I spend my time trying to convince others that I'm not a spoiled brat who did not get her way. But in fact,I was abused, like many of us are, and I am here to tell the tale. I feel like if we admit the wrong doings of the mother figure, then we are tearing down the collective work put in place by the women's liberation movement. To admit one was bad means to admit women's inabilities and flaws. Well, I refuse to lay quiet and to be dormant. Abusers exist in all gender types.
Published 01/27/21
I've been signaled to move into a new state of being. A new state where old conventions and limiting beliefs are shedded, ripped off, and thrown away. A new world order has been created and I invite you to do the same.
Published 12/26/20
Who really practiced social distancing? I had many love journeys during the past few months. Mama needs a break!
Published 09/23/20
The first act of sin caused women to be punished severely and the outcome of this is present in today's everyday occurrences
Published 07/10/20
Here are the ingredients you need to make love to a woman who is ready to receive you.
Published 06/28/20
Threesomes & pink! I describe my experience with multiple men through the color pink, the color that reminds me of the innocence of sexuality.
Published 05/24/20
I explore my personal encounters with God based on human interactions.
Published 04/24/20
I am beautifully depressed and anxious and I invite you to travel with me through a sacred space and time. Totally authentic and rebellious. I ripped this world apart to create a New World Order!
Published 04/23/20