Confidence is a little like oxygen, when you’ve got it you don’t think about it, until you don’t have it anymore, and then it’s kind of all you can think about. And in some cases it’s a little hard to explain, let alone find. It’s just something we know we’ve lost. In this episode, we discuss the 2 types of confidences we work on at Mojo - confidence in self and confidence in performance and what we can do to unlock both. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't...
Published 10/31/22
Whilst there can be healthy distractions in life - particularly those unexpected laughs, we didn’t think we needed - there are also unhealthy distractions that can potentially have pretty big consequences. These are the kinds of distractions that can often pull us away from focusing on the stuff that really matters, like our most important relationships, our precious time and our ability to be more present. In this episode, we discuss some the biggest forms of distractions and how we can...
Published 10/06/22
The Hero’s Journey might be one of the most important themes we’ve ever covered in Mojospresso, because it's one of the most powerful frameworks to help us all navigate this crazy thing called life right now. The whole idea of the Hero’s Journey is that it’s the real story of life - or the "no-filters" experience of being alive, struggles and all. We’re born, we pass through childhood to the messiness of adolescence, eventually being spat out into adulthood where we face more internal and...
Published 09/01/22
The Hero’s Journey might be one of the most important themes we’ve ever covered in Mojospresso, because it's one of the most powerful frameworks to help us all navigate this crazy thing called life right now. The whole idea of the Hero’s Journey is that it’s the real story of life - or the "no-filters" experience of being alive, struggles and all. We’re born, we pass through childhood to the messiness of adolescence, eventually being spat out into adulthood where we face more internal and...
Published 09/01/22
While almost all of our work at Mojo Crowe is counter-intuitive, the theme of Play might just be the most counter-intuitive theme of all. Out of Mojo’s 3 P’s (Play, Purpose & Potential) for finding more motivation and flow in our lives, Play is probably the most misunderstood. One of the reasons Play is misunderstood is the way we define it. Somewhere in the process of ‘growing up’ we may have become unconsciously serious and lost our familiarity or interpretation of what it actually...
Published 08/04/22
Whichever coffee you want, Mojospresso is the double shot you need. It’s your caffeine inspired shot of inspiration and perspective, made organically to help you on your journey with the goal to win the morning and win the day. If you’re new to us, we’re excited to have you here. If you’re a regular and tuned into one of our previous two seasons on our social channels… then welcome back!
Published 08/04/22
Looking for motivation? Go intrinsic first. Extrinsic second. And you’ll find some motivation that stands up against any adversity. Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out who you are. The Mojo Mindset course and App helps you figure out the answers to these questions in a simple, practical way. Start your journey now: https://mojocrowe.com/app Not...
Published 09/23/21
This week we dive into the great debate of energy vs time and which to focus on first. And it's one to keep having with ourselves and others.   If time is doing and energy is being, maybe ask yourself ‘how you are?’ from those 4 ‘energy worlds’ and see what your answer is next time someone asks, ‘How are you?’ 😃 Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out...
Published 09/16/21
This week is one for all the Anthropologists out there (which I’m guessing may not be many 😅)…because for over 150 years the world interpreted Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution as "Survival of the Fittest". But in recent years a deeper dive into Darwin’s research has identified that “Survival of the Kindest” may be more correct 🤯 Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want...
Published 09/09/21
This week we chat about the little things, the nuances, the idiosyncrasies, the subtle glances, the self-deprecating humor, the laughter & the tears - the imperfect gold!   Because if you've got an imperfection, you've got a story!! 🤪 Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out who you are. The Mojo Mindset course and App helps you figure out the...
Published 09/02/21
This week we talk about the power of dedication. When we create more meaning through the power of dedication, it's amazing what happens to our perspective and our ability to keep going no matter the condition. Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out who you are. The Mojo Mindset course and App helps you figure out the answers to these questions in a...
Published 08/26/21
This week it's all about the power of questions and how necessary it is to dial up our curiosity to get us through uncertain times. As the great Ted Lasso said (via Walt Whitman)...   "Be curious, not judgemental" 😄 Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out who you are. The Mojo Mindset course and App helps you figure out the answers to these questions...
Published 08/19/21
This week, we talk about how we can own our story through difficult times... such as pandemics.  And if you're interested in diving a little deeper into how you can develop more techniques to own your story - explore the Mojo Mindset Course and App. Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out who you are. The Mojo Mindset course and App helps you figure...
Published 08/12/21
This week it's all about turning vertical relationships to horizontal ones. When we stop comparing ourselves and start accepting ourselves, we let go of those vertical relationships, with the courage to say ‘I am enough’ 💪 Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out who you are. The Mojo Mindset course and App helps you figure out the answers to these...
Published 10/29/20
This week, we chat about purpose mindset and in particular, a kickstart to finding purpose - and it is when you can say and feel “I am of use to someone.” Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out who you are. The Mojo Mindset course and App helps you figure out the answers to these questions in a simple, practical way. Start your journey...
Published 10/22/20
This week, we chat about the 'L' rules of life! To live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy and to laugh! Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out who you are. The Mojo Mindset course and App helps you figure out the answers to these questions in a simple, practical way. Start your journey now: https://mojocrowe.com/app Not quite ready to begin the...
Published 10/15/20
This week, we chat about how finding yourself ‘internally’ is the good kind of selfish. Sometimes we get caught up trying to find ourselves 'externally', which is the wrong pathway to head down. We need to do this work internally to ensure we can really own our story! Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out who you are. The Mojo Mindset course and App...
Published 10/08/20
This week, it's all about 'Radical Empathy' and generous assumptions. Premium notes of this episode are available for members in the Mojo app. Find your Mojo with the Mojo Mindset Course & App You can't work out what you want until you work out who you are. The Mojo Mindset course and App helps you figure out the answers to these questions in a simple, practical way. Start your journey now: https://mojocrowe.com/app Not quite ready to begin the journey? All good, we’ll be here when...
Published 09/24/20