It's been a while but we are back with BIG news. Mick's Martial Arts is changing, it will soon become the World Of Martial Arts podcast. We have a new team and are joining a new sports network which will allow us to provide you with even more great martial arts content and guests. We'll keep the old episodes alive but from this point in things will look and sound a little different.
Published 10/13/20
Sat amongst builders and the bare bones of a brand new gym in Nottingham, Mick catches up with Joe Long and looks back on a career that has taken him from fighting, to fight promotion and now launching UFC Gym UK.
Published 04/09/19
Published 04/09/19
Adam Tags Taggart is a man on a mission, and he has just relocated to Illinois as he pursues a Phd studying the effects of martial arts on the brain. A personal fitness and martial arts instructor, Adam takes Mick through his discovery of cognitive kali, the fighters paradox, and his desire to learn and understand exactly why the arts do what they do for so many people.
Published 09/25/18
Marc Rodrigues-Bernet is an upcoming actor, serving soldier, and martial artist. He is currently working towards making his way on to the British Equity Stunt Register which will give him an industry recognised competency process and the opportunity to start his career as a stunt performer. We caught up at the MKG camp in Calshot earlier this year, and in the process stumble across a potential moneyspinner for a Christmas book from your host Mick Tully.
Published 09/11/18
Keith Priestly is a fearsome Kyokushin Fighter, an old school hardcore trainer, and an eternal student. He discusses his career, how he uses old training methods to continue to turn out champions, and bemoans the state of modern martial arts. And his opinions are just as strong as his punches, so don't be too surprised if some of them sting as in his own words, he's not afraid of upsetting anybody.
Published 08/29/18
We're back after a little hiatus and what a way to jump back in! Recorded earlier this year at the Warriors Assemble awards, Mick sits down to talk with a young man who has overcome more than his fair share of obstacles on his way to his black belt in Tae Kown Do. A genetic condition means that Robbie Hirst has had more broken bones than every other guest we've had on the show COMBINED! Join him as he tells us how everyday tasks can lead to another break, yet that never gets in the way of his...
Published 08/14/18
Where it all began... This episodes guest is my first and only Sensie in Karate. The man who put me on the path and following his example has kept me on that path. There’s not enough time to go into how much I love this man, and how even now his lessons from 30+ years ago continue to guide my life.. Shihan Kenneth ‘Andy’ Margrett !!!
Published 04/03/18
This episodes guest is a man that many people think they know, but very few actually know. A guy who’s lived a life that has seen both ends of the spectrum in regard to what most people would consider ‘normal’. We cover everything from his time in the parachute regiment, time spent at her majesty’s pleasure, working in high profile close protection, his upcoming bare knuckle boxing world title fight, and how Jiu Jitsu has become a part of his path to redemption. No subject was avoided and...
Published 03/20/18
What do I say about this episodes guest? Well, what about if I say I’d heard about this guys years previously and he was more of an urban myth, one of the original guys to regularly visit LA and train at the world famous Inosanto academy, he then disappears for a number of years.. then reappears when he’s literally achieved mythic status. If that wasn’t enough, he then proceeds to post grainy footage of the pioneers of the UK JKD scene from old VHS that he’s kept for years. Personally for me...
Published 03/06/18
Legends aren't all invincible and it's with regret that we announce Scott Caldwell has passed recently. In tribute, we thought it'd be fitting to replay the interview Mick had the pleasure of conducting with him last year.   Original Bio: After 36 years in training, Scott Caldwell sits down with Mick and talks all things I first became of this gentleman due to a story I thought was an urban legend, he'd been employed as a body guard by a well known martial artist, the identity of whom I've...
Published 02/20/18
This shows guest is one of the coolest guys I’ve ever met.. he can break bodies and fix them! Yep, it’s the crippling chiropractor himself Guro David Hearst. I first met David years ago at the legendary Lake Owen martial arts camp and we immediately hit it off. He’s like me, a real geek about all things cool... films, comics, martial arts and music. It would be remiss of me if I didn’t mention that Dr Dave keeps some seriously cool company in the shape of his wife Janet and all the cool...
Published 02/13/18
So, what happens when two of the most exuberant and adroit men on the planet meet up for a quick chat? An epic discourse that lasts that long it has to be split into 2 shows! I’m very lucky in the course of doing these that I can exercise more than a bit of nepotism and interview literally anyone I want, this episodes guest is a dear friend, who’ve I’ve wanted to get for a long time now... We talk Martial arts, mental health and what is a man’s role in today’s ever changing world! We...
Published 01/30/18
So, what happens when two of the most exuberant and adroit men on the planet meet up for a quick chat? An epic discourse that lasts that long it has to be split into 2 shows! I’m very lucky in the course of doing these that I can exercise more than a bit of nepotism and interview literally anyone I want, this episodes guest is a dear friend, who’ve I’ve wanted to get for a long time now... We talk Martial arts, mental health and what is a man’s role in today’s ever changing world! We...
