Last week I booked a last-minute trip back to Nicaragua for my birthday. I continue to be blown away by the beauty of this country! I want you to experience this country with me and make a REAL impact. Our next mission trip is April 17-21. Click the link below to sign up if you're interested. You will receive an email with instructions to pay your deposit to lock in your spot. The Deadline for deposit is Jan 31st. CLICK HERE: http://bit.ly/ImpactNic2020
Published 01/23/20
What's up guys! In this episode of the My Living Legacy Vlog, we recap my keynote in West Palm Beach. With this being the start of a new year, I figured what better topic to drive home true impact than #LIFEgoals! If you've been following me for any period of time, you know by now that #LIFEgoals are absolutely vital for anyone wanting to see TRUE growth in any area of life. If you have yet to set your own #LIFEgoals, you can grab the same worksheet I gave my audience at tylerjackharris.com
Published 01/16/20
I'm starting round 2 of #75Hard on Monday, Jan 6th. I gained so much the first time through, but learned even more about myself in the weeks that followed.¿¿This time I'm doing it for ME. Join me, but only if you're doing it for YOU...
Published 01/02/20
We will be bringing 4-6 interns on our media team over the next 60 days. If you or someone you know is interested, message me ASAP! This is not your average internship. We become fully invested in your future, whether that’s here or somewhere else. Our goal is to help people become the best version of themselves!
Published 12/27/19
Each year we fly in our top agents to celebrate their success. We present them with a Meritocracy Bonus, because it's just that- based on MERIT. But more importantly, we genuinely love spending time with one another. This is a family that happens to do business together... massive business together.
Published 12/27/19
Each year we take our home office staff on a trip for Christmas. This year we took a cruise to the Bahamas. THIS is how you build culture. THIS is how you build a family. THIS is how you build a legacy.
Published 12/12/19
If you are reading this you are blessed, but more importantly, you are blessed to be a blessing. It is my hope that this video plants a seed in you. We are taking multiple trips to Nicaragua next year, and I want YOU to come with me. This was my second trip, and each time I’ve returned as a new, better person. I want you to experience this for yourself. The next trip is in April. You in?
Published 12/05/19
The #75Hard challenge has been the single greatest catalyst for mental and physical transformation that I have ever experienced. I have one goal for this video- to show you what’s possible. During these 75 days, I traveled to 9 different states and a third world country, 36 flights, 36 nights in a hotel, and an insane daily schedule. If I can do it, YOU CAN TOO! So, what are you waiting for?
Published 11/28/19
We are still processing all of the amazing work we saw God do in Nicaragua last week. Here is a sneak peak at some of the footage. Stay tuned for the full documentary coming soon...
Published 11/21/19
I’m back in Nicaragua, but this time on a new mission- to reach the men of this country in a tangible way.
Published 11/13/19
Just like a sling shot, in life the harder you pull, the further you’ll go. I’m getting pulled in many directions these days...and I’m ready to LAUNCH!
Published 11/07/19
“Heart and Hustle” by @zachbanes is a song that depicts the mindset of a champion and describes struggles common to everyone – people doubting you, people walking out on you, life getting too big or too hard- and it provides a way out. “Hit the ground, go and get it” says it best. Work hard, overcome your struggles, and go get what you deserve. It’s an anthem for the underdog. Nothing and no one can stop you.
Published 10/31/19
In this episode, we discuss choices. Good choices. Bad choices. Overtime they become habits which become automatic, and then they become your identity.
Published 10/25/19
Officially halfway through #75Hard and it’s impossible to articulate how this challenge has impacted every area of my life. I wish you could feel this level of momentum- physically, mentally, emotionally. When you put 100% effort into today, you find you’re capable of more tomorrow. When you repeat this process every single day, you realize there is no end to your potential, that there’s always more.
Published 10/17/19
Perfect execution of #75Hard has been challenging, due to my chaotic travel schedule. This week going from East to West Coast added another level to the complexity and intensity. Pulled it off flawlessly. Onto the next adventure!
Published 10/10/19
We’ve all heard the quote- “Success isn’t owned. It’s leased. And rent is due every day.” But let’s take it a step further. Pay now or pay later. What happens if you don’t pay? At some point you lose the house, you go into foreclosure, possibly bankruptcy... and you’ll pay twice as much to get yourself out of that pit. Pay now for what you want- success, progress, growth, or simply to keep your house. Or pay later for what you don’t want- failure, unfulfillment, or financial devastat
Published 10/03/19
99% of people will say they’re ALL IN, but they’re only referring to a particular project, deadline... a singular focus of increased effort. Sorry my friend, that’s not ALL IN. There is no nobility in being hyper-focused in one area of your life and stealing from the other areas to do so. None of us are promised tomorrow. We are here for a finite period of time. Live like today is the first and last day of your life.
Published 09/26/19
Published 09/17/19
Three days into #75Hard and I can say with 100% certainty that this mental and physical transformation will be a defining moment in my life. Watch this episode to understand why...
Published 09/12/19
Have you ever wanted to know someone has your back? Are you seeking significance, rather than seeking the one that made you significant? In this episode, you’ll get a front row seat as Tyler shares his faith with a group of kids in North Carolina.
Published 08/28/19
In this episode, you’ll get a behind the scenes look at last weekend’s bootcamp training. This is what a culture of practice looks like. These 12 agents are about to transform their lives and make more money than ever before!
Published 08/22/19
Everybody's talking about providing value. But how many are executing on that ambition? It's not always pretty, but when your intent is right, you can't lose. Check out this behind the scenes look at a recent Live Q&A!
Published 08/15/19
In this episode, we travel to Nicaragua to serve alongside Chosen Children Ministries. It was a humbling and life-changing experience to see families, facing insurmountable odds, but left with hope. We too left with hope and can’t wait to go back and serve again soon.
Published 08/07/19
In this episode, The Modern Men gather up and talk about what it means to live with intent.
Published 07/31/19