Sometimes, no matter how carefully we choose the foods we eat, there are still some nutritional gaps. These can lead to poor sleep, dry skin or hair, or cracking nails. You might notice your body being slow to recover from injury. These subtle signals are signs that we are missing a few key nutrients. Magnesium […] The post Menu For Great Health – Filling in the Nutritional Gaps appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 11/24/14
Sometimes, no matter how carefully we choose the foods we eat, there are still some nutritional gaps. These can lead to poor sleep, dry skin or hair, or cracking nails. You might notice your body being slow to recover from injury. These subtle signals are signs that we are missing a few key nutrients. Magnesium and gaba are two nutrients that are often overlooked. If we don’t get enough Omega 3 fatty acids we can compromise our heart or brain health. The good news is that a great way to get...
Published 11/24/14
I don’t know about you, but when my blood sugar drops I go from Mr. Nice Guy to Mr. Mean Man in a matter of minutes. I sometimes say things I regret or have trouble seeing things clearly enough to make sound decisions. Fluctuations in blood sugar level can have far greater consequences than just […] The post Menu For Great Health – Blood Sugar Balancing Act appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 11/17/14
I don’t know about you, but when my blood sugar drops I go from Mr. Nice Guy to Mr. Mean Man in a matter of minutes. I sometimes say things I regret or have trouble seeing things clearly enough to make sound decisions. Fluctuations in blood sugar level can have far greater consequences than just getting cranky or feeling tired. Our bodies respond to that stress by triggering hormone production such as adrenaline, the fight or flight hormone, even when no physical danger is present....
Published 11/17/14
Do you feel stiff or sore every time the weather changes? Maybe you experience joint pain or “tennis elbow”? An even far more serious concern might be developing rheumatoid arthritis or perhaps heart disease. Each of these conditions can be the result of inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation itself may not be especially noticeable. But […] The post Menu For Great Health – How to Tame Inflammation appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 11/10/14
Do you feel stiff or sore every time the weather changes? Maybe you experience joint pain or “tennis elbow”? An even far more serious concern might be developing rheumatoid arthritis or perhaps heart disease. Each of these conditions can be the result of inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation itself may not be especially noticeable. But the effects of it can be more than enough to ruin your day if not your entire quality of life. By becoming aware of how inflammation can occur and...
Published 11/10/14
Everyone has days when their belly is just little bit “off”, right? Must have just been something you ate… It doesn’t have to be that way. After all, you’re eating a balanced diet of whole foods, getting exercise each week, and doing all the right things. If you are experiencing symptoms such as bloating or […] The post Menu For Great Health – Gut Reaction appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 11/03/14
Everyone has days when their belly is just little bit “off”, right? Must have just been something you ate… It doesn’t have to be that way. After all, you’re eating a balanced diet of whole foods, getting exercise each week, and doing all the right things. If you are experiencing symptoms such as bloating or gas, acid reflux, or even constipation on a regular basis, the cause of the problem could be in your gut. Our digestive tracks are filled with various flora and fauna organisms that break...
Published 11/03/14
Are you puzzled about just how to add more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet? Do you find it a challenge to get the five servings of fruits and vegetables each day that US RDA recommends?  Brightly colored vegetables are packed with the nutrients and minerals that keep us full of energy, healthy and […] The post Menu For Great Health – Hot to Get 5 A Day with Colorful Cooking appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/27/14
Are you puzzled about just how to add more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet? Do you find it a challenge to get the five servings of fruits and vegetables each day that US RDA recommends?  Brightly colored vegetables are packed with the nutrients and minerals that keep us full of energy, healthy and strong. Eating more vegetables can also help curb our cravings for sugary or processed foods. What does getting those five servings each day really look like? Turns out it is a lot...
Published 10/27/14
It’s late afternoon, your feeling a slump in energy and decide a little snack will help pick you up.  That hummus and crackers you packed this morning be a big help about now. But those Oreo cookies in the vending machine are pulling you down the hall. Sometimes we know the better choice for ourselves […] The post Menu For Great Health – Hypnotherapy for Breaking Blocks appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/20/14
It’s late afternoon, your feeling a slump in energy and decide a little snack will help pick you up.  That hummus and crackers you packed this morning be a big help about now. But those Oreo cookies in the vending machine are pulling you down the hall. Sometimes we know the better choice for ourselves but we just can’t seem to steer toward it. What is the magic of those cookies? What sub-conscious belief are they tied to? Well, if we new that answer, it would be a whole lot easier to resist...
Published 10/20/14
When it comes to a holistic approaches to wellness, it can be said that all of them stem from one. Ayuervedic philosophy originated over 3500 years ago in India. What can such ancient wisdom teach us in today’s world? In a word, Ayuerveda can teach us balance. By understanding our predominate type, or Dosha, we […] The post Menu For Great Health – Ayurveda – Mother of all Medicines appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/13/14
When it comes to a holistic approaches to wellness, it can be said that all of them stem from one. Ayuervedic philosophy originated over 3500 years ago in India. What can such ancient wisdom teach us in today’s world? In a word, Ayuerveda can teach us balance. By understanding our predominate type, or Dosha, we can begin to recognize when we are out of balance. By following the principles of Ayuerveda, balance can be restored and our wellness flourishes. Each of the three Doshas, Vatta,...
