Have you ever given up, or think that your past determines your future? Today's interview with Petrina Ten will show you that you are the person that creates your own future.  She started her career as a cleaner and climbed up the ranks to eventually become managing partner of an accounting firm with more than 250 clients.  Listen to this podcast to hear some valuable life lessons
Published 03/24/21
Have You Ever Felt Scared In Your Life? If you are trying to overcome fear, you are doing it the wrong way! She was considered the most fearless woman skier in the world for a decade. Now she is using everything she learned to help her 10,000+ clients to learn to use fear to help them succeed in life, instead of fighting against it. FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 01/15/21
Today I have a good friend of mine, a business mentor, a brother and sometimes it feels like he is like dad to me. :p And now he is also one of my business partners! This man has achieved amazing things in his life and he is just starting out. From starting his entrepreneurial journey at the tender age of 11, to losing £65k in 3 months and then making it all back and becoming a millionaire by the age of 33, Jessen reveals everything. Make sure you don’t miss out on this interview.
Published 01/12/21
If you are starting your business, or feel that you’ve reached a plateau in your business, make sure that you listen to this episode. In this episode, I speak with Zaid Arshed, someone who has built a high 7 figure business starting from 300, and he did it in only 4 years. He also shares a special quote from his dad that he has lived by since and which has brought him a lot of success. FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts':...
Published 01/08/21
If you think that struggling to pay your rent was the end of your world, you might want to think again… Today I have with me someone truly amazing. His life is full of massive ups and some even bigger downs. Ronald had 2 divorces where he last left with only 28c in his pocket the first time and then left with only $33 the 2nd time. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 01/01/21
This episode with Matt Currie is full of golden nuggets. I would suggest you listen to it at least 3 times to really understand the concepts and ideas shared by Matt. Matt shares 3 key strategies that has helped him grow his brand-new business from zero to 7 figures in 10 months. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/29/20
How would you come back from a severe depression to turn your life around?  Today I have an interview with Chloe Bisson who turned her life around completely.   In this episode she shares the fears and challenges she had to overcome to turn her life around.   You’ll also discover the 2 things she would do if she had to start all over again.    Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/25/20
If you have been affected by Covid and are not having are scared of the future, this episode will help you a lot I share with you how the dips in the stock market can be good for you. Click here to listen to the episode. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/23/20
If you want to get out of your corporate life, and start your own business, this episode is for you. Today I’m interviewing Fabio, an ex sales and marketing guy, who left his corporate job to pursue his passion in Pizza making. In this episode he shares the 3 key things he used to build his youtube channel and get 26,000 views in 3 months on 1 episode. You’ll also discover his weird Italian quote that he lives his life by.
Published 12/22/20
If you are victim of procrastination, this episode will definitely helpful. Here I share the one key trick to make sure you always get things done and get moving in life. People tend to give up on goals and procrastinate because they don't do the thing I talk about here. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/21/20
Do you feel that 24 hours in a day is not enough? If you think you need more time, you might want to listen to this episode because I share the little weird trick that has allowed me to read more thnan 300 books, spend thousands of hours learning valuable skills, whilst still having time left to do my personal things. Click here to play the episode Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/20/20
Are you scared to do something new because you are scared of what people will say about you? If that is the case, make sure you listen to this episode as I share why this happens and what you can do to overcome this 'negative belief' that is potentially holding you back in life and iny our business. I hope this helps Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/19/20
Ever wondered what it would feel like to be homeless? Let alone at 17? Today, I have the honour to interview an inspirational business owner who was thrown out of his house at 17. He had to couch surf and sometimes sleep outside. He then turned things around in 5 years to build a $10m international business with 30 employees. Find out the biggest fear he had to overcome along his journey and the 2 main strategies he used to keep him going when things were getting tough for him.
Published 12/18/20
Do your emotions get the best of you sometimes? Well if that is the case, make sure you listen to this episode as I share 2 simple words I learned whilst playing poker to control my emotions to avoid losing thousands of dollars.  I've been using them ever since in my life to handle any bad emotions that come up due to situations that don't go my way. I hope this will help you too. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts':...
Published 12/17/20
Are Successful People Just Lucky? Very often, I hear people complain that people who are successful and got there because they got a lucky break. While this might be true, I would like to disagree. In this episode, I share why I don't think successful people are not lucky... And what you can do not need to be lucky to be successful too. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/16/20
What would you have done if you had been clinically dead for 5 days and in the worst possible shape of your life?  Today I am interviewing Runu Miah, a successful London Business Owner who is the owner of Karaama Fragrances.   He had to overcome numerous challenges in his journey, having had 13 operations, being in the comma for 5 days and having external fixtures attached to him.   Listen to his inspirational story . Join FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/808323356587702/
Published 12/15/20
If you think that you have not achieved what you want in life yet? Maybe you have not find the right partner, the right job, or maybe you are struggling to make sales for your business... Do this 1 thing I share in this episode and you can never fail in life. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/14/20
Imagine seeing both Donald Trump and the beautiful Beyonce in the same picture... Weird right? In this episode I share with you why they are so common and what you can do to use these commanilities in your life to succeed too. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/13/20
Have you ever wondered why you are scared to fail? You will want to listen to this episode if you want to understand where the fear of failure comes from and how to use this knowledge to get yourself more successful faster. This is so simple, you will wonder why you did not think about this before. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/12/20
Have you ever wondered whether you were too young or too old to start a business? My guest today is Cody Smith, an incredible young man who decided to take control of his life and build his own business. With literally no knowledge in Real Estate, he found himself the right mentors and through sheer hard work and through pushing through his own fears, was able to build a massive property portfolio in 12 months, starting with nothing. Join my FB group:...
Published 12/11/20
I used to be a very shy boy. I would even refuse to go on the dance floor at weddings... Then something happened. There was 1 chapter in this book that turned my life around. Make sure you click play to listen to this episode where I share everything with you. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/10/20
If you've ever been told that you were boring, you will want to listen to this episode. In this episode I share how I've been able to get rid of my 'boringness' in order to have more fun in life. I realised that I was missing much about life by being boring. I hope this helps you too. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/09/20
Do you struggle to be organised in life? If you tend to lose your phone or credit card in the club, you will want to listen to this episode. I share 2 weird stories that got me to really understand how to be more organised in life. Click on the play button to hear them. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/08/20
Who do you speak the most to everyday? Every asked yourself this question? f you thought the answer is your mum, dad, gf, bf, children or boss... you will want to listen to this episode. In this episode I share something key to better understand yourself as a human and how you can use this weird thing that people miss and how you can use it to be more successful in life. Get the FREE ebook 'Eliminate Negative Thoughts': https://www.masteryourmindmasteryourlife.co.uk/negativethoughts
Published 12/07/20