I think I'd like to be the person that warns his friends about the addictive nature of commercial mushroom cultivation, but instead I seem to just increase the insanity and the stoke with all the power of the doom! This is the case for one Sean Mulkern, Cap N Stems very first employee. After traveling a great many miles from coast to coast he, and his lovely partner Cat, decided to take up the fine art of sleepless nights, spore lung and endless farmers market rabbit holes all for a taste of...
Published 03/17/23
Josh Googins of the one and only Fallen Oak Mycology is a man on a mission. A Mushroom cultivator driven by more than just supplying food to a system. Josh aims to bring a biotech element to his company that is currently based out of the down and dirty diddy that is Austin City! Josh has style and there is an element to his steez that is indescribably necessary for boardroom meetings with oil rigging executives who might just be convinced that there is a better way to be less harmful to the...
Published 01/13/23
Where did it all begin I asked Marc R Keith...picking up a hitch hiker to score some dope exactly 50 years ago, Marc told me...and the tale goes on from there...50 years later Marc is bound to the west coast while he forges ahead through a 7 year battle to get back his property from backwoods thieves who forged every document imaginable to kick the widowed king of the shroomery off his own land. This is the land his fans know well, where Let's Grow Mushrooms was filmed, where the double...
Published 12/16/22
The road to finding the magical, mystical hero of a mycological OG that is Marc R Keith (Roger Rabbit) has been a wild one. We all have a bit of interloper syndrome in this life, especially when we are searching for someone we admire, someone who has been integral in getting us going, someone who possessed that nugget of info we needed to continue on, someone who inspired more than just you. That last fact is what has carried this MycoWizards Podcast project forward. I come from a line of...
Published 12/09/22
And just like that! WE ARE BACK! We have a lot of plans for the future of the Mycowizards Podcast and we are stoked to unroll it all slow and low like Texas style smoked meat! There are whispers in the Buck65 wind spreading rumors of @heymikevance and @shroomsodoom getting into a van with a carefully curated suitcase straight out of Fear And Loathing to scramble senses from farm to farm like bats out of doom, dead set of filming and recording the entire mycological insanity. Think 1990’s...
Published 07/15/22
In another life, Dunk and I most likely crossed paths or perhaps we just ripped on two wheeled death traps up and down the same rugged streets of towns north of Boston. While he was running wild in the outlaw motorcycle scene, I was documenting and painting clandestine poets up and down the North Shore. There is a common thread that brings people to mycology and it finds its origins in the brains of those not interested in following anyone else’s life rules or rhythms. That break from...
Published 02/18/22
BONUS EPISODE ALERT! Maine Fungi Fest will be happening in Portland on May 14th, 2022. That’s coming up really fast! Tyler Crawford and Erik Lomen will be presenting a talk on commercial cultivation techniques and systems with a Q&A section. This conversation was recorded with the festival's organizer Jonathan Leavitt. Jonathan is an artist, a performer and a really talented musician who also has a long standing history that left a truly positive impact on Maine’s medical cannabis...
Published 02/04/22
Aron Gonsalves and I go back to the beginning in this conversation. We recorded one evening at his farm house in southern Maine, almost empty and fully packed up, as he and his wonderfully kind wife Laura were about to embark on a journey to their new home with new beginnings in mind, down south away from the frozen north. Aron is a hustler, a gear grinder, a motorhead and a nerd on a lot of levels kin to myself. When I first heard a mycologist from Hawaii was coming to Maine, my young...
Published 01/21/22
Cory Nellissen of HiFi Mycology has unbounded devotion to the exploration of his mycological endeavors. The study and systematization of mushroom cultivation demands patience, a quality one must possess in spades to make a go at the commercial cultivation game. Some days it feels like competition is closing in and other days it feels like you are in an oasis all of your own creation and you have brought the manna machine to the people! But the myco-machine requires constant analysis and...
Published 01/07/22
Andrew Collier Reed: I’m fascinated by these radical myco-cats know by 3 names and there are a few...I know it’s largely a facebook phenomenon, but every time I heard his name mentioned, years before we had a solid back and forth, I heard all three names, like an ancient elder-futhark chant of sorts...and Andrew, he is an ancient soul, glued to runes and science fiction and their large projections on a immensely imaginative universe that’s conclusive in its own right and dedicated to the...
Published 12/24/21
I’d assume Satchmo was one hell of a zen-calm yet lively jazz-wizard roaming the Americas and Europe like a madman on the horn through the 30s and 40s making myths in all the world’s clandestine clubs and dark alleyways, where spirit infused music spilled into the streets like smiles and wine. If I were to try to express who Josh Saul is to me and what he embodies as a mycologist, I'd have to say it’s a feeling similar to what one gets from soaking in the very early ear-candy jazz recordings,...
