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On this ep of The Mentally Screwed Podcast i yell at the Rona, aka the virus, just for a sec. Then we play a fun quarantine game! Most of us are either stuck home bored or need a break from all this news. So, get everyone into the room, and lets play a fun game together. Destress, and have a few laughs. What else you gonna do while you're not using all the toilet paper you bought? Lets keep our spirits up. SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram= Twitter=
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Published 01/06/21
THE INTENT IN COMEDY IS IMPORTANT. Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. This saying doesn't seem to apply these days. On this Ep of The Mentally Screwed Podcast i have fun with the "word police". We have all crossed paths with them at some point in the past couple...
Published 01/06/21
On this Ep of The Mentally Screwed Podcast I read some fun unbelievable 2020 letters.  It's been a pretty rough year and it's almost over.  But i think at this point we have all heard some things that would only be believable in this crazy year of 2020.  As always, i hope you get a laugh out of...
Published 11/11/20