Both Gina and Nedra have long subscribed to a parenting philosophy called Attachment Parenting. Coined by William and Martha Sears in The Baby Book, this parenting style emphasizes attachment and connection. Though it evolves over time, it starts from the very moments of birth. There are seven tenets of Attachment Parenting--also referred to as the "7 Bs", which you can read more about on our blog: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3905
Published 01/06/21
Much like last year, we are spending the last podcast of the year reflecting upon the year that has passed and looking forward to the next year with intention. We find the idea of setting resolutions for 2021 to be somewhat laughable after the year we've all had, so, instead, we are talking about our "strands of hope" for the new year. If we've learned anything from 2020, it was to let go of our expectations and just do the best we can. You can find more on this week's blog:...
Published 12/29/20
For this week's podcast, we are doing a couple things. First of all, we are telling birth stories. Everyone loves a birth story, right? Secondly, we are reminiscing about the first births we attended together in our new practice--that just happened to have occurred last Christmas. We hope you enjoy our walk down memory lane! You can also find this episode on our blog: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3871
Published 12/22/20
Whew! Just when we thought we were ahead, we had some massive technical obstacles this week! But never fear--we managed to get a podcast to you, albeit two-and-a-half days late. This week we have our second installment in our Practical Advice for Midwifery Practice series. We are going to give you insight into some things you need to do when you get your practice started. You can find this episode on our blog: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3846
Published 12/18/20
This week for Mod Midwives we cover the regulation of milk supply. From endocrine to autocrine control, to demand and supply, to activating prolactin receptor sites, we discuss how your milk supply is established and promoted. You can find any relevant links on our blog: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3825
Published 12/08/20
This week we are thrilled to launch a new series: Practical Advice for Midwifery Practice. We are busy midwives, and busy people in general, so we've really invested some time into improving our practice workflow and procedures. At the encouragement of one of our students, we decided to share some of our experience and insights with you. We will be discussing many topics from supplies to scheduling to communication, but first we start with expenses you need to consider for midwifery practice....
Published 12/01/20
This week on the podcast we tackle the sticky issue of talking to your family--especially when they are skeptical--about your plans for a home birth. This can be a tricky area to navigate, and different families find different approaches for navigating these conversations. We reference a number of other podcasts, if you want to dig a little deeper. These can be found on our blog: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3791
Published 11/24/20
We are back with more questions from you! This week we tackle: The prenatal visit schedule COVID and the holidays Mucus plugs What we've seen change in birth and breastfeeding over the last 10 years You can also find us on our blog here: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3770
Published 11/17/20
This week's Mod Midwives episode comes to you as Gina is recovering from COVID. We know lots of you have questions about exposure, and timelines, and symptoms so join us for our conversation about what it's looked like for our families and our practice. https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3747
Published 11/10/20
This week Nedra and Gina wax about our moniker Mod Midwives. What does it mean to be a mod midwife? We discuss how we navigate the art and science of midwifery, in addition to practical matters like social media presence and generational relevance. You can also find this episode on: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3735
Published 11/03/20
Even though we talk about water birth (or water immersion in labor to be more precise) all the time on Mod Midwives, we have yet to dedicate a full episode to it. So, this week we talk about all things water birth. We talk about pros and cons, challenges, guidelines for use, and logistics and set-up. You can also find this episode on this week's blog post: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3723
Published 10/27/20
For this week's podcast we talk with our listeners about boundaries for midwives: why they're necessary, how to establish them, and ideas for making boundaries work while still being accessible to our clients. You can read more about this topic here: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3707
Published 10/20/20
This week we are interviewing local midwife and Director of Midwifery atSeasons Birth Center in Thornton, Colorado. Aubre's most recent accomplishment is as author of the book, Midwifery for Expectant Parents: A Modern Guide to Choosing the Birth That's Right for You. In our interview, Aubre shares her thoughts about some of our favorite topics: community birth, integration of midwifery, collaboration, informed choice, and more! Don't miss this fun episode! You can also find the episode on...
