John 3:17 states: For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved   The question is: Saved from what – the answer is, from eternal punishment – hell   The Bible describes what we need to be save from in these terms. Luke 16 and Mat 25 – tormented in an everlasting fire Revelation 14 – no rest day or night Revelation 20 – in a lake of fire and brimstone, tormented day and night forever and ever What we must understand is...
Published 11/07/22
A common challenge is how do dinosaurs fit into the Bible. The best evidence is the Bible. God created man and land animals (which included dinosaurs) on day 6 of His creation. This means dinosaurs and people lived at the same time. Additional evidences include: * Dinosaur soft tissue still with the bones * Unfossilized dinosaur bones * Proteins found with the bones * Red blood cells found with the bones * DNA fragments found in the bones (which should last a maximum of about 10,000...
Published 10/21/22
Should Christians really care if the earth is young or old (billions of years)? A common claim by some church leaders is that the age of the earth does not matter.   This claim however, demonstrates a lack of biblical knowledge.   First: if the earth is old this means there would have been millions of years of death and disease before Adam and Even and the Fall. It teaches death before sin, which means sin was not the cause of death. This undermines the very reason Jesus had to go to...
Published 10/11/22
The number one issue effecting Sunday school is a lack of training for teachers.   Ken Brady (Manager of Lifeway’s adult Bible study curriculum for trainers) “If you want to breathe life into your Sunday school, you must train the leaders.”   Bob Mayfield (Sunday School and adult discipleship specialist) “The training of a church’s Sunday School and small group leaders is one of the five most important actions that are conducive to a church’s growth and spiritual health.” Just having...
Published 10/03/22
How should we interpret Genesis 1?    In Genesis one 1. God explicitly chose the word day for time 2. In Genesis 1:5 God defined the length of the day as a light and dark cycle 3. God used a number with the word “day” which always means a day 4. God further defined each day with “evening and morning” which always means a day 5. Genesis 1 is written as historical narrative and not poetry. Then in the 10 Commandments, Exodus 20:11, God wrote down on the stone tablets He created...
Published 09/28/22
Do we need another Jeremiah to warn America of impending judgement and to turn back to God’s Word?   No, we don’t need another Jeremiah. God already gave us Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and other prophets to warn us of what He will do to nations that abandon Him and His Word. Especially nations that call good evil and evil good. What we don’t need is more soft teaching, more seeker friendly preaching, more compromise and more false gospels. What we do need are church leaders and Christian...
Published 09/19/22
Become an apologetics leader in your church and community this Aug 1-6, 2022 near Asheville, NC. This 5-day course is intense, filled with valuable information, and allows students to practice what they have learned. Because of the techniques used in the course the student success rate is near 100%. You will have the opportunity to learn with like-minded believers who have a passion for creation and apologetics. Learn more here
Published 04/20/22
Training courses to equip parents to teach biblical creation and apologetics to their children.
Published 03/04/22
Nonbelievers often use the challenge, “Who did Cain marry?” to challenge the credibility of the Bible. However, this challenge is generally made without knowledge of what the Bible teaches or knowledge of the history of genetics.
Published 02/22/22
Should Christians use science to interpret Scripture when it appears the Bible does not agree with the scientific evidence?
Published 08/18/21
Published 02/01/21
Published 01/20/21
Why Jesus is someone you need to know. -He is God the Son -He is the Creator of all things -His is the one and only Savior -He is the KING of kings and LORD of lords -In Him and Him alone is our victory -He has all authority and will be our final Judge
Published 01/07/21
Lesson 4: Responding to Biblical Arguments Used to Support Millions of Years A great video that exposes the Framework Hypothesis as a false teaching. In this video Mike uses the Berean+ test to point out the errors in the model. Unfortunately, it is being taught as truth in some Christian universities and churches. Your financial support is an investment that will enable CTI to produce training that equips people to stand firm on God’s Word.
Published 07/07/20
Lesson 2 -Creation is a secondary doctrine -How could the first three days be literal days if the sun was not created until day 4? -The problem of using modern science to interpret Scripture Your financial support is an investment that will enable CTI to produce training that equips people to stand firm on God’s Word.  
Published 06/26/20
Published 06/12/20
Published 06/08/20
Lesson 1 Basic hermeneutics: Learn tools that will help you with your study of God’s Word.   Your financial support is an investment that will enable CTI to produce training that equips people to stand firm on God’s Word.  
Published 06/03/20
Many people have a misunderstanding about what the Bible really states about the Flood and Noah’s Ark. In this video Mike solves this challenge by answering three questions. How did the animals get to the Ark? How big was the Ark? How many animals needed to be on the Ark?
Published 01/03/19
Why is the statement, “God could have used evolution” an incorrect and unbiblical statement for any Bible believing Christian to make?
Published 11/06/18