Mormon Truth Podcast #20-An Interview With Joy, An Ex-Mormon-Part 3 In this final installment of my interview with Joy, we pick up where part 2 left off, with Joy talking about her dear friend that she very recently lost. We continue discussion on the awful condemnation and blanket accusations of sin, that are heaped upon homosexuals, by both Mormonism and Christianity and how offensive, bigoted and awful it is. Interesting how these people, shouting sin or sinners, that do the...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #19-An Interview With Joy, An Ex-Mormon-Part 2 This is part 2 of my interview with Joy. We appreciate everyone that has listened to part 1 and hope that you will enjoy part 2 just as much. In this part, we start off where part 1 left off, with Joy explaining what the Church taught her regarding marriage and the Mormon depiction of marriage. She shares some absolutely revolting quotes, about how much a man should love his wife and children, compared to the Mormon...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #18-An Interview With Joy, An Ex-Mormon-Part 1 Well, I felt that it was time to get a woman's perspective on these issues that I've been covering for the last 10 months, between my blog and my podcasts. I really want to thank Joy for coming forward and being that voice for women and explaining her perspective on things, from a woman's point of view. It takes courage to want to do an interview like this and it also takes a lot of internal strength, to want to rehash...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #17-An Interview With Jared, A Mormon Apologist Jared-Part 4 Well guys, here we are, finally at part 4, of the interview with the Mormon Apologist Jared. My next 3 podcasts, which are already recorded, and should prove to be very interesting, to most of you out there, especially you TBMs, specifically women. Here in Part 4, of the interview with the Mormon Apologist Jared, we continue on where we left off in part 3, with Jared discussing what his definition of...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #16-An Interview With Jared, A Mormon Apologist-Part 3 Well everyone, I'm finally back, with part 3 of this interview with Jared, the Mormon Apologist. In this part, we pick up where we left off in part 2, with Jared discussing the many errors of the Bible to somehow justify the many errors in the Mormon Church and Book of Mormon. I still can't see the connection of how bashing and disproving Christianity helps prove Mormonism is true. I felt like I was in the...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #15-An Interview With Jared, A Mormon Apologist-Part 2 Okay guys and gals, this is part 2 out of 4, of the interview that Eric and I did with Jared, who is a Mormon Apologist. Jared is also a great guy who strongly believes in his faith and can usually find an easy explanation for most anything. I do give Jared credit though, for coming on the show with us and at least being able to admit some of the faults that are in the Church; but then, unfortunately, he has to...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #14-An Interview With Jared, A Mormon Apologist-Part 1 This is part 1 of 4, of an interview with a great guy named Jared. Eric, from "The Living Truth Podcast", invited both Jared and myself, onto his show, so that we could all share our views on Mormonism. Jared is a current, faithful, active, member of the Mormon Church and wanted to explain his view on things and where Eric and I are going wrong in our analysis of the Mormon Church. In part 1, Jared explains...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #13-Interview With Living Truth's Eric-Part 2 This is part 2 of my podcast with Eric. unlike the Mopologists like FARMS "Daniel C. Peterson" or FAIRS "John Lynch" who will claim that an apple is really a pineapple, and they'll show you how. We talk about a lot of things in this part 2, including my journey to the truth and out of Mormonism, which included a big dose of Cognitive dissonance, along that path, as I tried to reconcile what I was finding, with what I had...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #12-Interview With Living Truth's Eric-Part 1 This is part 1 of 2, of the interview that I just had with Eric, from the Living Truth Podcast and Mormon Deception blog. He asked some great questions regarding why I left the Church, how I discovered it was a fraud and what the process of discovery was like for me. I also shared my view on the "early cult indoctrination program" of the Mormon cult, that is alive and well, just as it was when I was a kid growing up...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #11-Famous Mormons In The Media #1 This is hopefully only the first installment of many to come, of "famous Mormons in the media." In this installment, I discuss Shawn King's (Larry King's wife) recent appearance on the Howard Stern Radio show along with the actual interview. There were a lot of questions regarding her "magic or lucky garments." She laughs through most of the interview, wondering why Howard wants to keep his mind and the topic on her "magic underwear...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #10-Is Mormonism A Cult?!!