Hey Successful Hairstylists!! The luxury experience doesn't start when clients enter our salon space -- it begins in their very first interaction with us. Yet 99% of the people who talk about this topic are either - booking sites trying to sell their product or people with affiliate links to booking sites trying to sell their product. So, let's go against the grain here and actually talk about creating a luxury booking process that gets you clients and grows your business!! We're going...
Published 10/24/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! We WANT "financial freedom" but we don't always know what that looks like --- especially when we find ourselves in survival mode of just trying to make enough to pay our bills every month. I've definitely been there. At one point I had just $58 in my account when I was making the MOST behind the chair. I want you to walk away with things you can do TODAY to get started towards financial freedom. No matter where you are in your money journey, after todays...
Published 10/20/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists! I have no doubt that each and every one of you want to deliver a beautiful experience to each and every guest. And I'm ALL about helping you implement those luxury touches that take your appts from good --- to GREAT! In this training I want us to slow down a bit and really define the opposite of what a good experience is. See, what I've realized is that, you can have the fancy touches and all of the extras that your heart desires --- BUT --- if you still do any...
Published 10/10/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Have you ever wondered about WHAT exactly makes an experience "Feel" high-end?? Oftentimes the different between a GOOD and a GREAT appointment is in the intangible details that you can't really define or quite put your finger on. But we know that as we continue to raise our prices and build our businesses - these details matter and are what sets us apart in having that loyal clientele that continue to get multiple services, rebook their next appointment and...
Published 10/03/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Been feeling like a robot lately?? Or like you never stop using your "customer service voice"? Today I want us to talk about something that I believe is totally underestimated in our industry - CONNECTION. Which truly is the heart of everything we do. Yet - when it comes to social media and our first impression we often don't even know where to start with showing your personality - what makes us different - or connecting with people. So today I share my 3...
Published 10/01/23
Hey Successful Hair Stylists!! Trends definitely come and go and we've seen this happen with ALL aspects of social media. From as many hashtags as you possibly can and putting them as the first comment - to now 9 hashtags and in the caption. From perfectly curated images to more raw and organic video content. We've been THROUGH IT! So today I want to talk to you about what's been going on with Captions. What do the stats say? And what are some best practices to get the MOST out of your...
Published 09/12/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Ever wonder if posting on social is actually necessary? Like, does it really bring in new clients and help you make more money?? Today I want you to have clarity around the LINK between posting and $$ AND I want you to know how to SHORTEN the time it takes for someone to become aware of you --- and then books an appt with you. I talk about... Where posting sits in your "funnel" or the customer journey of your dream client The 3 reasons why posting on...
Published 09/05/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Today we are dissecting WHY salon clients skip some of their appointments, go longer than we know they should, and even cancel/no show on us. We'll be talking about... Reason #1 - "I don't need to come in that often." Solution: How to build a VISION for each client. Reason #2- "I don't believe you." Solution: How to personalize your recommendations to build trust. Reason #3- "I'm growing out my hair so I'll see you twice a year" Solution: How to create...
Published 08/30/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists! Running a business can be super confusing. When we're slow we ask ourselves... is it because of the economy? Is the market changing? Are people not spending on beauty anymore? Or do I just need a better strategy? It's SO IMPORTANT that we are aware of the WHY behind seeing slow downs in our business so that we can "fix" the right thing. And I'll be honest with you, I've been seeing hairstylists make BIG SWEEPING changes to their menu, pricing, etc that are...
Published 08/22/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Weird question... Do your clients even LIKE you and does it matter??In our industry the line between personal and professional is SUPER blurred and it’s true that - people don’t buy your services they buy YOU!But building connection with our clients can be super exhausting and even lead to burnout while also distracting us from the service we’re working on. In this training I’ll show you✨ How to stop feeling the need to “entertain” and “perform” for your...
Published 08/16/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists! One of the biggest reasons clients leave a good stylist (aside from a bad experience) is that they get bored OR they really want to try something new and are scared to ask.Promotions are a great way to show your loyal clients that you have more fun options for them and let them know about different services and products that you offer!!In this training I share- my 2 absolute favorite types of promotions to run on a regular basis- how to use promotions...
Published 08/08/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Welcome to SEASON 9!! In todays training we’re talking about:🤍 My 3 piece filter for determining if an app (old or new) is worth your time🤍 The difference between PASSIVE marketing and ACTIVE marketing🤍 My 3 recommendations on where to be spending your time and energy right now to attract loyal high paying clients!Grab a seat in my FREE MASTERCLASS: How to hit 10k months in any economic climate — Grab Your Seat⁠ If you're new here, welcome!! I'm Ren Lopa,...
Published 07/31/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! So often I hear things like this- "Ren, how can I be more consistent?" "Ren, how do I find the time to actually do that??" "Yeah I know that was working but now THIS came up and.... " And while I am a true believer that life flows in cycles -- we do not have to be a victim to the texts we get, our own energy levels, our friends drama, schedule changes, requests, etc of life. BUT HOW? That's what this episode is all about. If you're new here, welcome!!...
