The Doing Mind vs. The Thinking, Solving, Equipping, Delegating (TSED) Mind We recently had some heroic clients in discussing their transition from the first mountain into the second mountain.  All clients coming into the Business On Purpose coaching experience begin at Basecamp where they are equipped and installed with the base-level tools to begin operating their business on purpose. These tools systematize four primary areas of priority; purpose, people, process, and profit. At...
Published 02/20/24
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Sara Gatewood, Covenant Realty as they unravel the power of Canva Pro on the latest episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at My Business On Purpose Podcast. Discover how Sara leverages Canva Pro to revolutionize her real estate endeavors, unravel the strategic insights for small business owners to harness the full potential of this tool, and gain actionable tips for creating visually compelling content that resonates with your audience. Are you...
Published 02/13/24
The influential Andrew Carnegie said, "No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit." We just cannot seem to help ourselves.  We feel like we have to do it all. Whether it is a function of a lack of support around us (which is usually our fault for not recruiting well) or an unhealthy sized superhero ego (which is always our fault)...delegation has been a challenge literally since the beginning of time. Great news though about delegation, when...
Published 02/12/24
I’m getting to a point in my coaching career where it can feel like I’m on a carousel. I meet heroic business owners all the time and it can feel like Groundhog Day, which was conveniently last week, as I hear some of the mistakes they are making. Many of them ask, “Thomas where are we at risk?” I figured if I’m having that conversation with several business owners each week, so why not have it with all of you? So thanks so much for joining today, it’s Thomas Joyner with Business on Purpose...
Published 02/08/24
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Michele Williams, Pay Proudly, as they unravel the power of "Pay Proudly" on the latest episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at My Business On Purpose Podcast. Delve into the essence of "Pay Proudly" and find out how small business owners can leverage this game-changing tool.  Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you from the business chaos? Take the assessment to find...
Published 02/06/24
Meet (Anad Rolyat) Construction supply business serving a local region (Anad Rolyat) Female owner, married with two children Retail and supply business serving a local region Been in business for 11 years Massive reputation for community engagement Working 6.5 days per week Thinking about work even when at home The bigger problem was this…when we reviewed her 2015 P&L…here is what it said… $5mm worth of sales… $50k of Net Profit (1%) 1%! $5mm worth of...
Published 02/05/24
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Mindy Lepp, Lepp Design Owner, as they unravel the strategic importance of Keyword Research Tool on the latest episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at My Business On Purpose Podcast. Discover how keyword research optimizes online presence, gain strategic insights for using this tool in your business, and learn tips for effective keyword utilization. Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements...
Published 01/30/24
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Sam Wheeler, State Farm Agent, as they explore the depths of "Key Person Insurance" on the latest episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at My Business On Purpose Podcast. Discover the strategic importance of Key Person Insurance for business owners and gain practical insights to fortify your business journey! Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you from the business...
Published 01/23/24
Aren’t there better ways to accomplish your Vision than by writing it down and just simply looking at it? In short, nope! But let’s talk about that today. Thomas Joyner with Business on Purpose here, thanks so much for listening. Let me introduce you to Eli Hanneman. Now, call me a geek…whatever you want to do. But Eli Hanneman is 20 years old, and from Lahaina, Hawaii. I’m a surfing nerd and follow the professional surfing tour called the CT or Championship Tour. Eli has been a prodigy...
Published 01/22/24
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Paul Stafford, Apex Strategic CPAs, as they unravel the strategic brilliance of "Pass-Through Entity Tax" on the latest episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at My Business On Purpose Podcast. Explore how this powerful tax strategy can revolutionize your business operations and elevate your financial success. Tune in for expert insights, success stories, and actionable steps to transform your business with purpose and intention. Are you working IN...
Published 01/16/24
I’ve heard it said that 96% of businesses will not see their tenth birthday. A study conducted by the Exit Planning Institute reveals 30% of those businesses that survive will make it through their 2nd generation. Of what little remains, only 12% of the very limited 2nd generation businesses will make it through the 3rd generation. Business is hard.  Regardless of product, regardless of industry, regardless of market, leadership, and sustainability; business is hard. A modern refrain...
Published 01/12/24
In about a year from now, Business On Purpose will celebrate its 10-year anniversary. The statistics range, but it has been said 96% of businesses never see their 10th birthday. When milestones and thresholds are crossed over questions begin peppering your inbox searching for the “secret to your success” as if there is a singular ingredient that concocted the cake that now stands in the display. It may be worth noting that success is not a given destination and instead is a manufactured...
