The gang gets together once again to discuss one of the biggest events coming back this summer, weddings. But mainly, Maxwell’s short gig as an assistant DJ and the horrors that ensued in front of his very eyes.
Published 04/15/21
Published 04/15/21
The crew gets together once again to talk about death by thigh squeeze. Basically, a normal Tuesday for the misfits of Maxwell’s Magic Hour. Brooke shares her biggest complaints about women’s clothing, and Christian humps a Chili’s parking lot.
Published 03/09/21
The gang gets together once again to discuss one of the most important topics of the day: when is the best time to use adult toys? It’s not actually that important, but Christian get yelled at by a child during the podcast taping is. Brooke and Maxwell share some of their worst party horror stories, and the important lessons they did or didn’t learn from them.
Published 02/23/21
Christian tells the tale of his very “adventurous” family members, who participated in so many “hump n dumb” situations that having relatives he’s never met before is bound to happen. The gang also discusses some of the recent weird trends in media, like the Italian Mobster movie that shows you can get pregnant pretty much anywhere.
Published 02/16/21
The gang get’s together to chat about one of the wildest events of the year: A bunch of random Redditors making millions on Wall Street while costing Major millionaires to lose massive funds. Yes, you read that right. Maxwell shares his thoughts on the concept of “Eat the Rich” and his love of seeing rich people fall, and Christian lays down the simplified version of the events and how some people have no idea how to trade stocks, and sometimes, it costs them their life savings.
Published 02/02/21
The gang decides to share some of the recordings never before heard, including Brookes intense “Bad Day” story which features some unconventional bowel movements, being incredibly late to work, and evil technology looking to spite her.
Published 01/26/21
The gang get’s together to chat about the mysterious Midwest, as apparently Brooke has no idea what exactly counts as the Midwest. Jerry Seinfeld impressions make an appearance, only to help simulate what it’s like to get offered success through a threesome from a bar owner.
Published 01/19/21
It’s never a dull moment with the delinquent crew of Maxwell’s Magic Hour, and this week is no different. From revealing the hosts first impressions of each other good or bad, to talking about how you can impress your girl with some new idiotic lingo for the purpose of “getting in there”, quarantine has us all going a little insane.
Published 01/12/21
The gang get’s together to chat about COVID regulations and testing getting easier. With test no longer needing to stab into your brain people are more eager to get tested. They discuss their own experience with testing, like Christians fear of getting detained for traveling to an island without a test, Brooke’s horrible cold related COVID scare, and Maxwell’s regret at being late to the testing bonanza.
Published 01/06/21
The gang get’s together once again post holidays to discuss their absolute worst horror stories from their ex’s. Stories range from Brooke’s ex lying about his mother having cancer, Maxwell’s ex becoming a violent mess after finding out he’s never read the bible, and Christian’s ex punching him in the face in the middle of a lunch room.
Published 12/29/20
The gang gathers together virtually to chat about Brookes new Bae. Having been single on and off for many years, Brooke has finally found a nice normal guy who isn’t creepy and doesn’t go on weird “Masks violate my freedom!” rants when out to dinner. As with every episode, we can’t just talk about something normal. So the gang also discusses rich people have kinks related to ghosts in their old mansions, what it’s like to attend an event at a deadly strip club, and what in the hell a “Chip n...
Published 12/16/20
The gang get’s together to discuss weird job offers like the time Brooke was offered a high paying gig as a Dominatrix, the most inappropriate Christmas music you can use without getting sued, and people being scared to go out to comedy shows.
Published 12/09/20
The gang get’s together to share some of the best and worst horror stories that Black Friday has to offer. These include a man beating another person, taking the last bike on sale and riding it out of the store, a woman defecating into a dryer to not lose her place in line, and old ladies decking children for the best deals.
Published 12/01/20
The crew gets together to discuss the absolute best parts about Thanksgiving, and what we can do despite this being the first “virtual” Thanksgiving to sweep the world. Maxwell tells the story of the first time his girlfriend met his extremely Italian family for a 5 course birthday dinner, and Christian talks about his very unique Thanksgiving experience year after year.
