Have you ever taken a moment to ask yourself what truly matters to you? I'm talking about a deep dive into the core of your being to unearth your values and not just a fleeting thought that skims the surface. Sure, family, kindness, and respect matter to me, but what about a profound understanding of your values that acts as your inner compass? Imagine knowing your values so intimately that they become the filter for every decision you make, ensuring that every choice is a step towards a life...
Published 11/17/23
We will learn: Why your therapist's coping skills might not be working for you, and the game-changing advice that could change your progress How self-blame holds you back and the surprising reason behind your need for control The secret coping skill for anxiety and panic attacks Have you ever experienced something that you just never quite got over? A loss, a betrayal, a violation of some sort? Or maybe a memory resurfaced years later, followed by a whole lot of emotions that you never...
Published 11/14/23
We will learn: The secret to balancing the demands of parenting, podcasting, marriage, and more through one powerful concept How to navigate multiple belief systems without getting caught in the trap of searching for the 'one true' belief A revolutionary technique used by spiritual gurus to unleash your decision-making potential Have you ever felt torn between two perspectives? Well, what if there's no such thing as the "wrong" way? What if what's right for me isn't necessarily what's...
Published 11/07/23
We will learn: The hidden teachings of Jesus that were deemed too advanced for the masses, and how they can transform your understanding of religion and spirituality. How the ancient gnostic masters were silenced by the church, and how their suppressed teachings hold the key to unlocking your true spiritual potential The mind-boggling concept that we are not just physical beings, but spiritual energy residing in multiple dimensions Have you ever wondered if the wise sages of the past...
Published 10/31/23
We will learn: Why illness can be a spiritual and emotional teacher, and how understanding this can change the way you view your own health challenges How even the smallest actions can have a ripple effect on the collective consciousness of millions Why addressing your emotional wounds is crucial for a world filled with love and compassion We humans spend a lot of time collectively thinking about what happens when we die... is there heaven, hell, purgatory, a multitude of realms, just...
Published 10/24/23
We will learn: The surprising truth about seeking spiritual enlightenment and why it may be holding you back from true fulfillment The hidden potential within anxiety so you can transform it into a healing frequency that propels you forward The powerful practice of reverse meditation and how it can help you let go of ego, leading to a state of radical freedom What's your first move when difficult emotions start to bubble up? Do you distract yourself, maybe dive into work or binge a TV...
Published 10/17/23
We will learn: How curiosity can reveal things from mystical practices to trending forecasts The tension between what is true versus what is useful. The role of storytelling in releasing trapped energy When's the last time you felt truly creative? I mean, the kind of creative where you lose track of time, your hands are busy crafting something out of nothing, and your mind is full of ideas and possibilities. Do you even remember that feeling? Or have you convinced yourself that you're...
Published 10/10/23
Have you ever wondered who you would be without the crutch, or the pull, of alcohol? It's a question that might make you squirm a little, but it's worth sitting with. What if that glass of wine or that bottle of beer is actually bottling up your true potential? Our guest today is Amanda Kuda. She can attest to the fact that you don’t need to have a drinking problem for alcohol to be holding you back. Like a lot of successful young professionals, her life was basically a carousel of...
Published 10/03/23
We will learn: How to shift your focus from external events to your personal growth. How to align your dreams and goals to higher guidance. Buddhism's path to overcoming isolation and finding connection Have you ever felt like you're the only person in a crowded room? Like you're surrounded by people, but still feel a sense of isolation? Buddhism says that thinking we're all separate is just us being delusional. This delusion is one of the "Three Poisons" that keep us stuck in a cycle of...
Published 09/26/23
We will learn: The roles that both genetics and society play in perfectionism The three types of perfectionism... one of which is very surprising The damage that perfectionism really does, and how to begin to undo it Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by the pursuit of perfection? You know, that feeling where you're stuck in a loop of endless tweaking, never quite satisfied, never quite ready to hit "publish" or "send"? The irony is, studies show that perfectionism often decreases...
Published 09/19/23
We will learn: How to embrace and ground sensitivity How to understand defense mechanisms and the intelligence behind them How to use our energy to help children navigate fear and stress We are always co-creating, so when we talk about understanding our emotions better, it's not just for us. It's for everyone around us, too. When we're more in tune with how we feel, we can better understand others, and that's something the world really needs right now. So today, we're talking about how...
Published 09/12/23
We will learn: How to handle the pressure to conform How to stay open to different ways of experiencing spirituality The concept of eternity as the opening to oneness When was the last time you questioned something so deeply rooted within you that it felt like a part of your identity? Maybe it's cultural or the values of your family. Or maybe the religious beliefs you grew up with, or the spiritual path you were told was the right one. But what happens when those rules or beliefs don't...
Published 09/05/23
We will learn: The checklist to help identify poor vagal tone. How to identify hormonal imbalances and require customized care. Breathwork and somatic practices to help regulate your nervous system. When was the last time you really listened to your gut?  Your gut isn't just about digestion. It's your second brain, a silent guide that affects every aspect of your life. By neglecting it, we're ignoring a vital part of ourselves... a part that's yearning for attention, and balance, and...
