A simple equation that I use for myself is that I must love what I do as much as I love the benefits of what I do. Entrepreneurship is a reward itself, but I always ask myself, "What am I giving back?" Believe it or not, that is a very important concept when it comes to marketing as well. You have to give before you get. If you care about your clients or audience, that will happen naturally. Enjoy this Episode with Patrick Bet-David!
Published 07/16/20
Sometimes you need a break from the serious to take a deep dive into the comedy zone. You don't create an insane amount of content without a few hiccups and bloopers. This is a culmination of all of it. If you have been following my content for some time, you know that a lot of my stuff is more serious. Well, not today! Prepare to have your funny bone tickled.
Published 07/09/20
As we recap the Unbreakable 48, Tyler breaks down what was learned during the 48 hours. One of the toughest things that you can do is to put yourself in the situation where you must face the subtle, seductive, and believable excuses that pervade your everyday life. Taking a deep dive into your mind and the reasons why you CHOOSE to give up is one of the most insightful things that you can do. Painful? Yes. Embarrassing? Absolutely. Transformational? 100%.
Published 07/04/20
For this episode, I had my editors pick some of their favorite videos from across each of my brands. This is really a deep dive into who you are as a person and what that means across your entire life. Finding out who you are, needs to shape your entire life. Call it a first step before figuring out your "Why". Anyways, this is a good episode if you want some self-reflection into what defines you.
Published 06/25/20
In this episode of the VLOG, we give you a behind the scenes preview of the LIVE Webinars we have going on over the next week. Sign up at the link below to watch the full webinar LIVE. In the midst of chaos, you can choose to honor your word or honor your excuses. For Navy SEALs, this is life or death. The reality is it's life or death for you, too, because chaos is paralyzing. Click the link below to register for this LIVE event! https://www.unbreakableleadership.com/webinaroptions
Published 06/18/20
WE NEED YOUR HELP! We don't want to just put out good content, we want to know what you look at. Go back and look at all of the content we have created for you: 1. Daily Bread 2. Road to Legacy 3. From The Editors 4. My Living Legacy 5. Sales Wolves Podcast 6. Bread Winner Podcast 7. Facebook Lives 8. Motivation Graphics All we want to do is produce better and relevant content for you. Let us know in the comments what YOU want to see.
Published 06/11/20
It is amazing how far we can go in either direction in our life when we don't focus on the little things we have to do. If you want to be a better person or make a change, don't think that it will be drastic. It will be tedious, continuous, and daily actions that move the needle to where you want to be in life. Simple concept. Hard to execute.
Published 06/04/20
Every single person who was ever successful relied on coaches and mentors to grow. In fact, we all rely on other people's past experiences and knowledge to move forward. If you embrace that and try to figure out everything on your own, you will fail.
Published 05/21/20
Podcasting is one of the best ways to increase the amount of quality content that you put out. What do I mean? If you have a video camera, not only do you have audio, but you also have video to go along with it. Additionally, you can create blog posts on those very topics that were discussed. Just start one and see how it grows.
Published 05/14/20
Everyone has their own passions and collections. Mine just happens to be shoes. Ever since I was a kid, shoes have always been a fun collection item. What pair are your favorites and can you name any that you see in the video?
Published 05/07/20
Powerful Content, Powerful Mind I hope you enjoy this compilation of some powerful content. I truly hope that this will bring inspiration and motivation. As we continue in this crisis, I just want to let you know that I am thinking about you. Sometimes, the smallest things can lift us up such as a word of encouragement or idea. I hope that you never stop seeking motivation and I want you to know that I will continue to churn out content for you. Never Stop Learning. Never Stop Growing.
Published 05/01/20
Published 05/01/20
Health and fitness are huge priorities to me as you all know. However, it has become more apparent to me that if you don't have your health, you have nothing. You could have a million dollars in the bank and yet it won't matter if you can't recover your health. I recommend getting some sunlight and getting your blood pumping everyday during Covid-19. Not having enough time is not an excuse anymore!
Published 04/23/20
Every limitation is self-imposed. The sad reality is, we don't even realize it. One of those limitations is the lack of giving. Unfortunately, we are often so scared to give back that we don't realize that when we give, we are breaking through many limitations of life.