Published 10/13/20
In this week's podcast, we've created a special compilation of questions people have asked us about choosing a midwife. Most midwives offer a consultation or interview where you can get to know one another and ask any questions you might have. This week, we're hoping to give you some guidance and insight into the process of choosing a midwife. You can find more specific information on our blog at: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3632
Published 10/06/20
It's been a while since we've had a podcast meant specifically for student midwives. We wanted to share some helpful hints for apprentice midwives or those who hope to someday take the journey. You can also find this episode on our blog: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3614
Published 09/29/20
This week is the third of a three-part series where we talk about the three stages of labor. However, we have put a bit of a spin on our discussion. Not only will we talk about the physiology of what's happening and what the birthing person and their partner should consider doing during each time, we also talk about what student midwives and newer midwives might consider doing during each stage. Learning to manage labor and birth is a skill--sometimes little is required other than to get out...
Published 09/22/20
This week is the second of a three-part series where we talk about the three stages of labor. However, we have put a bit of a spin on our discussion. Not only will we talk about the physiology of what's happening and what the birthing person and their partner should consider doing during each time, we also talk about what student midwives and newer midwives might consider doing during each stage. Learning to manage labor and birth is a skill--sometimes little is required other than to get out...
Published 09/15/20
This week is the first of a three-part series where we talk about the three stages of labor. However, we have put a bit of a spin on our discussion. Not only will we talk about the physiology of what's happening and what the birthing person and their partner should consider doing during each time, we also talk about what student midwives and newer midwives might consider doing during each stage. Learning to manage labor and birth is a skill--sometimes little is required other than to get out...
Published 09/08/20
Wow! In this, our 52nd podcast episode, we reflect over the past year of the podcast. Our practice is older by a few months, and has an ambiguous start date, but the podcast started the first week of September, 2019. And wow, what a year it has been. Talk about high highs and low lows. We hope you enjoy our walk back through the year as we reflect upon what worked for us and what hasn't, how the pandemic has shaped our practice (and podcast), and what we're proud of and where we feel we've...
Published 09/01/20
We get lots of questions about pumping when someone is planning to go back to work. We take a little time to answer these questions in this week's podcast. Visit our blog for links to shared resources: https://metromidwifery.com/2020/08/25/mod-midwives-milk-expression-for-returning-to-work/
Published 08/25/20
This week we have overcome *some* of our technical issues, but you'll notice our sound quality for Nedra is less-than-stellar. So, forgive us our mistakes as we try to get an outdoor, socially-distanced podcast together for you. We often lament how differently we would have done things if we could parent our first children again. We hope that some of our words of wisdom could ease the way for some new parents. We discuss: *Letting go of expectations *Going with the flow as a way to enjoy...
Published 08/18/20
Midwifing is not for the faint of heart. It involves long hours, sleepless nights, and now added COVID headaches. Add that right on top of our normally busy lives--personal and professional--and it can be hard to keep your ducks in a row. So, for this episode we are sharing some of the things that we do to keep #midwifelife manageable. We include some tips for staying on top of the chaos. You can also find this episode on our blog: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3513
Published 08/11/20
In honor of WBW, Gina and Nedra discuss six of the most prevalent myths that we hear regarding lactation. You can find more information at our blog: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3487
Published 08/04/20
This week, Gina and Nedra talk about their favorite positions for labor and birth. While this may sound like a pat list, we actually dig a little deeper and talk about when and under what circumstances we like certain positions. As well, in this podcast you are briefly introduced to Gina's son, Quinn (who knows nothing of labor and birth positions), and we blow a million dollar sponsorship deal with Apple. ;) We hope you enjoy!
Published 07/28/20
It's been awhile since we talked about how COVID has been impacting our practice. We'll review what practice changes are still in place and where we've lightened up, and revisit the Incredible Mask Debate, as well as some just general pontification. You can also find this episode on our blog: https://metromidwifery.com/?p=3467.
Published 07/21/20