Watching the news could potentially the biggest mistake you are making right now... In this episode I share exactly why this is the case, and what you should do instead to rid yourself of these negative thoughts that are stopping you from succeeding in life. If you want to eliminate your negative thoughts grab a copy of my FREE ebook at https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/06/20
Ever had a situation in your life that made you reconsider your options? Today I’m interviewing Frank La Vigne. Against all odds, and no qualifications in the Quantum world, he has built a strong podcasting audience where they geek out about the future of the world and the future of quantum and artificial intelligence. Website: Podcast link - https://lnkd.in/eG9ikZn Website: datadriven.tv Website: Impactquantum.com RSS Feed: https://feeds.captivate.fm/impact-quantum/
Published 12/05/20
1. Learnings from the past week. 2. Numbers were not the best. 3. Learned a lot of things to allow me to grow. 4. Discovered 1 key thing being a podcaster and a host. 5. 3 Things You Can Use from my learnings
Published 12/04/20
Do you find it hard to laugh at? I tend to laugh at a lot of things and sometimes I'm told that I do it too much.  Laughing at something everyday does keep my spirits high constantly, even when things don't go my way.  In this episode, I share with you why I laugh everyday and in most circumstances. I share how you could do that too if you wanted to. I hope this helps you.
Published 12/03/20
If you’ve ever failed in business, you will relate to Gian’s story. He made all the mistakes possible when he started his pharmaceutical business. After, moving to London, he connected with the right person who showed him the ropes to be successful in the real estate game in London. Since then he has not looked back. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/02/20
Have you ever wondered why you stay at the same weight? I have remained at 70kg for 15 years. In this episode I share why this happens and what you can do to change it so you can have a new weight that you desire or if you want to get the results that you want. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/01/20
If you ever get a bad day and you feel bad about yourself, listen to this episode. I share with you a few tricks of the mind you can use to feel good all the time and why they work. ENjoy!I Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/30/20
Popular Brands spend millions in marketing every year to get you to buy. They have a specific reason for doing the things they do. So why not use some of them to help you achieve you goals? In this episode I share how you can use these tricks in your life too. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/29/20
Have you ever wondered why your grand parents sometimes do things that you don't understand? Well in most cases, what I share in this episode is the reason why they do the things they do. Listen to learn more about it. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/28/20
1. Learnings from the past 2 weeks. 2. Numbers were not the best. 3. Learned a lot of things to allow me to grow. 4. Discovered 1 key thing being a podcaster and a host. 5. 3 Things You Can Use from my learnings Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/27/20
In this episode I share something very important about what we do as human on a daily basis. This should have been taught at school, but never was. And because of that we are all living a life that we feel that you can't really control. ut I want you to know that this is the only thing you can have control on to live a great life! :) Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/26/20
Are you afraid of change? Maybe you've been running your business in a certain way for 5, 10, 15 years and you don't want to change things in case this breaks things down... However, is that the right thing to do? In this episode I share why change is important and why you should embrace it with open arms. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/25/20
If you tend to procrastinate, make sure you listen to this episode. I share where procrastination comes from and how Nike can help you to change this in your behaviour. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/24/20
Ever hear of the term comfort zone? This concept was introduced to me back in 2011 and changed my view of life. Here I share with you my learnings and how you can use this concept in your life. Enjoy. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/23/20
Do you sometimes think back to old memories and feel sad about them? In this episode I share 3 tricks you can use today to turn all bad memories into fun and happy ones.  The thing is that there is no benefit from keeping negative or sad memories as they are. As humans we have the power to change them to our advantage.  Learn how you can do it too.  Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/22/20
People are losing their jobs, and some are just feeling depressed, stressed because of where the economy and the world is going... However, let me tell you that even in these hard times, you still have the choice to be happy and positive about life. In this episode I share with you how you can still be happy even in these difficult times. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/21/20
Have you ever given up on a goal before? Well, most likely 1 of the 3 reasons I share in this episode was the reason why you gave up. Listen to this episode to understand why you gave up on your goal and what you can do to avoid giving up on goals and actually achieving them. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/20/20
When I was younger, one of my friends' mum said to me: "Nicholas, Practice Makes Perfect!" This one quote made me realise that things had to be perfect and that I had to practice until things were perfect to get going in life. However, one thing I learned over the years is that PERFECTION does not exist! Looking for perfection is in my opinion the main reason for procrastination. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/19/20
Have you failed at completing a goal? And not know why it happened? Well in this episode I share the exact reason why only 8% of the population does achieve their goals.  The rest don't...  Listen to this episode to learn more about it.  You will be shocked about on how easy it actually is.... Join my facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/808323356587702/
Published 11/18/20
At the start of the year, millions of people decide to make 'New Year's Resolutions'! However, in the first month, half would have already given up, by the third month, only about 5% are left still working towards their summer body. There is 1 particular reason why this happens. In this episode I share with you what it is.
Published 11/17/20
My mum always told me to 'Aim For The Stars, And Maybe I Can Fall On The Sky!' It took me years and years to understand this concept, until I attended a course in a castle built in 1850. There I met one of my mentor, Dan Pena, who changed my whole view of the world. Listen to this podcast to hear more about it. Get the ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/16/20
Ever been told: "Be Careful What You Wish For?" Some people think that this quote is only valid in movies... Let me tell you that this quote is 100% real in real life. In this episode I share a weird story that happened to me that proves that being aware of what we are wishing for is so important. Get the ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/15/20
The biggest stories of Lottery winners are when they lose it all. Have you ever wondered why lottery winners can't seem to keep their money for longer than 3 years? In this episode I explain exactly why this happens and why someone like Donald Trump can go bankrupt and then come back and be a billionaire again... Faster. Get the ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/14/20
Ever been victim of procrastination or lack of motivation? These are the main culprits for goals not being achieved! In this episode, I share how you can achieve all your goals without setting goals. Get the ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/13/20
If you are looking to start your own podcast, this episode will be relevant to you. This episode was recorded on my 14th day since launching my podcast. In here I share my updated stats, the things I'm working on to grow the podcast. I also share the big mistake takes I've made in the process. Get your free copy of my ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 11/12/20