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 The captain has just announced the aircraft's imminent takeoff. The engines begin to thrum and Alexis' torture is about to begin. He asks Inès how such a heavy machine can possibly achieve what is, to him, the impossible feat of taking off and not dropping out of the sky. This is Inès'cue to explain the role of the engines, nacelles and landing gear, as the plane takes off.  
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L’avion sort à peine de la zone de turbulence que le capitaine de bord fait une annonce libératrice: l’avion entame sa descente vers l’aéroport d’Helsinki. Seulement, les nerfs d’Alexis sont à vif, et la descente est un peu rude. Inès le prend par la main, et lui explique le processus...
Published 07/30/23
The plane is just out of the area of turbulence when the captain makes a liberating announcement: the plane is beginning its descent towards Helsinki airport. But Alexis is a nervous wreck and the descent is hard-going. Inès takes his hand and explains the landing process, and the responsibility...
Published 07/30/23