Published 10/13/14
Yoga is very popular as a fitness program here in the west; classes are filled with perky young women bending themselves into pretzels. If you have ever thought you couldn’t “do” Yoga, think again. More important than how far into a yoga pose you can go, is using proper form. It really doesn’t matter what […] The post Menu For Great Health – Yoga Lifestyle Day to Day appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/06/14
Yoga is very popular as a fitness program here in the west; classes are filled with perky young women bending themselves into pretzels. If you have ever thought you couldn’t “do” Yoga, think again. More important than how far into a yoga pose you can go, is using proper form. It really doesn’t matter what the person next to you is doing. What matters is that you are practicing to the best of your own personal ability. What matters is choosing to practice in a way that makes you feel good...
Published 10/06/14
Symptoms are our body’s way of getting our attention. From feeling bloated to having a headache to a full blown fever, there is a bigger underlying message. It’s easy to dismiss these symptoms as having eaten too much or loud noises. But the fact is there is always an underlying cause for theses things. Does your stomach go into knots when someone tells you something you don’t want to hear, perhaps? Maybe you get a headache when you attemp a task you don’t believe you are capable of. More...
Published 09/29/14
Life on a country farm conjures up a romantic image; quaint red barn, peaceful animals in the yard, fields of crops in the sun, right? Close, but not quite. Add in lots of hard work an long days and you’ll have a more accurate description. One thing is for sure, there is an abundance of fresh, wholesome food. Stop to visit a farmers market and you’ll see tables piled with a variety of freshly harvested produce. Food so fresh and abundant it inspires healthy cooking and eating. With a few key...
Published 09/22/14
How would it be if you could listen to your own intuition and follow your inner guidance when making food choices? Ask yourself, what is your frame of mind towards food? Do you worship food or are you afraid of it? Are you feeling restricted by what others say you are supposed to eat? Maybe even shameful if you find it difficult to follow that advice? This week we talk with Lisa Turner, chef, teacher, and food writer for magazines such as Self, Yoga Journal, and Delicious Living. She is...
Published 09/15/14
Meal time comes and you think, “I am so tired and this is going to take so long.” How would it feel to know you have everything you need to make time in the kitchen go smoothly and relaxing? The skills, the supplies, and even a plan! Basic skills like handling a chef knife comfortably can be a huge time saver and confidence booster. A little advance planning and shopping can ensure you have the supplies you need on hand to quickly produce a great meal. This week we talk with Suzanne Landry,...
Published 09/01/14
Where did your eating habits come from? Your parents? The food you were served in school? Do you let restaurants influence what you think is a reasonable meal? Often we have habits we wish to change, but the obstacles of everyday life jump in the way. You're sitting down to a great meal with friends, connecting with a great conversaton, and the next thing you know the fork is clinking on the plate. You think, “I can’t believe I ate the whooole thing!” Maybe the constant availabilty of cheap...
Published 08/25/14
You are eating a healthy balanced diet with lots of green vegetables and colorful fruits. Even choosing organics where it matters most. Avoiding processed foods and fast foods. Do you really need to spend money on supplements? In today’s world, our soils are worn out, meaning even whole food lacks the nutrition it once had. Our lifestyles are more stressful than ever, always “turned on and plugged in”. And the amount of chemicals and toxins we are exposed to is unprecedented. What does it...
Published 08/18/14
It seems like something from a science fiction movie. A sealed chamber, hissing and steaming ... then surprise! Out comes fabulous tasting food in only 1/3 of the time of  traditional cooking methods. Meet the second generation of pressure cookers.   Save time, save energy, and prepare healthy, vibrant meals in minutes. Pressure cooking is ideal for soups, risotto dishes, meat dishes, even fish. You can easily adapt your favorite family recipes and cook them faster than ever! This week we...
Published 08/11/14
So you want to be physically active AND be a vegetarian? No problem! These two healthy lifestyles can go hand in hand. Finding alternative sources of protein to support your body is one thing. Finding delicious, creative ways to get them into your diet can be another. From beans to grains to nuts, there are a surprising number of great recipes to bring variety and interest into your meals. Ever made a Pasta sauce using almond milk? How about white beans disguised as cookie bars? It may sound...
Published 08/04/14
One way to avoid GMO’s is to grow your own food! Homegrown vegetables taste fantastic, are easy to grow, and put you in control of what goes on your table. How cool would it be to walk into your yard and harvest food every day? From a few simple containers to turning a corner of your yard into a garden, you can have a steady supply of fresh greens, herbs, and vegetables. Growing your own is fun and helps cut down on trips to the grocery store and can help you save big time on your grocery...
Published 07/28/14