-Part 2 This is a continuation of the last podcast and part 2 of "is Mormonism a cult?" In part 1, I discussed the first 7 of 15 items on the "cult checklist." Those that have already listened to part 1, know that we went 7-7 and so far, everything is checking out 100%, that Mormonism is indeed a cult, without a doubt. I shared many examples and I will share many more in this 2nd part of the podcast, covering items 8-15 on the "cult...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth #9-Is Mormonism A Cult?!!-Part 1 In this podcast, I go through the cult checklist to once and for all, decide if Mormonism is a cult or not. I'm using the list from the ICSA (International Cultic Studies Association). Here is a quote from the website of the ICSA: "The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is an interdisciplinary network of academicians, professionals, former group members, and families who study and educate the public about social-psychological...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #8-Brent Belnap's Interview On The Today Show Well, this has been irritating me ever since I first heard this interview and I really felt the extreme need to address the mis-truths and flat out lies that Brent Belnap, (Mormon Stake President of Manhattan), felt the need to propagate and spew, during his recent interview with Matt Lauer on the Today show. The ending of the interview and the final question of Matt Lauer and then Brent Belnap's answer, was astonishing to...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #7-Those Evil Anti-Mormons #1 In this podcast, I review the most recent hate-mail that I've received, along with my opinions and rebuttals to what they are saying about me. Some of it is funny, some of it is pathetic and sad while some of it is just ridiculous. I also take a run through my reviews on iTunes and have a few good laughs along the way, as well as pointing out where these anti-anti-Mormons are going wrong in their attack of me and the truth of Mormonism,...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #6-Better off dead?!! This podcast describes in depth, with exact quotes, how Mormon Prophets and Apostles have advocated, that it is better "to be dead" or "to come home in a pine box", then to break the law of chastity or allow any degree of immorality, which they preach is only next to murder in severity. Here is an example, as quoted in Kimball's famous/celebrated Miracle Of forgiveness; Heber J. Grant said, "There is no true Latter-day Saint who would not rather...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #5-Tithing And Filthy Lucre-Part 2 This podcast describes in great detail, the manner in which the Mormon Church Hierarchy(cult leaders), blatantly robs from the poor, to give to the rich, which is to give to themselves and then brags about it. I will take you on a painful journey through several quotes by Gordon B. Hinckley, James E. Faust and others, to prove this to be true. You will leave this podcast with no doubts about their motives and actions, I promise!! I...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #4-Tithing And Filthy Lucre-Part 1 This podcast describes in great detail, the manner in which the Mormon Church Hierarchy(cult leaders), blatantly robs from the poor, to give to the rich, which is to give to themselves and then brags about it. I will take you on a painful journey through several quotes by Gordon B. Hinckley, James E. Faust and others, to prove this to be true. You will leave this podcast with no doubts about their motives and actions, I promise!! I...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth Podcast #3-Joseph Smith This podcast is all about the life of Joseph Smith and some of the dirty deeds that he was involved with. Joseph Smith was not an honorable man rather a despicable, loathsome man!! I certainly wouldn't want my children looking up to him as an example as the Mormon Church recommends that everyone should do; unless I wanted them to spend their lives in a Federal penitentiary. I discuss his polygamy and the Kirtland Bank failure, where he defrauded most...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth #2-Mission experiences and the hill Cumorah In this Podcast, I mainly discuss two things; feelings that I had during my Mormon mission to Argentina, as I read directly from my mission journal and then what should have been found in the Hill Cumorah in New York. I read directly from Ether, in The Book of Mormon, about how many died(millions), what battle gear they used, etc. I also touched upon a few other topics of interest from this past week. For more details, you can read...
Published 09/17/06
Mormon Truth-Podcast #1-The Introduction & M. Russell Ballard. This podcast and all future podcasts that I do, will be to spread the "real truth" about the Mormon Church and expose the fraud that is the Mormon Church. It's time to uncover the lies and reveal them to the world!! I will share my opinions and viewpoints without holding back. They can run and cover up but they can't hide from the "real truth!! In this first podcast, I introduce myself and why I've decided to do these...
Published 09/17/06