James Nestor is an author and journalist who has written for Scientific American, Outside, The New York Times, The Atlantic, National Public Radio, The San Francisco Chronicle, and more. His latest book, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, was released May 26, 2020 by Riverhead/Penguin Random House and was an instant New York Times and London Sunday Times bestseller. Breath explores how the human species has lost the ability to breathe properly. This sounds impossible, but it's true....
Published 01/22/21
In Part 2 of our conversation with behavioural geneticist, Robert Plomin, we discuss: · The problems with medical or disease model · How the abnormal is normal · How we could use polygenic information to inform educational interventions · The public reaction to Roberts new book: Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are
Published 01/11/21
Today I'm honoured to be speaking with Robert Plomin - Professor of Behavioural Genetics at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience at King's College London. Robert has previously held positions at the University of Colorado Boulder, and at Pennsylvania State University. He was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and of the British Academy for his twin studies and his ground-breaking work in behavioural genetics. He is the author or co-author of many books,...
Published 01/05/21
Today, I have a conversation with founder and CEO of Hello Sunday Morning, Chris Raine. Hello Sunday Morning was born in 2009 when founder, Chris Raine undertook a year-long experiment to quit drinking. A nightclub promoter at the time, Chris blogged about the challenges and successes of this experiment when he woke up hangover-free every Sunday Morning signing off with "Hello, Sunday Morning!" Since first extending the challenge to his flatmate, Chris has grown Hello Sunday Morning into a...
Published 12/27/20
Today, I'm joined by Keith Campbell - Professor of Psychology at the University of Georgia, and author of more than 100 scientific articles. Keith is also the author of The Narcissism Epidemic and The New Science Of Narcissism - both of which are required reading. His work on narcissism has appeared in USA Today, Time, and The New York Times. Keith also recently appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast which ranks amongst my favourite JR episodes of all-time. Enjoy !
Published 12/26/20
Today, I talk with science journalist Martha Zaraska. Marta's new book, Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100 is a research-driven case for why optimism, kindness, and strong social networks will keep us living longer than any fitness tracker or superfood. Marta currently lives in a tiny French village with her husband and daughter. I recently caught up with Marta to find answers to the following questions: · How do optimism and pessimism affect...
Published 10/25/20
Have you ever kept someone in your life far longer than you should have? Do you have a "friend" who always seems to take more than they give? Is a fear of being alone keeping a toxic friendship alive? My guest today is Hannah Korell. Hannah's a Neuropsychologist, and the author of How To Break Up With Friends - which is released today! I caught up with Hannah to ask her the following questions: · Why do we put up with toxic relationships? · How can we identify bad friends in our lives? ·...
Published 10/07/20
Social media has quickly become synonymous with the internet. The average Australian spends up to 6h/day on social networking sites. While social media enables connections and collaboration at an unprecedented scale, there's also a dark side to this networked world that's laced with addiction, depression, harassment, and more. By every measure, social media is a risky behaviour like sex, drugs, or alcohol. As social media continues to become part of the fabric of modern life - the "digital...
Published 09/23/20
Today, I talk with Sleep expert, Dr Gemma Paech. With over 12 years' experience in sleep, fatigue and circadian rhythms, Gemma is passionate about improving the health and well-being of all individuals. An experienced communicator, researcher and mentor, Gemma has worked in clinical and research-based sleep laboratories in the USA and Australia. Gemma has also appeared on the Today Show (Channel 9 Australia) and radio stations including the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), 2SER...
Published 09/19/20
Today, I talk fears and phobias with Dr Celin Gelgec, a clinical psychologist based in Melbourne, who specialises in Anxiety, OCD, and Phobias. Celin is a Senior Clinical Psychologist & the Director of the Melbourne Wellbeing Clinic. She works with children, adolescents, and adults, who experience Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety and Phobias. I ask Celin: • What are phobias? • What's the difference between a fear and a phobia? • Are some people more predisposed to developing a...
Published 09/16/20
From the tip of your fingers, down to your toes, today, we help you relax your mind, body, and brain. This helps you get into that 'Sleepy State' Todays Relaxation Strategies: Breath focus technique Body Scan Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Published 09/11/20
From the tip of your fingers, down to your toes, today, we help you relax your mind, body, and brain so you can get into that 'Sleepy State' Todays Relaxation Strategies include: Breath focus technique Body Scan Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Published 09/08/20
Today I'm joined by a national treasure in Australia's leading social researcher and bestselling author, Hugh Makay. In recognition of his pioneering work in social research, Hugh has been elected a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society, and awarded honorary doctorates by Charles Sturt, Macquarie, UNSW, Western Sydney, and Wollongong universities. He was also appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in 2015 For decades, Hugh explored our national psyche by interviewing...
