Yes, we are in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and it's time to find and get out your patience cap. I'm sharing my best three tools on how to outsmart those people who are in your way so that you can enjoy the holidays and live your life to the fullest. 
Published 11/22/23
It's that time of year where we find ourselves trying to do too many things and burning our candle from both ends. If you find yourself dreading the holidays, I'm sharing 3 tips to keep the holiday spirit going without burnout. 
Published 11/21/23
Are you someone, or do you know someone always looking at the dark side of life? Let me guide you through ways to identify some of your core beliefs, and then I'll provide some tools to reframe your thoughts and practice seeing the good things in your life. 
Published 11/15/23
Have you just been blamed for something that you did not do?  Let me guide you through why this sometimes happens and give you three easy steps to move forward meaningfully. 
Published 11/07/23
Have you ever thought about what legacy you would like to leave your great-great-great-great grandchildren? Imagine the legacy of someone like Ben Franklin or Abraham Lincoln.  What will your contribution to this life be that will help millions of people; regardless if they know that you were a big part of where it originated?  Let's think through this together. 
Published 11/03/23
Today I'm running through a few tacky things I've recently overheard people saying to each other.  We should be lifting our friends up and making them feel unique and special so let's review these and then talk about a better way to approach these issues.  
Published 11/02/23
It's easy to get caught in negative spirals so let me talk you through how to expect what you inspect. Pay attention to what you are reading, listening to and what friends you are hanging around.  These small changes will empower you to be happier and to live a more meaningful life.
Published 10/31/23
None of us know how long we will live, so today, I want you to think about what you would change if you knew you were going to die.  Would you start doing new things and stop bad habits?  I guide you through incredible questions to get you on track to your meaningful life. 
Published 10/29/23
Everyone in this world has the same four regrets, so today, we are talking through those so that you can prevent being affected by one of these common blind spots and live a more meaningful life. 
Published 10/27/23
Every day you will run into something that isn't your fault but that you could take some responsibility to improve or to make better.  It's so empowering to help others so let's talk through the benefits and how it can lead to a more meaningful life. 
Published 10/06/23
One of the best ways to put your unique imprint on this world is to take the time to appreciate what you have and what others do for you. I'd like to guide you to make it easy. 
Published 10/04/23
Do you know if you are empathetic towards other people? It's a trait that will help you live a more meaningful life. Listen to my top 3 tips to improve this for yourself. 
Published 10/01/23
Next time you choose, I want you to see the exponential "good stuff" from that single choice. It's another way to ensure you live a magical, meaningful life to the fullest. 
Published 09/28/23
Today, I'm talking about one of the biggest things we do that take away from our meaningful life: talking too much. I'd like to guide you on recognizing when you are doing this and how to change it so that each conversation is meaningful and two-sided. 
Published 09/27/23
In most cases, what sets people who achieve their hopes and dreams apart from those who don't is believing they can reach them and then follow up with an action to get there. I want to explain why taking that first step is essential. 
Published 09/23/23
We all have those days when either our life sucks, or something is happening that sucks. Today, I will guide you on another way to think through those moments and how to get to the other side more positively, empowering, and meaningfully. 
Published 09/19/23
Other people cannot read your mind and yet sometimes you expect things of people that you've never even told them; setting your own self up for disappointment. Today I'll give you some examples, how to think about those disappointments differently and then how to be assertive and pivot to a healthier path and mndset.  
Published 09/16/23
Sometimes your greatest accomplishments are the ones that take a long time and effort. It might be days, months or years before you see the benefits of all your hard work pay off. Let me guide you through how to keep the right mindset through those peaks and valleys so that you keep going so that you will have that rich and meaningful life.
Published 09/14/23
There is an easy mistake people make when giving gifts that can trip them up on their question to a meaningful life.  Let me explain and help you to avoid it. 
Published 09/12/23
Let me guide you of how living with an abundance mindset will bring you a more joyful life.  The more you give in life, the more you get so let's get started today.
Published 09/08/23
If you feel like your life is moving forward on hyperspeed and you are overwhelmed, try taking some time to reflect.  When you slow down and think about how things are going, what is going well and what you want to change, it gives you a moment to celebrate your successes and also to pivot where you need to. Let me guide you through my favorite ways to reflect for a meaningful life with no regrets. 
Published 09/05/23
Adversity is moving forward with something even when it's difficult. The more you do it, the better you become. Listen to find out three ways to practice in your every day life.  
Published 08/23/23
Being mindful is one of the areas that I need the most practice. Today we're talking about what it means and I'm giving three tips on how to put it into practice. 
Published 08/17/23
One of the best ways to empower yourself and feel proud of yourself is to step outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Let me share three ways to do this at your own pace. 
Published 08/15/23
It doesn't matter how rich, smart or successful you are, if you can't manage that organ between your two ears, you will not have a happy and meaningful life.  Being grateful is a way to build the muscle of noticing everything in your life that is working and that is precious. At the end of your life, you get to decide if it was worth it and it's all a matter of perspective.  Let me guide you on how to appreciate those little things so that you can live a happy and meaningful life. 
Published 08/13/23