Published 10/12/15
Karen, Mark, Richard and Carl fill everyone in on what they've been doing since the last Mondays. Karen unleashes 3 years of pent up life at the speed of coccaine. Carl misreads the label on a bottle in the fridge at his brother's Superbowl party. Mark and Karen tell their kids to stop listening to Mondays and go to bed. Karen wears a bikini, because f**k you. Mark Miller, well... we're not really sure what happened to him. He was here, then he was gone, then he called in, then he was cooking...
Published 10/12/15
Recorded April Fool's Day 2013. Carl has an incident at the local Henny Penny. Karen tells you why you suck. Professor Igor J. Schmeckle addresses the ASSWIPE conference about the U.S. Sequester of 2013. Horror Baby #2 brings poop back to the table. The Mondays crew go back in time (or is it forward?) with Dwayne, Scmheckle, Schmeckle's ass and Karen's ass to save the world. Millah has a new tale of Somali pirates dumber than him. Richard scares us all with a new assortment of horrible toys.
Published 03/30/15
Carl and Richard hire Jessie Sternshus, a professional comedy consultant, to help the crew maintain their comedic edge. Karen's sister's doctor prescribes a series of maritial aides. Carl has an accident and also happens to have been in his car. Mark is fixated on a threeway. Mark and Karen provide a public service announcement littered with apologies to the cultures of the world. Richard finds some very scary toys. Oh yeah, something strange happens in the studio with a gift from a fan.
Published 05/12/13
We did it! We finally got a REAL Sponsor!. Carl spaces out on Things I've Learned This Week. We learn what REALLY happened to Shmeckle. Karen scours her brain for a bit. Come to think of it, so does Mark. Richard finds the coolest stuff, including a real still!
Published 01/07/13
Holy crap, Karen! Have some Google Love! Karen Mangiacotti is THE PENIS MOM. She tells us all about how her blog post went viral and what it was all about. Carl catches us up on his musical activities with some great new tunes. Mark finds perhaps the dumbest of the dumb criminal types. Carl has a bit of trouble at a wedding with his house cleaner's camera. Karen experiments with alternative means of getting a vodka buzz, and Richard finds amaaaaaazing toys for sale on the Internets.
Published 01/09/12
Carl shares some unintentionally inappropriate domain names, Karen reads misleading news headlines, Old Naked Guy makes the news, Mark and Karen are... well... you'll see. Chris Castle makes his Mondays debut. Carl has a problem at the MVP Summit. Richard gives practical toys.
Published 07/24/11
Carl is feeling a little bloated. Mark and Karen join a commune. Carl shares a Satchmo tune by Solvo. Karen has her own amazing tale of poo, or is it a tale of amazing poo? Mark has three incredible stories of dumb. Horror Baby gets a new partner in crime. And, as always, Richard finds toys to satisfy his toyish desires.
Published 01/12/11
Recorded December 5th, 2009, this one sat in the vault and got forgotten. Carl's so friggin lame. Mark and Karen announce Cockblock #7 and generally keep everyone abreast of their sexual exploits, Carl has some random lessons from the last few months, Mark discovers a dumb guy's dumb guy, Karen takes on Cosmo, and Richard (as always) finds the craziest s**t ever.
Published 03/22/10
Mark and Karen tied the knot! Carl sends Dwayne to Hell on an important mission, Karen goes off on Glamour Magazine, Carl has problems with products and services, Horror Baby goes to the Aquarium, Mark's Dumbah subject gets thirsty for beer, Mark suffers the smackdown that is the nubby, Mark gets all ripply and s**t, and Richard suggests a Beaver Stuffing Kit, among other fab toys.
Published 08/31/09
Carl's got neighbor problems. Mark and Karen have a very disturbed child. New Franklin Brothers Music! Carl experiences *really* hot food in a new way. Karen goes off on Mrs. America. Dwayne returns. Mark finds the dumbest of the dumb. Mark and Karen have sex. No, really. Richard finds perhaps the most disgusting toy ever.
