Stephanie Jameson is an intuitive psychic empath, a reiki master, and author of The Happy Empath's Workbook. Are you an empath? Well, Stephanie is the perfect person to help you find out. In this episode, we explore what it is to be an empath, the challenges different types of empaths face, and inspiration and resources for harnessing your intuitive and empathetic abilities. For more episodes and inspiration for your spiritual path, visit www.formodernmystics.com
Published 12/01/18
Maimah Karmo is an author, philanthropist, and Founder and CEO of the Tigerlily Foundation. Over the last 10 years, Maimah has transformed herself from being a 32 year old mother with a young child and a diagnosis of breast cancer to an inspiration, guiding others in being fearless in transcending any life circumstance into an opportunity for personal evolution and bliss. For more information on Maimah and her work, visit www.MaimahKarmo.com.
Published 07/18/18
Nicole Doherty is the founder of the Shamanic Healing Arts Academy, as well as an Empowerment Coach, Yoga Instructor, and Shamanic Reiki Master Healer. In this episode, Nicole shares her perspectives on shamanism and how to step into your power and be your own inner healer. She also guides us through a grounding meditation you can use to center and balance yourself moving forward. For more information on Nicole and her work, visit www.nicoledoherty.com
Published 05/15/18
Transitioning from Corporate job to full-time mixed media artist, Catherine Rains is an inspiring example of the process of making profound shifts in your life through embracing what currently is. Cat shares the story of finding her way to her deepest desire through the practices of asking for clear signs from the Universe, taking action on those signs, and falling in love with her life exactly as it is in every moment, no matter how difficult things might appear to be. For more information...
Published 02/03/18
Hanson Tse is a master healer and the developer of WAMBI Exploration™, an experiential approach to listening to your own wisdom through awareness and the integration of mind and body. He harnesses wisdom from many modalities including the fields of energy healing, martial arts, and acting. On this episode, Hanson shares his perspectives on tuning to your own wise body/mind and the process of allowing life to be an unfolding exploration.
Published 11/27/17
Hetal Sheth is a Silicon Valley techie turned animal advocate. Since founding her company, Curry & Pepper, Hetal has been on a mission to create more happy and healthy dogs by increasing access to Ayurvedic resources. She reminds us that our pets have a spiritual path and deserve attention at the levels of mind, body, and spirit. On the podcast, she shares insights into the ancient science of Ayurveda and the history and practice of using Ayurvedic techniques to heal animals. Visit...
Published 09/13/17
Greg Bogart, Ph.D., MFT is a writer, musician, and therapeutic astrologer. On the podcast, Greg shows us how planetary movements affect us on every level from our personal lives and relationships to the political and social climate. For those seeking to harness their own natal chart for personal and spiritual growth, Greg offers inspiration and guidance rooted in decades of spiritual study and practice. For more information on Greg’s books and his work, visit www.dawnmountain.com
Published 08/18/17
Erin Lanahan, a transformational life coach, an internationally certified yoga teacher, and guide for anyone seeking to thrive through the balance of their masculine and feminine energy. On the podcast, Erin guides us through the deep waters of our feminine and masculine selves and how to navigate the aspects of shadow and light that we face individually and collectively. For more information on Erin and her workshops and coaching, visit www.erinlanahanmethod.com.
Published 08/14/17
Jaimal Yogis is an award-winning writer, an avid surfer and outdoorsman, and a teacher of meditation, mindfulness, and creative writing. He is the author of the books Saltwater Buddha, The Fear Project and his recent release, All Our Waves Are Water: Stumbling Toward Enlightenment and the Perfect Ride. With compassion and deep self-awareness, Jaimal’s writing eloquently captures the highs and lows of the spiritual path and I’ve personally been very moved by his books and teaching. In this...
