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Micah Sami
Meditation with Micah
Meditation with Micah was created with the aim to bring people into deeper trust, excitement, and awareness of themselves through the ancient art of healing-guided meditation. When we are able to access stillness and tranquility through meditation, we allow our minds and bodies to heal. Listen to these meditations to access inner peace and stability, allowing you to gain confidence and trust in yourself to thrive in all walks of life.
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Ratings & Reviews
4.5 stars from 11 ratings
I tried the first episode, her mobile was not on silence mode, there was a lot of noise in the background. This is not good for a proper mindfulness experience. Get a microphone and your mobile on don’t disturb mode.
John Caviedes via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 12/29/21
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Take a quiet moment for yourself and allow this anxiety-release guided meditation to relieve your mind and your body of all stress and tension. Be guided into a deep and lasting state of inner peace which will allow you to move through life with more tranquility, ease, and stability.
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Published 07/28/21
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