Use this hack if you are feeling anxious and overthinking Our ancestors didnt feel safe as they have to protect themselves each and every moment from the danger..though we have evolved a lot,but our mind stays anxious when we do nothing. When you have cluster of thoughts,tel to your mind that Affirmations for you: I'm safe I'm safe..these two words will save a lot of energy and time for you LOVE, RENU STAY SAFE ❤️
Published 05/20/21
Hey guys! Thanks for your support! In my first podcast I have discussed many major hacks that will useful to you. The topics discussed in this podcast is simple way to handle your thoughts,how your mind works really,developing self acceptance and self love in more easy way,developing the habit of gratitude, benefits of meditation (personal experience), handling ego and goals.Hope you liked my podcast.
Published 04/25/21