Published 07/16/09
Karen brings the baby to the show! Mark gets no sex for 8 weeks. Carl has rats. Baby gets motor oil for Christmas. Karen reviews a new connection film. You'll never guess who it's about. Mark gives the tards the respect they deserve, and Richard finds the coolest toy ever. Ever.
Published 01/20/09
All we're saying is that true Mondays fans will be shocked. And not by the language (although we no longer bleep - you've been warned).
Published 12/15/08
Darth Vader is back making the dumbah news! Carl tells a stanky story of music and mud in Nawlins, Karen wants mandatory bumper stickers and nearly escapes an early death at a skanky bar, Mark recounts a story of Jedis and He-Holes (you just have to listen) and Richard finds the most offensive toy website to ever reside on the Internets.
Published 05/26/08
Lawrence makes his Mondays debut and wonders if he'll ever come back, Karen goes off on Miller's Man-Boyness during her rant on the art of neglect. Miller comes through with the "funniest Dumbah than Me Title Ever", Carl teaches his kids about the laws of physics at the amusement park, Richard says "screw you all" and comes up with a list of the worst bad toys ever assembled. Geoff is seen sweeping the hallway.
Published 04/14/08
Richard dies, Carl and Mark explain why there hasn't been a show since October, Carl babysits two demons, Mark finds a discount phone sex line, Karen goes to the Oscars, and Richard comes back from the dead to show some of the most disturbing toys of all time. This show is NOT bleeped. Not Safe For Work (NSFW).
Published 03/10/08
Carl tells of his tales of woe traveling to Amsterdam and his experiences in Bulgaria. Karen talks about how there's no such thing as a guarantee, Richard is forced to use TinyURL for his toys, and Mark is completely obsessed with Karen's ass.
Published 10/15/07
It's an all-new show recorded live at Pwop Studios in front of a studio audience! Carl confesses to a crime involving hornets, Karen moves on, Millah almost comes to blows with Karen's husband, and Richard finds a guy online who built a 500-some-odd foot slip and slide!
Published 08/20/07
Karen develops a target rash. Carl has an altercation at Jiffy Lube, Mark relives another harrowing tale involving small animals, and Richard tries to get a word in edgewise.
Published 06/25/07
Mark steals the show with the dumbest Dumbah than Me All Star to ever grace the Mondays department of dumbness, The least-dumb of all the least-dumb emerges from the cryogenic freezer, Carl gets a lesson in peeping tom laws, Karen confronts the art of distraction, and Richard shows off electric tazer clothing.
Published 04/23/07
Karen, Richard, Mark, and Carl are back for another Mondays! Carl considers the complexity of the female voice, Karen wants the local women to get real - and a bubble tub , Mark goes postal on the TSA, Carl doesn't quite get the last Wii at Best Buy, and Richard has a boob story.
Published 04/09/07
Geoff is out sick, Karen joins Carl, Richard, and Mark for the first show of 2007. Karen is in need of laugh therapy after dealing with the loss of her mother. Mark crosses the line over and over and over again. Carl considers the different versions of Vista, and Richard brings forth the most eclectic array of ah... .devices... ever assembled on Mondays. Enjoy!
Published 02/05/07
Carl, Karen, Richard, Mark, and Geoff are together again .This time to discuss fetishes, Spanish meat, pe-seasoned duck shot, new and exciting uses for fireworks and the fate of a four hundred year old nimrod. And oh...Happy Holidays!
Published 12/12/06
Carl, Karen, Richard, Mark, and Geoff are all together in the studio this week. Mark delivers what could be the funniest dumbah ever, Carl takes his cat to a questionable vet, Karen gets pissed at exploitive parents, and Richard... well, you know.
Published 10/30/06
Karen sets the tone for this show with stories of domestic dumbness. Geoff follows suit with an eruption against microphone touching, and Mark has stories of dumb that involve our fearless leader. Carl gives the dogs at the baggage claim an unexpected treat, and Richard finds some bad bad bad bad toys.
Published 10/23/06