A short introduction to this album.
Published 03/26/10
A short introduction to this album.
Published 03/26/10
An ancient mathematical tool to measure the daily and annual cycles of the earth around the sun.
Published 03/26/10
An ancient mathematical tool to measure the daily and annual cycles of the earth around the sun.
Published 03/26/10
How the Greeks invented a two dimensional astrolabe as a conceptual model of the cosmos, and how it was used.
Published 03/26/10
How the Greeks invented a two dimensional astrolabe as a conceptual model of the cosmos, and how it was used.
Published 03/26/10
Clay tokens, an ancient system used to record goods changing hands.
Published 03/26/10
Clay tokens, an ancient system used to record goods changing hands.
Published 03/26/10
How South American Incas kept records by the use of knots.
Published 03/26/10
How South American Incas kept records by the use of knots.
Published 03/26/10
How wholesale beer sales were recorded using notches on wooden tallies.
Published 03/26/10
How wholesale beer sales were recorded using notches on wooden tallies.
Published 03/26/10
John Napier's method of multiplication and logarithms, and how Charles Babbage corrected his calculations.
Published 03/26/10
John Napier's method of multiplication and logarithms, and how Charles Babbage corrected his calculations.
Published 03/26/10
Charles Babbage's ingenious mechanical device to compute mathematical equations.
Published 03/26/10
Charles Babbage's ingenious mechanical device to compute mathematical equations.
Published 03/26/10