Published 12/10/21
Only one Instagram account can rival @dunksmushrooms in fungal beauty and that's @bluffcityfungi . For Scott Avery Lisenby it's a family affair and the sincerity at the heart of his farm is alive and well in every way imaginable. Scott's got the drive and the focus of all great fungi-wizards, building his Memphis farm from the ground up inspired by innovation and pure hustle. In our couple hour conversation you'll find all the stories that generate the myco-myths, originating from the gentle...
Published 11/26/21
Brendan Linnane started Foggy Dew Fungi with a similar sentiment to most emerging mycologically minded business owners. It comes in stages, first as a spark, the visual and written volumes of seemingly ancient information available on an entire kingdom you never learned about in school appearing like an apparition one day and turning into an obsession overnight. You chase down new texts and old, searching out the dusty, tiny “mycology/mushroom” sections in every used book store within driving...
Published 11/12/21
When Joe Weber started his Chicago based farm, Four Star Mushrooms, he held a deep fascination and interest in naturally occurring ecological systems, with their dialed in intricacies holding fast in this disposable world. The development of man-made-machines with algorithmic methodologies syncopated to deep human observations into naturally occurring organizations have bred some of the most stable, vertically integrated food systems possible in this fast growing world. Joe has been building...
Published 10/29/21
Season 2 Episode 2:  A lot of artists, musicians and farmers have a common thread in their development of place and space and the construction, deconstruction, expansion and contraction of many 4 walled rooms to fill very particular roles in the generation of their creations. Norman Fetter of Woodland Jewel seems to fit in this category of a person who delineates space for multi-potentiality from Music to Mycology and in that personality you find an old soul dedicated to the focus of their...
Published 10/15/21
Season Two Episode One: Tyler Crawford, the Wizard of Spawn production at Cap N Stem has been with us for quite a few years now. Hailing from Connecticut or Canada or Both, you’ll most likely find him expressing his wildness hiking the highest peaks of New England and Beyond like a young Frater Perdurabo inbetwixt mycological research and development at the Shroom Of Doom Headquarters here in Maine. If you’ve talked with Tyler you know how well informed and methodological this mycomaster is,...
Published 10/01/21
TR Davis...what a bulldog of a human! TR hustles and his enthusiasm for this specialty gourmet mushroom industry isn't declining anytime soon. Over the last decade I've had the pleasure of watching TR grow Earth Angel Mushrooms starting with the early days on the scene of CMGN, an exclusive network of Commercial Mushroom Farmers dedicated to this craft. It's hard to describe how far TR has brought this industry because it's still growing at a rapid rate, but his constant documentation,...
Published 05/14/21
Michael and Liz Nail of Mile High Fungi are one of those amazingly connected couples that has been able to power through the development and growth of a mushroom business with a finely focused scope that holds true to the ebb and flow between hard work and enjoying life by keeping their mycological enterprise seasonal. Now with a kiddo in the picture their field of vision has widened up a bit and they seem as focused as ever and excited to continue on with farming fungi while raising their...
Published 04/30/21
Alex Winstead of Cascadia Mushroom is a steadfast gourmet mushroom cultivator from way back! A true myco-nerd and hero in the world of traditional mushroom setups, employing the use of ribbon mixers, pneumatic baggers, autoclaves and semi-complicated...
Published 04/16/21
Brooks Worden is an old soul survivor of the New England winter turned West Coast dweller. His fascination for mycology has brought him to the reaches of this weird planet since the early 2000's. Brooks and I just missed one another back around 2010 in...
Published 04/02/21
Lisa Pixley is an immeasurably amazing human. She is a professional printmaker, forager and wellspring of knowledge you wish you had on hand! She is one of the founders of Maine Cap N' Stem, if not the catalyst for its inception and our forward momentum...
Published 03/19/21
Garrett Wilkerson is the mycological meme-master and man behind the fast growing social media presence of Unicorn Bags. His genuine and intense stoke on all things mushroom related is nothing short of inspirational.  He is on an innovation quest in the...
Published 03/05/21
Brian McShane and Randen Syjut are the myco-masterminds behind Detroit Mushroom Company.  Brian and I hadn't officially caught up before this conversation so it was delightful to riff on topics of hip hop, mushrooms, motorcycles for 4 hours. It's...
Published 02/19/21
What can I say about Neil Brent, king-myco-mad-man of the west coast? Well, I can say for certain I thought he was from the east coast, which is a huge compliment in my book, given our propensity for dark humor, blunt statements and strong...
Published 02/05/21
Eric Milligan is a humble man of many talents!  I'm extremely stoked to call him a friend and even more stoked to bring everyone this hilarious conversation we had a few weeks back! Check out www.nhmushrooms.com and give them a follow on the platforms...
Published 01/22/21