Published 11/24/20
The gang get’s together to discuss Brookes dads, how similar meth addiction is to Turkey addiction, that time Brooke gave a eulogy for her grandpa blaming him for her rabbits death, Christians insane grandfather who had two wives and nobody found out until he passed, and Maxwell’s semi normal family. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, these stories about family should warm your heart.
Published 11/17/20
The gang gathers to discuss one of the most insane, awful events of 2019 to somehow make us all feel not so bad about the events of 2020. Maxwell, Christian and Brooke go down the list of some of the craziest sightings of killer clowns which appeared in 2019 to chase people, take out knives in school parking lots, stand outside peoples windows and generally make us more terrified of clowns than we ever thought possible.
Published 11/10/20
It’s Election day, so Maxwell, Christian, and Brooke are doing the most American thing they can think of: Talking about terrible interactions on Tinder. Brooke shares her greatest horror stories, like unsolicited D*** pics over a sunrise, men saying “hey” over 100 times to get her attention to no avail, and dudes who think that saying “I’ve always thought of getting into comedy” is somehow an attractive thing to say to a female comedian.
Published 11/03/20
Maxwell, Christian and Brooke kick off the week of Halloween by discussing the important things: Sexy Hotdog costumes and men who dress up Alligators for education. With the spooky season upon us, they chat about Christians legendarily consistent hot dog costume, Brookes love of unique outfits like Blastoise and Fembots, and Maxwells fascination with an Alligator wrangler who dresses his animals up for Halloween to get the kids interested.
Published 10/27/20
Comedian, broadcaster, talented and clever lady Brooke Louellen joins the podcast as the newest voice and host. Maxwell and Brooke talk about the experiences of being a woman in comedy, what it’s like to bomb on stage, making fun of audience members to relieve anxiety, and her clever ideas for bringing her art to the people during a global pandemic.
Published 10/20/20
Christian fascinates Maxwell with the incredibly true not fake story of the time he rescued a Baby Bobcat in the middle of the road. Christian, with his heart bigger than his hands found the poor baby Bobcat in the middle of the road in CT one night and in his quick thinking decided the right thing to do was to help it either find it’s mother (pretty terrifying) or call someone for help while keeping the tiny fur baby safe. Maxwell tells his own animal story, but this time it’s about his...
Published 10/13/20
Maxwell and Christian continue the show, and get ready to announce a new voice of the podcast soon. Christian reveals new updates to his life, including leaving the world of radio for the time being to pursue other avenues, what it’s like adjusting to his new sleep schedule, getting called 50 times by the person who took his place as the job is more stressful than ever imagined, and his final thoughts on the radio industry as a whole and insider information on the ups and downs of the...
Published 10/06/20
Maxwell, Christian and Alyssa are sick and tired of 2020, and they feel that everyone shares their thoughts. With the Fall coming up faster than most of us realize, the gang makes predictions of whats going to happen like Karens yelling at Pharmacists for a vaccine, people having PTSD even post COVID when someone gets close to them, and how some schools just don’t give a damn about CDC regulations for the upcoming semester.
Published 08/18/20
Maxwell, Christian and Alyssa are all fascinated by Alyssa’s potential new refrigerator, which has magical dual doors you can see inside of without even opening. Maxwell goes on a heated rant about Eversources screwed up attempts to restore power to Connecticut residents in need, and Christian details some of the efforts Connecticut residents have made to denounce the CEO of Eversource.
Published 08/12/20
Title Fight Winner, Radio Personality, TV Host, and all-around badass Maddie Grimaldi makes her triumphant return to the podcast to share some of the most fascinating details from her life and career. She shares the story of her and her professional fighter fiance traveling to Dubai for a culture shock and a ring match, her most recent transition to new morning radio along the coast of Massachusetts, and traversing the new and unfamiliar COVID 19 climate as a food blogger.
Published 07/29/20