A young man who struggled with depression shares a message with others who have thought about suicide: "Please, choose to stay." For suicide prevention resources, click here.
Published 09/19/18
People who lived through the cyclone that passed over the South Pacific island of Vanuatu in 2015 describe the frightening experience and discuss faith and self-reliance with Elder Gary E. Stevenson.
Published 08/07/18
When an earthquake hit Nicaragua in 1972, 9-year-old Reyna Aburto’s world was turned upside down. The devastating loss of her brother and of her home left her with heartache and burning questions.
Published 06/18/18
As a young adult and new mother, Reyna Aburto was devastated when her husband fell into addiction. When it became clear he was no longer trustworthy, she knew she had to leave.
Published 06/18/18
After a difficult separation from her first husband, Reyna Aburto found hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her newfound faith led her to the peace, hope, and love she sought.
Published 06/18/18
Family History enthusiasts share touching experiences they had while finding their ancestors’ stories.
Published 06/13/18
President Russell M. Nelson teaches that just as the woman who was healed by touching the robe of Jesus, we can receive strength and direction by reaching out to Him as well.
Published 04/04/18
Are you wishing your life felt more balanced? Try placing more trust in Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They love you. Turn to Them in prayer, read about Them, and keep Them in your thoughts.
Published 01/23/18
Challenges will always come, but hidden in those challenges lies opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Relying on the Spirit will lead you to your greatest potential.
Published 01/04/18
Family history and temple service combine to create a spiritual power that will enable you to become the person God wants you to be.
Published 12/20/17
Heavenly Father is pleased with us when we seek to discover truth. He loves to teach us line upon line, precept on precept. As we strive to learn from and rely on Him, He will bless us to see things as they really are.
Published 11/15/17
If we will open our hearts to the possibility of providing compassionate service to others, the Lord will bless us to recognize and respond to the opportunities we’re given daily to become modern-day good Samaritans.
Published 11/14/17
Elder Hales explains the importance of creating a strong spiritual tapestry made of a variety of Christ-like characteristics.
Published 08/22/17
The joy of the dance will be experienced only when we come to hear the music.
Published 05/02/17
Marie Madeline Cordon and her family were holding a Church service in their home in Italy when an angry mob of men gathered and began shouting for the missionaries to be brought outside. It was Marie who marched out of the house to confront the mob.
Published 03/14/17
A grandmother plans to spend the day with her granddaughter, but can't get her to stay buckled in her car seat so they can leave.
Published 02/13/17
Two brothers attempt to climb a sheer canyon wall without any safety ropes or harnesses.Read Elder Holland's full conference address: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2015/04/where-justice-love-and-mercy-meet?lang=eng&_r=1add
Published 01/12/17
What does it mean to “always remember Him?” Read Elder Costa’s full conference address here: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2015/10/that-they-do-always-remember-him?lang=eng&_r=1 .
Published 09/19/16
This moment does not define the refugees, but our response will help define us.
Published 09/09/16
A former addict and repeat convict shares his experiences with the Savior’s ability and willingness to forgive him again and again, even when he felt undeserving.
Published 04/04/14
See how a moment’s decision can have far-reaching consequences—for good or bad.
Published 07/05/11
Patience requires that we obey God's commandments and faithfully wait for His will to be fulfilled.
Published 09/02/10
Elder Quentin L. Cook testifies that the Atonement of Jesus Christ can help us pass through the challenges and trials of this life with hope and assurance in God's love for us.
Published 05/22/09