Carolina Silva es una cantautora Colombiana radicada en Vancouver. Nos cuenta sobre sus inicios en la música y su experiencia en teatro musical en Canadá. Actualmente Caro está trabajando en su música para lanzar su primer EP. Carolina Silva is a Colombian singer-songwriter based in Vancouver. She talked to us about her beginnings in music and her experience particpating in musical theatre in Canada. Caro is currently working on writing new music to release her first EP.
Published 02/26/24
Published 02/26/24
Billa, Shane, and Andrew are 3 of the 7 members of a particularly powerful depiction of Chicago music culture, called LowDown Brass Band. This amazing all-horn group combines their strong dancehall and street beat rhythm with hip hop, jazz, reggae, and soul. They sat with us to talk about their beginnings, influences in music and their experiences playing together all across the US and Canada. From playing in small tight stages to big festivals we dive deep into their journey honing their...
Published 02/21/24
Masae is a classically trained violinist based in Vancouver, she also plays piano and the accordion. She is also a theatre graduate and talked to us about a piece she wrote about Mozart and her brother. You read that right, “her brother”. It tells the story of Maria Anna Mozart who was a brilliant musician and later forbidden to play given the views of her parents that were common at that time. Masae talked to us about how it was to write the playful and creative arrangements for some of the...
Published 02/06/24
Eduardo Cristo es un productor musical e ingeniero de sonido de la Ciudad de Mexico radicado en Vancouver desde hace 2 décadas. Eduardo nos platicó sobre sus inicios en la música. Su mamá lo inscribió en clases y su familia no se imaginaba que se iba a querer dedicar a eso y no recibió mucho apoyo al principio. Migró a Canadá y en Vancouver estudió y se dedicó a la gastronomía por algunos años hasta que decidió estudiar producción musical. Ha ido construyendo su propio estudio en casa de una...
Published 01/23/24
Andy Schichter is a music producer based in Vancouver. He talked to us about moving out from his first studio with his partner into their new space located in North Vancouver. He shared with us how he got into producing music and where he draws his inspiration from, as well as how he works differently with artists and the setup for a general environment he tries to establish for each of them. He also talked to us about how to achieve or design different sounds for different bands. Andy...
Published 01/21/24
Tiffany Rivera is a singer from the Philippines based in Vancouver. She talked to us about how she started in music and her experiences performing with other members of the community. You can catch Tiffany sing the national anthem at many of the sport matches and performing in venues all around the city. Tiffany Rivera es una cantante de Filipinas radicada en Vancouver. Nos habló de cómo empezó en la música y su experiencia en presentaciones con otros miembros de la comunidad. Puedes ver a...
Published 01/19/24
We spoke with Summer’s Brother conformed by Thomas, Caleb and Connor, who is in fact the brother of Summer. They call themselves a Clown Pop Band who have recently released a debut single called Misinformation. They talked to us about how the band came together and where they drew the inspiration to wear clown makeup, as well as how they are writing music together. From having musical families, classical training, and a general curiosity to play instruments, Summer’s Brother is a band that...
Published 01/18/24
Nadim Woolgar es un músico nacido en Costa Rica, creció en Bolivia y radica en Vancouver desde hace más de 10 años. Nos cuenta sobre su trayectoria aprendiendo guitarra, sus influencias y cómo en la banda en la que toca todos traen sus influencias de diferentes países como Singapur, India y Chile. También nos contó cómo aplicó para un apoyo gubernamental que Canadá le otorgó para aprender a tocar el Charango. Nadim se enfoca en tocar ritmos latinos, principalmente bolivianos. Nadim Woolgar...
Published 01/14/24
Dan Mangan is a singer-songwriter guitar and key-player from Vancouver. This man needs no introduction. He sat with us to talk about his early years growing up in Vancouver. We dived deep into his discography and creative process, as well as how that has evolved and changed throughout his career and why. He also shared with us that time he refused Dave Grohl to play the drums for a song in his 2015 album “Club Meds”, and the reasons behind that decision. Dan Mangan has released his new album...
Published 01/13/24
Bonnie Northgraves is a trumpet player, pianist, and singer-songwriter based in Vancouver. She talked to us about starting to play trumpet in middle school, playing in a jazz band in Chilliwack, B.C. and deciding to be a full time musician. She also talked to us about touring through Asia and playing jazz in rural parts of China. She talked to us about her experiences growing up playing vintage jazz and how dancers have inspired her music to write a song called “Do Something Fancy”. You can...
Published 12/17/23
Hablamos con Liz, Polo y Carlos. Los tres son integrantes de Colectivo Yollotl y nos platicaron sobre el significado de su nombre, cómo empezaron a tocar juntos, qué es el Son Jarocho y sus raíces. Hablamos también sobre qué es y cómo se organizan los fandangos así como la historia detrás de este evento social en México. We spoke with Liz, Polo and Carlos. The three of them are members of Colectivo Yollotl and they talked to us about the meaning of their name, how they started playing...
Published 12/16/23
NaRai Dawn is a singer-songwriter and lead vocalist for the Star Captains based in Vancouver. She talked to us about how she started in music, putting on shows as a kid for the neighborhood up to how Star Captains wrote songs before, during the pandemic, and after when one of the members was in the Arctic. She also talked to us about how her writing process has evolved and changed along the way of her life and her painful and joyful experiences like losing someone and being a mother. You can...