Published 07/04/17
Will Pye is a true modern mystic. Through his Radical Gratitude teachings, his book, "Blessed With A Brain Tumor", and his courses, Will inspires spiritual seekers to leverage life’s difficulties for conscious self-mastery. On the podcast, we explore a wide range of subjects from Epigenetics and the effects of spiritual practice on the brain and body, to social justice and how to engage without being in a state of resistance. Will's depth of wisdom offers a wealth of resources and...
Published 06/22/17
Brian Piergrossi is an author and spiritual teacher who, through his coaching and retreats, creates experiences that harness the power of resonant fields and cultivate spiritual awakening. Brian’s difficult journey with pain and chronic fatigue syndrome drew him to deeply explore the challenges of the human condition and led him to profound realizations about pain, suffering and transcendence. For more information on Brian’s books, coaching and retreats visit www.thebigglow.com.  
Published 04/28/17
In this episode, author, Karen Curry Parker offers practical resources for navigating the process of personal and spiritual evolution. Karen shares with us her insights into Human Design, a system that synthesizes ancient and modern sciences to help you harness your natural gifts and identify and live out your life’s purpose. She is a brilliant teacher and spiritual guide and I’m delighted to have her on the podcast. For more on Karen’s work and to get your own free Human Design chart, visit...
Published 03/09/17
Flora Bowley is an internationally celebrated painter, author, and creative pioneer. In this episode, Flora discusses her work with brave, intuitive painting and how each of us can find freedom and profound personal and spiritual growth through the simple act of picking up a paintbrush. For more about Flora, and for simple ways to cultivate your intuitive gifts, visit http://florabowley.com.
Published 01/19/17
Alexis Brooks is a best-selling author of the book ‘Conscious Musings’. She is a journalist, a researcher and host of Higher Journeys Radio covering metaphysics, spirituality and new thought concepts. In this episode, Alexis discusses non-physical realms, the importance of contemplation as a practice and the power of cultivating spiritual sovereignty. She shares her insights on the media and technology and ways to stay centered and evolve in an age of distractions. Be sure to check out her...
Published 09/30/16
Eliot Cowan is the founder of the Blue Deer Center, a home for the study and practice of ancient wisdom teachings in upstate New York, he is the author of the book Plant Spirit Medicine which I highly recommend and is a healer and an initiated elder in the Huichol indigenous tradition from Mexico. In this episode, Eliot explores the process of communing with the Spirits of plants and the importance of right relationship when doing so. For more information on Eliot and his work visit...
Published 08/31/16
Quynn Red Mountain is the founder of The Institute for the Shamanic Arts and author of "Accepting The Ashes - A Daughters Look At Post Traumatic Stress Disorder". Quynn is an authentic and inspiring spiritual teacher who shares so much in this episode. She discusses wolf medicine, soul healing for war veterans, cultural appropriation in shamanism, and using your intuition to create your own sacred ceremonies. To find out more about Quynn Red Mountain and her shamanic courses go to...
Published 07/29/16
Best-selling author of The Corporate Shaman, Richard Whiteley teaches us how to apply ancient wisdom to solve modern life and business challenges. In this podcast, Richard shares what inspired him to integrate shamanism into business settings, his vision for the role of Spirit in business and how each of us can harness shamanic practices to improve our lives and the planet. For all those seeking inspiration for authentically living and working with heart and Spirit, Richard’s interview is a...
Published 06/03/16
Actor and producer Zachary Quinto is known for his versatile roles on Broadway, popular TV shows such as Heroes, and as "Spock" in the recent Star Trek films. On this podcast, Zach explores spirituality, discusses his experiences with acting as a medium for healing and accessing the realms of the transcendent, and shares some of what he's learned on his journeys to the Amazon jungle working with the plant medicine Ayahuasca.  
Published 04/02/15
In this episode, Marci Shimoff, author of the books Happy for No Reason, Love for No Reason, and co-author of six Chicken Soup For The Soul books, shares her findings on how happy people think and how all of us can use simple techniques to experience more happiness in our lives. This interview actually took place several years before this official Modern Mystics Podcast began and is being included because it's loaded with insightful and interesting ideas from Marci on using the your...
Published 03/31/15