Published 04/16/20
What do you think of when you hear the word 'Hustle'? Maybe you think of work, sweat, discomfort, etc. However, we almost always think it has to do with business. Not so. You should hustle every day for your family, friends, health, and the list goes on. At GVL Hustle we are hustling for our community. All of the funds from our merchandise are going to the United Way and their efforts to help out during this crisis Check out our gear here: https://gvlhustle.com/collections
Published 04/09/20
I feel there is no one better to share what it takes to be calm in the midst of disaster other than Thom Shea. He’s a 23-year HIGHLY decorated Navy SEAL, business/leadership coach, sought after keynote speaker, and author of “Unbreakable: A Navy SEAL’s Way of Life” and “Three Simple Things: Leading During Chaos”. It would mean the world to me if you would go on Amazon and pre-order a copy of his new book where Thom unpacks how he uses these very principles to help people THRIVE in everyday
Published 04/02/20
What's up guys! I wanted to recap my experience from my trip to Utah because It truly was an experience that I will remember forever. After diving into ice water, doing intense breathing techniques, and getting extremely vulnerable with the friends I made on this trip, this really will be something I cherish. Big thank you to Steve Weatherford for hosting and Dr. Trisha Smith for navigating us through the whole experience!
Published 03/26/20
I want you to truly discover what living life to the fullest REALLY LOOKS LIKE. Growing in business, in health, in your mind, and in your family are all so important. But those things apart from Jesus Christ, we will never be fully satisfied. The simple truth is, Jesus, WILL return (Philippians 2:10, Revelation 5:13) and until then, it’s up to us to both receive the gift of eternal life AND use our lives to unashamedly invite others into a relationship with Christ.
Published 03/19/20
We talk about how important our lives are, but why do so few share it in a meaningful way? One of the most underutilized ways to maximize this gift of life you’ve been given is to simply document your experiences. You have no idea how massive of an impact your story/perspective/insights can make on the lives of those who see it. All you have to do is just pick up your phone and record a short video of your day! The only thing left to do… is START.
Published 03/12/20
Have you met these two people within you yet? If you haven't had the chance to experience their presence in a powerful way, then it's time to push yourself to the ABSOLUTE LIMIT. Your character in this life is directly reflected by the actions you choose to take. So the question arises, which version of you do you desire to be? It's time that you start taking the actions that move you towards the only "you" the world needs— the best version of yourself.
Published 03/06/20
For this episode, I wanted to do something a little different. I really care about seeing you grow into the best version of yourself by going ALL IN, but along the way, it’s so easy to forget something super important— we’re human. I hope my endless bloopers shift your perspective to work HARD on yourself… but not BE so hard on yourself. I’m looking forward to seeing your funniest moments in the comments below!
Published 02/27/20
A daughter is a gift of love. I'm not sure I ever fully understood what love was until I met you. I am a better man- stronger, more compassionate, and truly happy because of you. I love you, Arden.
Published 02/20/20
This is more than just a speaking reel, this is me being truly INTENTIONAL with my life. My CALLING this year is to speak on as many stages and to as many people as possible in 2020. Not to simply be heard, but because I have a message worth hearing that I truly am convicted will cause thousands to wake up to a life WORTH LIVING. If you would like to book me for a speaking engagement, shoot me a message at [email protected].
Published 02/13/20
This past weekend, we hosted a leadership training AND new agent bootcamp training. From Thursday to Monday, we were ALL IN on role playing scripts, practicing overcoming objections, and CRM training but it was in the EXTRA that made this training so extraordinary. Building relationships, being vulnerable, talking about our short-term and long-term goals, and our failures. It is in the EXTRA where belief is built. It is in the EXTRA where culture formed. It is in the EXTRA where a tribe is...
Published 02/06/20
On empty... When you’re there, it’s so hard to think of anything or anyone outside of yourself. But then God makes an audacious request… It goes against every thought of “SELF PRESERVATION”. It requires audaciously radical faith in a source beyond your current resources. It means LEAPING far outside of your comfort zone to experience the power of a God well within reach. In this episode, you’ll get to hear what God spoke through me to the people of Nicaragua.
Published 01/30/20