Published 12/15/23
Neal Ryan is a singer-songwriter and guitar player from Dublin based in Vancouver. He talked to us about how he started singing in choirs as a kid and hated it, as well as about how he later, in his 40's, felt he wanted to be serious about it. He also shared with us about the 6 year period of his life he got into drugs and how that took him to dark places, but also push him to write songs about it. Neal is a troubadour artist whom you can catch playing all around Vancouver with his soulful...
Published 12/14/23
Jordan es un BeatBoxer mexicano y diseñador de sonido radicando en Vancouver. Nos habla sobre crear piezas musicales por medio del Beatbox y cuando dejó de ser un truco de fiestas (party trick) para él. También nos habló cuando viajó a Polonia a una competencia mundial de Beatbox, acercarse a la comunidad del beatbox en CdMx y aprender de sus diferentes técnicas. Nos cuenta también sobre sus influencias en el blues más que en el hip hop, abrirle al grupo de pop mexicano Jeans versus competir...
Published 12/13/23
Jim Black is a guitar player from BC based in Vancouver. He talked to us about how he started playing in Star Captains and moving away from the band to teach music to kids in Canada’s northern territories. He also talked to us about how he started interested in music, how his parents were always having him tag along for numerous concerts, and how he was more familiar with classic rock songs than nursery rhymes. You can see Jim play with Star Captains all around Vancouver. Jim Black es un...
Published 12/12/23
Cara is a singer song-writer based in Vancouver. She talks to us about her journey through figuring out wanting to be a musician. She also talks to us about how she started learning how to play guitar so she could feel less limited when writing her music and how the more she learns to play something new on the guitar her style adapts that new melodic guitar skill. Cara is currently working on her first album which she will be releasing next year. You can catch Cara’s earlier EP and singles on...
Published 12/10/23
Fede Vilchez es un cantautor y multi-instrumentista Argentina radicando en Victoria, Canadá y la costa pacífica de México. Nos platicó sobre hacer gira con su grupo de rock en español por todo el noroeste de México y la primera vez que llegó a Canadá a tocar rock en español en British Columbia. Nos platicó también sobre sus inicios en la música y sus influencias. Puedes escuchar el primer sencillo de Fede, “Salir a la Luz” en Spotify. Fede Vilchez is an Argentinian singer-songwriter and...
Published 12/09/23
Colin Sankey is a Canadian bass player based in Vancouver. He talked to us about how he started playing bass as a kid influenced by watching his brother play drums. After playing Guitar Hero he decided he wanted to do the real thing. He talked to us about focusing all his energy and time to practice and upload videos for 3+ years on social media and having a very recent viral clip of his solo version of Get Lucky by Daft Punk. You can follow Colin on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok to see more...
Published 12/08/23
En este episodio de las Jaibas platicamos sobre un evento que organizó Ray Alegría en Lana Lou’s y que terminó en una mala experiencia.
Published 12/06/23
Maddy Lofvendahl is a Canadian singer songwriter and guitar player based in Vancouver. She talked to us about how she started playing keys but then fell involve with the guitar. She also talked to us about her journey getting to know the music scene and getting invited to play with other emerging new artist in the city. She is a session guitar player and has released two singles this year, slowly getting to build her own EP before next summer so we can all enjoy her playing live. You can...
Published 12/05/23
Sashiel Tello es una saxofomista mexicana radicando en Vancouver. Nos cuenta sobre sus inicios en la música y cómo decidió tocar el saxofón. También nos contó sobre sus experiencias tocando el saxofón en grandes fiestas en México y cómo busca hacer lo mismo ahora en Canadá así como hacer “busking” (tocar en la calle) por las calles de Vancouver. Sashiel Tello is a Mexican saxophonist based in Vancouver. He tells us about his beginnings in music and how he decided to play the saxophone. He...
Published 12/01/23
Dhruv Angrish is an Indian singer-songwriter and guitar player currently based in Vancouver. He talked to us about writer’s block, having a dream about how he couldn’t sing, and quitting his job as an engineer because of it. He also talked to us about singing covers at a Radio show in his home country and how that opened doors for him to have free recordings. You can listen to Dhruv’s music on Spotify and YouTube channel. Dhruv Angrish es un cantautor y guitarrista de la India actualmente...
Published 11/30/23
Julio Montero es un bailador e instructor de Salsa y Bachata, nacido en Cuba y radicado en Vancouver. Nos platicó sobre su trayectoria bailando Salsa o Casino (como se le conoce comúnmente en Cuba) y la importancia de la música como elemento indispenspensable de la misma. Julio está determinado a promover la cultura cubana en Vancouver, así como a impartir clases de danza tradicional de su país. Tiene la convicción de que la música y la danza aportan grandes beneficios a quienes participan en...
Published 11/18/23
Jon Bryant is a singer-songwriter and guitar player based in Vancouver. He has undoubtedly been making a profound impact on listeners, as seen by his expanding success in the global music industry with a distinct musical style of ethereal dreamlike folk sound and roots. He has released four full-length albums, the most recent of which is Cult Classic from 2019 and his latest single Hibernation. We talked about this single’s creation and meaning. We also discussed his songwriting process and...
Published 11/18/23