/22
How much thought do you put into what you eat after a run and how well it will help you recover? If you are like the 3 years ago, it wasn’t much more than “Was it easy to get and am I full - okay I'm good”. Learn about the 8 real foods that you can get anywhere for running recovery. This is a fun compliment episode to the best supplements for everyday recovery episode that we released a bit ago. Let’s talk about whole foods… real foods that you can easily find. Not processed packaged foods....
Published 10/19/22
Some people run by distance, while others care about how long they’ve been out. Who’s wrong? Who’s right? What do you do? Does it even matter? We find the answer to all those questions and more in this special series, "This Or That” featuring Remy B Reel on Trees & DLake. I teamed up with my content brother from another mother, Remy B Reel, to make this new style of video podcast glory. Our main goal is to discuss and showcase both sides to a particularly polarizing topic. Hopefully, this...
Published 09/29/22
AI aka Artificial intelligence is here to help us and not hurt us… for the most part 🙂. One place it wants to help us is with that thing on your wrist that you wear to track your running data. Find out if your run smartwatch insights and data are lying to you and more on this episode. [2:48] What exactly the insights are for each platform/watch[6:12] Why you still need a coach along with your smart watch[7:12] Why Most Smart Watches don't give you an objective to work towards[8:55] Take your...
Published 09/07/22
Purgatory in catholic/Christian religious circles is the in-between place right after you die. You’re not alive but you’re also not in the afterlife. You’re mildly suffering in a hybrid limbo state of purgatory. If you’re training for a run or endurance event this place is also called the GREY ZONE. Most coaches preach to not stay in the grey zone (which is between aerobic and anaerobic heart rate zones on a 5 zone heart rate model). If you follow the 80/20 rule you know that 8 out of 10 runs...
Published 08/24/22
Purgatory in catholic/Christian religious circles is the in-between place right after you die. You’re not alive, but you’re also not in the afterlife. You’re mildly suffering in a hybrid limbo state of purgatory. If you’re training for a run or endurance event, this place is called the GREY ZONE! Most coaches preach to not stay in the grey zone (which is between aerobic and anaerobic heart rate zones on a 5 zone heart rate model) If you follow the 80/20 rule, you know that 8 out of 10 runs...
Published 07/26/22
There’s a saying - If you don’t know your history, then you are bound to repeat it. While it’s a stretch, knowing and understanding successful endurance athletes history might just prove to help you perform better in your life. In this episode we go into the archives and get to hear how Mike Trees got started in his 50 year endurance career (He just turned 60 years old and can still run a 17 min, 5k). Listen on to find out how to train, race and live with purpose for as long as possible on...
Published 07/14/22
Imagine you want to bake the worlds best cake. Base training is like making the best sponge cake possible, speedwork is the icing on the cake, too much icing will spoil it, not enough and it’s not so tasty, but in the right balance you have a perfect and delicious cake..... In this article/podcast we’ll tell you everything you need to know about base training and why it’s so important to making you an endurance monster! To find out keep listening on to this episode of trees and dlake. What...
Published 06/22/22
Most people don’t agree on a lot of things in this world. But if you’re a runner or endurance athlete we can all agree that Injuries suck. Whether it’s chronic (aka the pain has slowly been around and you’ve been ignoring it and keep training) Or... acute (aka you twisting your ankle or falling down hard). They suck. But what do you do when you inevitably get injured? First things first when you get injured: You can’t compare yourself to the uninjured version. Don’t compare times, fitness...
Published 06/08/22
Aerobic, Anerobic... adenosine diphosphate phosphocreatin or ATP-PC. These are greek and latin words. They are also all different energy systems that we use in endurance sports (and life). I’ve been in the endurance sport game for 25 years now and it wasn’t until the last few years that I started to get a better understanding of energy systems. In this episode we’ll explain (in simple metaphors and analogies) exactly what they are, when they are used and how you can use them to train and race...
Published 05/17/22
Mentors, advisors, teachers... COACHES. Whatever you call them, they are necessary and critical to our success in relationships, business, and endurance sport training! In this episode I have the honor of being coached directly by Mike Trees as he helped me figure out the best training for me to run a 15:59 5k race. Listen on to find out how a great coach/athlete fit works and how you can train, race and live better on this episode of Trees of DLake. What You Will LearnWhat kind of key...
Published 04/19/22
This year i turned 40 and despite my many injuries along the way, I’ve had to work hard on the basics for the last 4 years of running. Key points to develop in your own run form: Functional flexibilityCore strengthRelaxed fluid running What You’ll learn 7 Tips for Good Running Form: Posture ,Foot plant, Stride length, Arm swing, Cadence, Core, Perfection Episode Question - Who has the best run form Mo Farah or Kipchogee? Episode QuotesMake sure your foot land behind the knee. If not it's a...
Published 03/29/22
As runners and endurance athletes (Hey triathletes and cyclists!), we all love knowing what you should do! But sometimes it’s nice to look at the inverse. Inverse just means the opposite. In the context of running and training, knowing what IS NOT good for you is just as effective as knowing what is. The point of this episode is not to embarrass anyone, but to get you to think more about what you are doing by again, looking at the opposite of what good is. This is what Mike Trees calls...
Published 02/20/22