Published 01/16/18
Looking for highlights from Mick's Martial Arts in 2017? We've got them, would you like them scrambled or poached?   Clips from: - Marcus Charles: http://micksmartialarts.libsyn.com/mma-54-marcus-charles-guru-sifu-coach - Tony Pillage: http://micksmartialarts.libsyn.com/mma-63-tony-pillage-farewell-tour - Chad Breske: http://micksmartialarts.libsyn.com/mma-55-chad-breske-nerds-geeks-and-martial-artists To get more episodes head to http://www.abruptaudio.com and hit the more episodes...
Published 01/02/18
This episodes guest brings more than a touch of the commonwealth with her, a Bermudan national who sounds like a Canadian and punches like she’s from St.Hitts.... oops, I mean St. Kitts! Apologies on the awful pun and link from me, but I assure you that I’m sure I will be forgiven when you listen to her dulcet tones and sage wisdom, this lady has been a dear friend and inspiration for over 15 years now, an exceptional talent, teacher and a person who’s smashed stereotypes of what a martial...
Published 12/19/17
Well, where do I start with this episodes guest? How about we start with the fact this gent is legitimately one of the toughest men I’ve ever encountered, a true student of the sweet science and someone who worked for years as a door man and was a mainstay of top ‘teams’ supplying security through the infamous ‘rave culture’ era. He was also one of the first guys I met that was intelligently training and mixing the arts in the early days of mma. A sparring partner of Jeff “the snowman”...
Published 12/05/17
Sometimes it’s good to let a guest speak for themselves on the show.. we don’t even talk about sports really in this, but a recent Facebook status he posted will illustrate just how adroit this returning guest is.. in fact I’m hoping to catch him every time we meet up, as he constantly enlightens me with his insights..so, with this status gem from Guro Christopher Harley to initially whet your appetite first.. enjoy the show!
Published 11/21/17
Part 2. This weeks guest is a modern day Jim Harrison (google him!).. an adventurer, a historian, a publisher, the first world Silat champion, a member of the dirty dozen(one of the first twelve non Brazillian’s to attain a black belt), the father of Bjj in Australasia, one of the top five teachers I’ve ever met in any sphere, and finally a man I’m honoured to call a friend as well as mentor and inspiration.. the one and only John B Will.
Published 11/07/17
Part 1. This weeks guest is a modern day Jim Harrison (google him!).. an adventurer, a historian, a publisher, the first world Silat champion, a member of the dirty dozen(one of the first twelve non Brazillian’s to attain a black belt), the father of Bjj in Australasia, one of the top five teachers I’ve ever met in any sphere, and finally a man I’m honoured to call a friend as well as mentor and inspiration.. the one and only John B Will.
Published 10/24/17
This episodes intro is like this shows guest.. short but sweet!  It's a long overdue catch up and update with one of my original guests ever on Mick's martial arts.. and one of both my favourite teachers and people.. a person who's been instrumental in my development as a person and martial arts student.. the one and only Guro Diana Rathborne.
Published 10/10/17
The intro for this episodes guest is very much like our guest, short but sweet. I first met this young man a few years ago whilst teaching a seminar and was immediately struck by how enthusiastic and driven he was. Over time our friendship lead to me having the tables turned on me as he and former guest Lucci Del Gaudio interviewed me for their best selling book featuring 'masters of martial arts'.. however your friendly neighbourhood podcaster got added to the book is anyone's guess! I also...
Published 09/26/17
This shows star is a bit of an enigma, he's an accomplished writer, raconteur, martial artist, motivational speaker, NLP expert and generally awesome individual.. but enough about me, let's talk about who I'm chatting too.. LOL as they say in cyber space.. these adjectives can also be used as labels for my guest this episode. I first became aware of this gent back in the late '80s from some of the articles he wrote for some of the various martial arts magazines that were ridiculously...
Published 09/13/17
The star of this show is my dear friend, and along with past guest Ryan Reynolds(no, not that one!) one of my landlords when I'm in Minneapolis..Mr Jon Bouley! But that's not the reason he's the guest on this episodes show, it's the fact he's an awesome martial artist and has a terrific outlook on training and life in general. In the time I've known him, he's gone from a tall, slender Thai boxer to a guy who looks like what would happen if Moby had a child with a brick s**t house. The guy is...
Published 08/29/17
The picture sums up just what a scoundrel this shows guest is... Tony Pillage is actually the only person to warrant a 2nd show in the history of the micks martial arts podcast. In this episode we sit down and basically try to figure out how surreal it is that we are conversing normally whilst discussing how the spectre of cancer looms over his life. Tony's been a polarising character from the first moment he burst on to the martial arts scene, never shying away from the facts in regard to...
Published 08/15/17