Published 01/12/24
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, as she interviews Conner Fennell, BOP Intern at My Business on Purpose Podcast- Tuesday Tools On Purpose. Discover Conner's experiences, the hiring process, DISC test insights, tasks for BOP, and how this internship is shaping his goals. Don't miss this valuable internship discussion! Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you from the business chaos?  Take the assessment...
Published 01/09/24
Join Patrice Miles (BOP Business Coach) and Jessie Barber (BOP Client Connection Director) as they share essential tips on hiring interns at My Business on Purpose Podcast- Tuesday Tools On Purpose. Learn the hiring process, overcoming obstacles, internship length, finding the right candidate, compensation, onboarding, and communication. Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you from the business chaos?  Take...
Published 01/03/24
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Thomas Joyner, BOP Director of Coaching, as they delve into the power of "Forecasting" on the latest Tuesday Tools On Purpose episode at My Business On Purpose Podcast. Learn to predict financial currents and navigate your business towards stability and growth. Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you from the business chaos? Take the assessment to find out which...
Published 12/26/23
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Jessica Vanbrunt, Co-Owner of Vanbrunt and Company, as they delve into Email Filtering strategies on the latest episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at My Business On Purpose Podcast. Learn about streamlining your inbox chaos and harnessing the power of intentional email management for enhanced productivity and business success. Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you...
Published 12/19/23
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Nicole Grinnell, President and CEO of Bosun Solutions, as they uncover the keys to hiring success and recruiting services on the latest episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at My Business On Purpose Podcast. Elevate your hiring game and transform your business landscape. Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you from the business chaos? Take the assessment to find out...
Published 12/12/23
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Trevor Covington, LBMC Senior Marketing Manager, as they uncover the secrets behind effective marketing strategies on today's episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at the "My Business On Purpose" Podcast! Dive deep into practical tips and expert insights to propel your business forward. Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you from the business chaos? Take the...
Published 12/05/23
The number stunned me when I first heard it.  80% of a business owner's net worth is locked away in the asset of their business. Can you imagine 80% of your retirement dollars bottled up in one stock?   The cash flow of the business can often quell the desire for an owner to diversify their assets into anything beyond the business.  A business can be a high-return asset for sure… and with it, equally high risk. A standard question for any business owner to ask is, “How much is my business...
Published 12/05/23
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Matt Sohl, Creative Specialist of WireCrafters as they dive into the power of YouTube Shorts on the latest episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at My Business On Purpose Podcast. Discover how YouTube Shorts can transform your business' reach and branding strategy. Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you from the business chaos? Take the assessment to find out which...
Published 11/28/23
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Nicole Grinnell, President and CEO of Bosun Solutions, as they uncover the power of Fractioning on the latest episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at My Business On Purpose Podcast. Learn how this tool optimizes efficiency and empowers businesses to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you from the business chaos? Take the...
Published 11/21/23
So, a quick thought on mindset. If we think immediately, mindset,  whatever, doesn't matter. It absolutely matters. In neuroscience, it's way above my head, but I trust it, and I read about it, and it says, mindset absolutely matters. And we can actually create new neural pathways. That's a really big word. But we can create new ways of thinking that actually change our brain, and its structure, which is amazing. Mindset does matter, and our thoughts determine our behaviors and our behaviors...
Published 11/20/23
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach and Chris Whelan, Owner of WSI Digital Win as they unravel the power of Google Guaranteed on the latest episode of Tuesday Tools On Purpose at the Business On Purpose Podcast. Learn how this game-changing tool can transform your business and boost your credibility.  Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all of the foundational elements that will liberate you from the business chaos? Take the assessment to find out which...
Published 11/14/23
Join Patrice Miles, BOP Business Coach, and Mark Kenney, one of the Founders of Clinkit, as they unpack the strategic approach to utilizing Clinkit in your business journey and reveal how you can start letting your construction equipment work for you! Uncover practical tips and guidance for leveraging this tool effectively! Stop letting your construction equipment sit around. Rent it out like an AIRBNB... just Clinkit! Are you working IN your business or ON your business? Do you have all...
Published 11/07/23
There were some industries through the pandemic that hit the jackpot with a flood of cash into the market.  Real estate and construction were beneficiaries en masse drawing value from a unique cultural cocktail of a geographically mobile workforce, a shortage of housing inventory, and a rush of available cash into the market. Sales roles in this unique market began to belly up at the bar of counter sales limiting the time needed to “beat the streets” and “shake the bushes”. Moving into this...
Published 11/06/23