Julie and Stuart ask all the questions you've been wondering about when it comes to cleaning dogs teeth safely and without the need for anaesthetic. Many salons are offering ultra sonic teeth cleaning with really amazing results, but how does it work?  We put all our questions and concerns to Anastasia. She is solely an Emmi Pet Distributor and holistic teeth cleaner. 
Published 12/07/21
Stu and Julie have an eye opening chat with Inspirational Vet and Founder of CAM. Check out her website at https://caninearthritis.co.uk. Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrEu7TDzQDM-IK2LHwfdrkA Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/CAMarthritis Trust us, you're gonna want to hear what she has to say!  Have a listen and don't forget to rate and share :) 
Published 09/23/21
Stuart and Julie chat to Animal Welfare Consultant Jody Gordon and Vet Bolu Eso.  Stuart, Bolu and Jody were the welfare team on Pooch Perfect UK.  Stuart is one of only a few groomers in the UK to have completed the NAPCG Creative Grooming qualifications and is now the examiner for them in Europe. Having creatively groomed high profile dogs in the UK and had to explain the practice on many a media outlet, he is no stranger to the attention, good and bad, that this medium  can bring. Join...
Published 06/04/21
Julie and Stu reunite in Stu's kitchen over a glass of lemonade with a dash of wine.  This episode focusses on lockdown purchases and how we are emerging (slowly) out of the lockdown, well that and Julie's Menopause!  Sit back, relax and enjoy two old friends coming back together for  good old chin wag.
Published 05/19/21
Stu and Julie chat to the newly crowned Pooch Perfect 2021 champion Kelly Davis about her experience competing in BBC1'S Pooch Perfect Grooming Competition. Kelly highlights the ups and downs of the competition and how she hopes to inspire a new...
Published 03/04/21
Stu & Julie chat about all things to do with the hit BBC1 Dog Grooming competition Pooch Perfect. Behind the scenes gossip and insights in to how the show was made. A must listen to all those crazy about Pooch Perfect UK. 
Published 02/03/21
In this episode, Stuart and Julie chat to Colin Taylor, Legend of the grooming industry. They chat about all things from take-aways to anxiety! Never a dull moment! 
Published 01/04/21
Stu & Julie chat about all things current and concerning our lives at the moment. Lockdown no 2, are us groomers essential? All the president's men and what to do if you find a tick! As usual its all good fun and although every attempt is made to...
Published 11/23/20
Julie and Stu reunite over Olives and chat about all sorts of things, including COVID, Education and everything Pooch Perfect. What a Summer it has been!!! 
Published 10/06/20
Hot topics this month include air con, car snacks and fasting; not to mention life getting back to grooming and all that it brings!!Life and laughs with Stuart Simons and Julie Harris - it's a dog groomers life!
Published 06/17/20
Julie and Stuart get together virtually to chat over what the lockdown has been like for the Groomers Spotlight membership and how going back to work in the new world will be for them. Still lots of laughs and some good advice for those of you walking...
Published 05/15/20
Julie Harris & Stuart Simons get to interview their special guest Veterinary Surgeon Stephen Butterton and ask about the impact of Covid-19 on his practices and how groomers and vets can work brilliantly together for the best animal care...
Published 04/12/20
Julie and Stuart welcome their special guest and grooming client the wonderfully entertaining Maria McErlane. We'll be honest, there wasn't much grooming chat during this  lockdown episode, more about how they have been keeping themselves entertained at...
Published 04/04/20
A surprise guest joins Stuart on the Crufts couch for Day 3 of Cruftsmas.
Published 03/09/20
The last of our Crufts live podcasts. Julie & Stuart chat through their favourite bits - more laughs and giggles.
Published 03/09/20
All the news and chat from Crufts Day 2. Julie & Stuart laugh and share their favourite bits.
Published 03/07/20
Stuart & Julie share all the chat and news from Day 1 - Toy & Utility. 
Published 03/05/20
Julie & Stuart get very excited on the night before Cruftsmas. Hear ALL the stories!!
Published 03/05/20
Julie Harris & Stuart Simons talk, laugh and shout at each other as the best of friends do. This - the first episode 'Why & how they got in to grooming and how on earth did an actor living in London end up besties and business partner with a...
Published 02/21/20