In this episode, my dad and I talk about the Big Bang, gravity waves, black holes, neutron stars and harvesting space gold, dropping a satellite on a house instead of in the middle of a war-zone, and how awesome Einstein really was. Discussed in this episode: Listen now!
Published 02/27/18
Published 02/27/18
In this episode, I call up my dad to talk about Elon Musk’s historic launch of the Falcon Heavy, Elon’s Tesla, Dying on Mars, and a bunch of other failures. Discussed in this episode: Listen now!
Published 02/07/18
In this episode, my dad and I continue our discussion on his humble beginnings. We talk about Goddard Space Flight Center, the Ariel 5 satellite, Black holes, Yes- my audio is messed up. I promise we’ll get better. Discussed in this episode: Listen now! http://mydadtherocketscientist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/MDTRS_E02.mp3
Published 02/07/18
In this episode, my dad and I discuss his humble beginnings working with Revel models, Heath Kits, Cosmic Rays, liquid hydrogen leaks, and why the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) needed glasses. This is more of a background episode where we’re learning about how he came to be a rocket scientist.
Published 09/05/17
In this preview, I talk very briefly about the podcast, my dad, and my hopes for this podcast. It’s more of a teaser, but you get the point.
Published 04/22/17