Today we are going to be talking about why you ARE exactly where you needed to be, where you are right now, today, is where you ARE supposed to be. What am I talking about here? Yes perhaps I am feeling ab it of zen and woo woo right now but truly give this idea a thought. You ARE EXACTLY WHERE YOU MEANT OT BE RIGHT NOW. Even if you’re not where you want to be right now. Even if you’re in a really bad place right now. Even if you don’t feel like this is where you need to be, but trust me, you...
Published 04/29/18
In today's episode we are doing a little bit of comparison and contrast the good vs the bad qualities of coaches and things that you should expect to get out of a coaching client relationship and things that you should stay away from. You can also get a sense of my coaching philosophy in this episode. I am not a prep coach but I work with hundreds of lifestyle clients. Even if you aren’t a competitor keep in mind all of these points should still be taken into consideration when you are...
Published 04/22/18
In today’s episode, I get a bit personal as it is going to be all about my eating disorder, my recovery from bulimia. And I am also going to be talking about the reasons why I have pulled out of my prep for the show in April.
Published 04/15/18
In today’s episode is a bit more personal rather than general and also because I am getting A LOT of inquiry about competition prep coaching and all that good stuff. So, let me get this out of the way by just letting you guys know that I DO NOT prep people for competitions. I only work with lifestyle clients. And mainly for this is because I am not even a pro bodybuilders yet how am I going to coach someone for a show if I haven’t even competed myself. Regardless, I do have the knowledge to...
Published 04/08/18
Today’s episode is all about micronutrient! I am going over some of the main micronutrient deficiency that are found in the current fitness industry, this was based on a book that I have been reading “The Woman’s book” by Lyle McDonald, even though it is mainly based off female population I think it is still valuable to take it into consideration. I will link the studies at the end of the show notes so be sure to check these out! The most common nutrient deficiencies are frequently seen in...
Published 04/01/18
Today we have a bit of touchy subject…failed marriage hmm? I know it seems weird to have a topic like this on a health and fitness podcast but I can’t stress enough that when I preach about health and wellness it’s not just about how lean/fit you look but also from the inside. So, mental health to me is very important and also affects EVERYTHING you do in life.
Published 03/25/18
Basically, for most people scale is the most common tool to be used for weight loss or weight gain. Some people really get hung up on the numbers of the scale and let it dictate how you feel for rest of the day. I am personally guilty of this from time to time. When the number on the scale goes down I tend to be very excited and happy for that day, if the number goes up I would be depressed and quite frankly just very cranky for the day. This is totally unhealthy just FYI, most people never...
Published 03/18/18
Number one thing anyone who wants to embark their fitness journey is — when picking the protocol/diet that you are following is sustainable. Meaning, is it something that is lifestyle changing and NOT just a one-time thing. Can you see yourself doing this daily until next year? In the next 3 years? If not please ditch it! Don’t get me wrong certain lifestyle change can be hard as well but you need to know, crash diets have its place. Certain people need to fit in certain size or certain event...
Published 03/11/18
This episode is a bit different since I haven’t done a Q&A episode before. All these questions are collecting from different social media platforms that I have. I get mostly through my website via email…so most of these emails are anonymous and some have asked to keep their usernames out of the show so in order for me to keep this consistent I wanted to keep all their names anonymous and just answering all the questions today! Of course, there will be more Q&A episodes coming,...
Published 03/04/18
Many of ya are in this wishy-washy state. Oh, I know I need to lose weight but I will start later. When is later though? When we decided to do something and anything is ultimately because we think that if we do that “something” is going to make us happy. Maybe we’re feeling anxious, feeling stressed, or even frustrated. When we are trying to escape from that emotion we stall by overeating, overdrinking, or binge-watching Netflix. Most of us stalling by doing something that makes us feel the...
Published 02/26/18
Today’s topic is all about SLEEP, how to get better sleep. Here I have top 10 tips to help you get a better sleep hygiene. See full show transcript: https://www.mevsme.com/podcast f.lux https://justgetflux.com/ Headpace https://www.headspace.com
Published 02/18/18
Today’s topic is about what do you do after you encounter a failure and how to get back up. I know this topic is pretty general but for the context of this episode I will be applying most of this on weight loss/dieting or working out because that’s what I get asked the most. My new clients always go into their plan 100% saying that they are going to do this perfectly and they aren’t going to fail this time. What I always offer to them is that, oh you will fail but you will learn to get back...
Published 02/11/18
So, what type of cardio should you do? Short answer, what I recommend my clients to do is mix of LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio and HIIT (high intensity interval training). Cardio for most people is mainly for fat loss but most of us have abused it with regards. Let’s get to the basics guys, what is cardio? Cardiovascular activity can be defined as any physical activity which raises the heart for an extended period of time. We'll stick with this definition for our purposes for...
Published 02/04/18
For thousands of years, survival was the motivation for us to move away from discomfort of physical suffering and towards pleasure and surviving. Our lives have become too comfortable in this day and age. We don’t need to constantly seeking for food, at least in America, foods are abundant. We don’t have to walk anywhere literally as long distant as we used to. Most of us hold a job that is in an air-conditioned office and sit in front of a computer screen all day. The issue isn’t that...
Published 01/29/18