Published 03/26/19
Back to Human: It's the title of Dan Schawbel's new book, and the phrase itself implies that we’ve departed from being human toward one another in significant ways. That’s the assumption behind Dan's work. He has devoted his life to studying human interactions and has compiled much of what he’s learned into his new book. He has tremendous insight into how we can be intentional about our human interactions so that they can be optimized for our health as individuals and our success in the...
Published 03/26/19
If you are a leader, the data is in: As you increase self awareness your leadership will improve. Self Awareness is a very simple concept, but quite difficult in practice. That’s because we don’t always see ourselves the same way that we come across to those we interact with. On this episode, my guest Tasha Eurich shares her findings regarding the quality of self awareness and drives home how important it is for leaders to increase in self awareness for the sake of their teams.
Published 03/19/19
My guest on this episode, Rahaf Harfoush is a digital anthropologist who has devoted herself to studying the many intersections between emerging technology, innovation, and digital culture. Her third book, entitled “Hustle & Float: Reclaim Your Creativity and Thrive in a World Obsessed with Work,” reveals the data and practices behind companies and organizations that are adapting to the needs of modern workers effectively and creating teams that are more productive and healthier, all at...
Published 03/12/19
If you do a quick Google search starting with “My boss is…” you’ll find all kinds of evidence for the existence of incompetent leaders in business, politics, civic groups, and more. Dr. Tomas Charmorro-Premuzic has made it his mission to help organizations bring together tech and science to predict human performance. His latest book, “Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders And How To Fix It” is a sorely needed wake-up call for our culture.
Published 03/05/19
Thankfully, the days are gone when leaders are prone to ignore the best ways to apply behavioral science in management. That’s because more and more often, the discoveries of science and the practices of leadership and management are converging. The two go hand in glove in the most successful organizations. For that reason, I wanted to invite Caroline Webb to be on the podcast.
Published 02/26/19
My guest on this episode loves to think of leadership through a long-term lens. He believes that the way a leader approaches today's decisions must be informed by looking toward tomorrow. David Peterson is the Director of Leadership and Coaching at Google where he provides coaching to senior leaders, oversees internal and external coaching programs, and supports a executive development and organizational learning programs.
Published 02/19/19
Hal Gregersen has coined the phrase, “catalytic questions” to refer to the type of questions that reframe a situation and make it possible for a person or a team to move forward in new, more effective ways. It’s a concept that is incredibly intriguing and one I wanted to dive into during this conversation with Hal.
Published 02/12/19
“Empathy” is something we all want but may not be so good at giving - and sadly, empathy in the workplace is often non-existent as a result. My guest today is Annie McKee, an amazing woman who has studied and written on the subject of empathy extensively. Her new book, “How To Be Happy At Work” is a wonderful contribution to the body of work on the subject because it points out the importance of healthy, happy relationships in the workplace, and gives practical advice about how to foster them.
Published 02/05/19
For years the idea of maintaining a competitive advantage has dominated the way we do business. The theory is that if we can figure out how to keep our company ahead of the competition and continue to employ the best-practices that got us there, we’ll stay on top. But my guest on this episode, Rita McGrath says that model is no longer viable because of the speed at which change and innovation are happening.
Published 08/07/18
The old-style leadership approach most of us have experienced is not sensitive to caring for the individuals on the team. Chester Elton says those who don’t practice caring leadership are missing the boat in the modern world. In this conversation, you’ll hear my great and entirely practical conversation with Chester as we discuss how leaders can and should create teams that thrive in environments of encouragement, support, and emotional safety.
Published 07/31/18
Every leader faces the challenge of putting diverse people into the same room to work on a project together. It can be a very exhilarating and enriching experience or it can be a situation that sucks the life out of everyone. In his new book, “Dream Teams” Shane Snow reveals his discoveries about what makes teams work, what keeps them from becoming cohesive and cooperative, and what leaders need to do in order to increase the odds of creating a dream team in their own organization. Some of...