Published 09/07/20
Welcome to Episode 1 of our 12-part Sleep Series. Over the next 12 episodes, I'll be discussing all things sleep - We'll look at the science of sleep, and delve into how sleep affects your mind, brain, body, and behaviour. I'll share my tips for developing better sleep habits and routine. I'll help you get into that sleepy state by telling you stories that go nowhere, with no real point other than to create a comfortable, safe space for you to unwind, relax, and get a good nights sleep. Oh,...
Published 09/03/20
Today, I answer questions from listeners. A HUGE thank you to everyone for your support throughout Season 1. We'll be returning for Season 2 on September 2nd. Mindfulness and Sleep Podcasts will be uploaded sporadically. Subscribe to ensure you never miss an episode.
Published 08/05/20
"We hurt where we care. We care, where we hurt" - Dr Steven Hayes Why is it that the things that can cause us the most pain, are often the things we care about the most deeply? For instance, I've never met a client with social anxiety who didn't have a deep longing to be socially accepted by their peers. Moreover, I've never met a person with depression who didn't desperately wish they could be engaged in the richness and fullness of life again. Often, we turn our back on our true values...
Published 07/31/20
" I can resist anything except temptation" - Oscar Wilde Today, I'm joined by Dr. Roy Baumeister, Professor at the University of Queensland. During our conversation, we discuss self-control, the factors that deplete it, and the ways we can increase it. We also discuss the powerful negativity effect, and how we can give it some much needed competition. Enjoy !
Published 07/15/20
In this episode, we're joined by award-winning psychologist and author, Elizabeth Loftus. Elizabeth has spent her career uncovering the malleability of human memory, and is ranked as one of the top 100 most eminent psychologist of the 20th Century. In a career spanning nearly 50 years, Professor Loftus has written 23 books and published over 500 scientific articles on the malleability of human memory, eyewitness testimony, and courtroom procedure. In today's episode, we discuss her...
Published 07/08/20
In today's conversation, I'm talking sleep, with Dr Kate Sprecher. Dr. Sprecher's research focuses on the contribution of sleep and circadian rhythms to healthy aging. She is currently investigating how sleep in midlife relates to later life cognition and physical function, capitalizing on the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort, an ongoing longitudinal study that has followed community-dwelling adults for 30+ years. Today, I ask Kate the following questions: · What is sleep? · Why do we need...
Published 07/01/20
Are you the type of person who struggles to say NO, or tell people how you "really" feel? Does the very thought of having to decide on which restaurant to go to fill you with horror and dread? If so, then this is the episode for YOU. That's because today, I'm talking assertiveness with a man who has spent the last twenty-years teaching people this very skill - Dr Randy Paterson. Randy is a psychologist and author practicing in Vancouver, Canada. He is author of The Assertiveness Workbook,...
Published 06/24/20
In part two of this two-episode special, I continue my discussion with freelance writer, novelist, and recovering teacher, Gabbie Stroud. On today's show, Gabbie and I discuss the following: · The rise of anxiety amongst children, parents, and teachers · The need to 'leave children alone when they are skateboarding' - and allow them to learn from their own mistakes. · The benefits of rewarding effort, not just achievement · Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivational techniques · Teaching during...
Published 06/19/20
In this two-episode special, I talk to freelance writer, novelist, and recovering teacher, Gabbie Stroud. Gabbie's smash-hit memoir, Teacher, was shortlisted for Biography Book of the Year at the 2018 ABIA Awards and contributed to the national dialogue on education. Her most recent book, Dear Parents, has a 'no-filter' style that is both funny (the laugh-out-loud with snorts kind), and heartbreaking. On today's show, Gabbie discusses her experiences writing 'Teacher' and 'Dear Parents',...
Published 06/17/20
In today's conversation, I talk OCD with Dr Celin Gelgec, director of the Melbourne Wellbeing Group. Celin's enthusiasm for working with people with OCD really shows when you meet her. She has a keen passion for assisting people of all ages and their families who have been affected by OCD and related conditions including Anxiety (e.g., Social Anxiety, Generalised Anxiety, Agoraphobia, Health Anxiety, Panic Disorder), and Depression. Together, we discuss the psychological mechanisms that...
Published 06/12/20
In today's conversation, I discuss the incredible challenges facing our junior doctors. I'm joined by GP, Dr Sonia Henry. Sonia is also the author of 'Going Under', a book that lifts the lid on the medical profession, particularly the experiences of young doctors. Together, Sonia and I discuss her inspiration for writing the book, the long climb up the medical hierarchy, the ingrained culture of bullying, and the mental health challenges facing young doctors.
Published 06/03/20
Today, I'm discussing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with Dr. Steven Hayes. Dr. Hayes is a professor of Psychology at the university of Nevada, Reno. The author of 44 books, and nearly 600 scientific articles, he ranks amongst the most cited psychologists in the world. Dr. Hayes initiated the development of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and of Relational Frame Theory (RFT), which is the approach to cognition on which ACT is based. In this episode we discuss: • The early...
Published 05/25/20