annoying Senpai ②
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Do you have annoying senpai around you? If so, how do you deal with it? Let's have a listen to Casual Nihongo about this topic and learn some Japanese from this conversation! 今日の質問 Question :「やまね」の会社にいる、うざい人はどういう人ですか? - What are annoying Senpai like at the company where Yamane works?  今日のフレーズ (Today's phrase) Today's phrase = red  Kansai-ben = blue No.1 〜のところ ところ:場所(ばしょ) やまねのところ = Yamane's place ⇨ his company *depending on the topic ☟Examples 地震あったけど、大丈夫? 俺のところは大丈夫やけど。 - There was an earthquake. Are you okay? I'm okay tho  No.2 実力(じつりょく) 実力 = skills / abilities ☟Examples 私の会社では、人柄じゃなくて、実力が求められるみたい。 - My company seems to require me to have skills not good personality. No.3 指摘(してき) 指摘 = point out advice ☟Examples ちゃんと指摘してくれる人に感謝すべきやと思う。 -We should appreciate the people who point out a mistake.  No.4 バランスがいい バランスがいい = good balanced  ☟Examples 会社の人、バランスがいい人が多いよ。 - My coworkers are nice people (have skills) No.5 反面教師(はんめんきょうし) 反面教師 = A good example of who not to be ☟Examples 上司を反面教師にして、頑張ろ。 - I'll work hard thinking my boss of a good example of who not to be.
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