Published 07/30/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Are you tired of hearing people telling you to just "attract your ideal client" without having any literal idea of how or where or what?? Today I'm going to walk you through EXACTLY how you can find those dream clients IN YOUR CITY so you can stop guessing and actually put a plan in motion to start seeing progress, like, right now! If you're new here, welcome!! I'm Ren Lopa, the CEO and Founder of Wolf and Rabbit Inc Salon Marketing! I'm obsessed with helping...
Published 07/18/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! TBH I really went off in this episode... I think it's because I'm tired of the constraints... the cookie cutter suggestions being taught by educators... the constant feeling to conform... the judgement from anyone doing it differently. Like can we just breathe for a minute?? My philosophy has always been - I give you the daily actions and you can build literally ANY KIND of business behind the chair you want. Feel free to send me your thoughts over on...
Published 07/08/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Avoid the summer slump with some ready to go fun summer services that get your clients excited about coming in to see you.We talk about…- Styling and treatment offers to fight humidity/sun/swim/kids being home- Summer Color Services (quick color refresh glosses, sun kissed highlights, custom blended direct dye conditioners)- Summer Products and mini-bundles for kids, weekend trips and luxurious vacations If you're new here, welcome!! I'm Ren Lopa, the CEO and...
Published 06/29/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Have you been keeping up with all the latest Instagram releases?? Feeling overwhelmed yet? Today I'm diving into the updates that matter and how to use them to get more loyal, high-paying clients in less time 😍 We talk about... - The latest in Instagram algorithms and ranking and how to reverse engineer how the algorithm works to have YOUR content show up in your dream clients feed more frequently - How IG is utilizing AI in their search feature with...
Published 06/25/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Ever wonder why good clients end up leaving? Or wish you had an easier way to make sure they stay? That's what today's training is all about! You'll discover Why keeping out clients has to be just as important as getting new ones The 3 reasons good clients end up leaving 3 Techniques to keep them longer (which will absolutely surprise you) Let's dive in! If you're new here, welcome!! I'm Ren Lopa, the CEO and Founder of Wolf and Rabbit Inc Salon...
Published 06/15/23
Hey Successful hairstylists!! Here's the thing... success leaves clues for us to follow and we can drastically shortcut our path by listening to those that have gone ahead of us! Today I'm sharing 5 things successful hairstylists do. Now, some of these might feel like annoying, big-sister advice - but that doesn't mean it's not true. If you're new here, welcome!! I'm Ren Lopa, the CEO and Founder of Wolf and Rabbit Inc Salon Marketing! I'm obsessed with helping hairstylists and...
Published 06/06/23
Hey Successful Hairsylists! Have you ever wondered what SUCCESS actually looks like for you? Or have you had it change throughout your life? Last week I was sitting down with my own mentor and she asked ME what success means to me - and I honestly - totally blanked and could not even give an answer! Today's episode is a dive into my discoveries in researching and trying to understand how to define success and set ourselves up for happier lives. If you're new here, welcome!! I'm Ren Lopa,...
Published 05/23/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Have you ever stopped yourself from showing up because you just. don't. know. what. to. say.??? Or maybe you're even feeling SO jaded at this point with not seeing results with your posts that you regularly think, what's the point of this anyway? Today's training is 100% for YOU! We're going to talk about... EXACTLY how to find ideas for your content that your clients and dream clients will obsess over how to build trust easily with your audience and...
Published 05/14/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!!! Ever wonder if you're missing something?? Like you're showing up and doing so much for your business - but aren't growing at the pace you want to be? There's a reason for that! Business growth and knowledge isn't taught to us so it can feel like a total mystery to know -- How to get the RIGHT people finding you on a daily basis -- What the heck to say to wow them and build community and trust -- How to turn them from stranger/online friend into booked...
Published 05/06/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Do you ever wonder WHY people might find you online or even follow you --- but they're not booking with you? That's what todays training is all about! We're going to talk about the 3 biggest reasons Potential Clients Aren't Booking With You so that you can walk away with literal steps to show up better! If you're new here, welcome!! I'm Ren Lopa, the CEO and Founder of Wolf and Rabbit Inc Salon Marketing! I'm obsessed with helping hairstylists and...
Published 04/29/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists!! Ever wonder if there's a better way to show up online? Or, do you just feel "blah" about posting on social media - like, what's the point anyway? Then today's episode is for you! I share all about how to USE your social media platforms as a way to turn a stranger into a booked appt in less than a minute! If you enjoyed this - please take 60 minutes to leave us a 5 star review! If you're new here, welcome!! I'm Ren Lopa, the CEO and Founder of Wolf and...
Published 04/23/23
Hey Successful Hairstylists! Have you ever thought about starting a side hustle?? Whether you're looking for something fun and profitable to do in your spare time - or building something long-term to replace your income behind the chair --- today's episode is for you! We're talking about.... - The top 3 MYTHS when it comes to starting your side hustle - My personal journey working behind the chair and starting a side hustle (and then pivoting it to my full-time income) - 5 side hustles...
Published 04/18/23