Published 08/29/23
We will learn: The connection between uncertainty, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome.  The power of framing in influencing our preferences and choices.  How to overcome fear and step into the unknown to experience transformational moments. When was the last time you felt the thrill of the unknown? Most of us are creatures of habit. We like knowing what's around the corner. The unknown is scary and uncomfortable. It's... well, it's unknown. The problem is most people don't even realize...
Published 08/22/23
Ever feel like you're all by yourself in a room full of people? Buddhist psychology teaches us, "In the seeing, there is only the seen. In the hearing, there is only the heard." That's about directly experiencing life, without judgment, without resistance, without your mind running a marathon in the background. And that's what we're talking about today. Our guest is Sharon Salzberg. She is a meditation pioneer, world-renowned teacher, and New York Times bestselling author. She is one of the...
Published 08/15/23
We will learn: The secret sauce behind the mindset of great sellers and the two pivotal questions that kickstart their journey. The intriguing concept of "The Unsold" and the lessons we can learn from them. How intentional ignorance can be a surprising game-changer in your sales strategy. Have you ever stopped to consider what it truly means to sell? Most people see sales as a necessary evil, a grueling task to be endured. They're stuck in the status quo, viewing sales as a zero-sum game...
Published 08/08/23
Three key things we will learn are: What happens when we let a void replace our sense of purpose? And more importantly, what can we do to not just fill, but fulfill this space How to get clear on the inner narratives that are holding stuck energy A journey into the heart of 'tapping' Have you ever found yourself caught in the same loop? Repeating the same patterns or thoughts. The same emotional blocks and self-doubt replaying like a broken record, no matter how hard you try to change...
Published 08/01/23
We will learn: How self-inquiry can help us see ourselves more clearly How crisis and disaster can be liberating How our shadow parts can be a guide for growth You know that feeling, right? When you're stuck in the loop of worries, imagining all sorts of disastrous scenarios, and feeling your anxiety rise. Or when you find yourself catastrophizing, blowing the tiniest things completely out of proportion. There's an ancient wisdom that's been around since the time of the ancient Greeks...
Published 07/25/23
We will learn: How to recognize a shame spiral and how can we get out of it The benefits of expanding our emotional vocabulary Why we should let emotions cloud our thinking Have you ever been told to "just be strong" or "chin up" when you were feeling down? I know I have. And it's kind of weird right? Like there's a secret rule that says we're supposed to just flip off our emotions after a while. The problem is, our culture has so deeply embedded an almost toxic emotional strength that...
Published 07/18/23
We will learn: The difference between an option and a choice How to recognize our own patterns of self-abandonment How to safeguard your mind from fear and psychosis Do you ever catch yourself doubting your own judgment? Or maybe hiding parts of who you truly are—your emotions, your beliefs, or ideas—just to blend into the crowd or keep the peace? Most often, it begins in childhood. Maybe the adults in your life didn't meet your needs very well so you felt unloved or insignificant. Or...
Published 07/11/23
We will learn: How your perception of sleep affects your ability to do it and how you feel after it How to slow your brainwaves down to nudge yourself to sleep What to do during the day and before bed to create your ideal sleep conditions Poor sleep can mess with us in a bunch of ways, both physically and mentally. It weakens our immune system. It messes with our hormones, and that can lead to weight gain or trouble managing our weight. Plus, it increases the risk of serious illnesses...
Published 07/04/23
We will learn: The anti-aging benefits of flow states and how to get into them on demand.  How forgiveness unlocks wisdom and empathy.  How to use dynamic play and novel environment to speed up and enhance learning at any age.  What do you believe about your brain as you age? If you're like most people, you expect that you'll get a little slower, you'll become more forgetful, and you'll have difficulty learning new things as easily... and that's if you're lucky. Because about 10% of senior...
Published 06/27/23
We will learn: How your mental hurdles are self-imposed and how to overcome them How to connect your goals to a bigger picture to create internal motivation The power of multi-sensory imagery to make our mind crave anything What if you could make your mind crave anything? What if, instead of having that incessant inner voice telling you to go back to the fridge and overindulge in your favorite snack, you used that same mind power to feel almost addicted to your own wildest...
Published 06/20/23
We will learn: How to take responsibility for your consciousness level and the reality you experience How to use your imagination to move past doubt and denial How to move our awareness from our heads to our hearts If you're on a spiritual journey, I'm sure you've heard of elevating your consciousness. But what does raising your vibration really mean, and how do you know if you're doing it? The science of vibes might sound woo-woo, but there is actual research behind it. And it's being...
Published 06/13/23
We will learn: How to use shadow work to explore the basement of your psyche. How to embrace healing by releasing the wounded story. How to tap into the heart's wisdom and guidance. How do you decide which direction to go? How do you know if you're choosing what you really want versus what you think you should want?  Whether you're starting a new business or just trying to navigate your daily life, the choices can be overwhelming. How do you know if you're making the right decision? We...
Published 06/06/23