Published 07/24/18
The phrase “personal disruption” doesn’t sound very pleasant, but Whitney Johnson insists that it’s the only way we grow as individuals. We have to be placed outside the normal context of our existence in order to take on new challenges and grow as a person.
Published 07/17/18
One of the roles great leaders play is the facilitation of great choices across their organizations. That means it’s not just about the leader themselves being skilled at making choices, but also about their ability to transfer that skill to the members of their team.
Published 07/10/18
An integrated life sounds like an impossible dream in our fast-paced digital age. But there are outstanding leaders in the field of management and personal development who are helping us navigate the confusing path we face. One of those pioneers and guides is Stewart Friedman.
Published 07/03/18
Are you familiar with the term “virtual distance?” On this episode of Masters of Leadership I interview special guest Dr. Karen Sovel Lejesky. Together we explore this common challenge of the modern workplace that you’re likely very aware of, but don’t know by that name. With a quarter century of leadership experience at companies such as Chase Manhattan and many more, she now leads her own company, Virtual Distance International. She has written two books on the subject, “Leading the Virtual...
Published 06/26/18
The ability to build trust is a vital skill in our day in age. Institutions are viewed with skepticism and mistrust by the majority of people, and that is not only talking about banks and educational establishments. Facebook, Google, and many other large corporations are viewed with the same kind of pessimism. My guest today is Rachel Botsman, an accomplished author who has studied the issue of trust in depth and has some incredibly valuable advice for those who are seeking to build trust in...
Published 05/15/18
nytime we begin to talk about a personal network, there are people in the conversation who break out in a cold sweat. That's because they have been given advice about networking and tried to apply it and the results were less than stellar. In fact, many of us have very sour taste in our mouths because of the miserable networking advice we've tried to apply. My guest on this episode of the podcast, Dr. David Burkus has written a new book entitled, “Friend of a Friend.”
Published 05/08/18
Digital communication skills are something every leader in this day and age need to not only learn but master. The digital nature of the way we communicate has brought a number of challenges with it that we need to understand and address effectively. Dr. Naomi Baron was invited to be my guest on this episode.
Published 05/01/18
We are all familiar with the concept of networking but Scott Gerber says that Super Connectors are people who apply the intention of networking in a way that goes beyond business and personal profit. Whether or not you are a Super Connector has nothing to do with being extroverted or introverted and it has nothing to do with whether you are skilled at particular networking techniques or not.
Published 04/24/18
Modern communication is a far cry from what we experienced even 10 years ago. As my guest, Dr. Deborah Tannen has noted, we’ve gone from a default state of consciousness that was one of solitude, to a default state of consciousness that is one of always-on engagement. Dr. Tannen is doing important work, of which every leader should take note.
Published 04/17/18
Claudia Chan is one of those rare individuals who makes a social impact and everything she does. She is a sterling example of a woman who is taking her life seriously both on a personal level and in the broader ways she is leaving a mark on the world. Claudia is a recognized expert on leadership and a social entrepreneur who is dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to effect change in the world.
Published 04/10/18
Every person pursuing a career has run into a work environment that was less than ideal, you might even say they were toxic. Ana Dutra Has put together her observations about toxic workplaces in her new book, Lessons in LeadershiT - no, that’s not a typo. the lessons she has learned and her incredible ability to communicate them provide tremendous insight to those of us who are looking to create healthier environments for ourselves in the teams we lead.
Published 01/23/18
The Power of Multiplication is something most leaders are not even aware of, but my guest on this episode - Liz Wiseman - has literally written the book on the subject. Her work introduces the concept of multipliers VS diminishers, particularly as they relate to leadership roles in organizations. Her belief is that the leaders who learn how to maximize the power of multiplication are the leaders who lead happy, successful, energized teams.
Published 01/23/18
Everyone who is in a management or leadership position within a company is interested in maximizing their leadership growth. Michael Bungay Stanier says that one of the fastest and most effective ways to do that is by becoming more coachlike. It's his belief that if leaders can learn to deal with their team members and subordinates from the perspective of a coach they will be able to lead them more effectively, motivate them more powerfully, and keep the team dynamics healthy and strong.
Published 01/16/18