Published 05/20/23
Published 05/05/23
Published 03/04/23
Published 02/01/23
Published 01/26/23
Do you have annoying senpai around you?I
Published 07/28/21
Do you have annoying senpai around you? If so, how do you deal with it? Let's have a listen to Casual Nihongo about this topic and learn some Japanese from this conversation! 今日の質問 Question :「やまね」の会社にいる、うざい人はどういう人ですか? - What are annoying Senpai like at the company where Yamane works?  今日のフレーズ (Today's phrase) Today's phrase = red  Kansai-ben = blue No.1 〜のところ ところ:場所(ばしょ) やまねのところ = Yamane's place ⇨ his company *depending on the topic ☟Examples 地震あったけど、大丈夫? 俺のところは大丈夫やけど。 - There...
Published 07/28/21
Do you have annoying senpai around you?I
Published 07/20/21
Do you have annoying senpai around you?I
Published 07/20/21
How do you make a girlfriend/boyfriend w
Published 07/06/21
How do you make a girlfriend/boyfriend with the coronavirus pandemic?Some people don't have a chance to meet new people in public places....(very sad)Let's have a listen to Casual Nihongo about this topic and learn some Japanese from this conversation! 今日の質問 Question :「やまね」はどこで彼女を作るべきだと考えていますか?Where do they think Yamane should make a girlfriend? 今日のフレーズ (Today's phrase) Today's phrase = red  Kansai-ben = blue No.1 出会いの場(であいのば) 出会い = meeting場 = place ☟Examples 出会いの場が欲しいな- I want...
Published 07/06/21
How do you make a girlfriend/boyfriend w
Published 06/30/21
How do you make a girlfriend/boyfriend with the coronavirus pandemic? Some people don't have a chance to meet new people in public places....(very sad) Let's have a listen to Casual Nihongo about this topic and learn some Japanese from this conversation! 今日の質問 Question :「かんた」はどこで彼女を作りましたか? Where did Kanta make a girlfriend? 今日のフレーズ (Today's phrase) No.1 任しといて!(まかしといて) 任す;entrust 任して!(任しといて!):Leave it to me! ☟Examples 「これお願いしてもいい?」 -Could you do this for me? 「任しといて!」 -Leave it to...
Published 06/30/21
Where is the place you recommend in Japa
Published 03/24/21
Where is the place you recommend in Japan? Let's have a listen to Casual Nihongo about this topic and learn some Japanese from this conversation! 今日の質問 Question :「やまね」のおすすめの場所はどこですか? Where does he recommend?  今日のフレーズ (Today's phrase) No.1 真逆(まぎゃく) 真逆:opposite 真ん中:centre ☟Examples お父さんとお母さんは性格が、マジで真逆です。 なんで結婚したんやろう? My parents’ personalities are opposite I wonder how they got married. No.2 どうなんやろ どうなんやろう = Let me think ☟Examples 日本とアメリカどっちに住みたいか? どうなんやろ Which country do I...
Published 03/24/21
Where is the place you recommend in Japa
Published 02/24/21
Where is the place you recommend in Japan? Let's have a listen to Casual Nihongo about this topic and learn some Japanese from this conversation! 今日の質問 Question :「もえぴ」のおすすめの場所はどこですか?そして、何をしますか? Where does she recommend? and what does she do there? Answer:沖縄県です。Okinawa prefecture. 本島から別の島に行きます。そして、海で泳いだり、ゆっくりしたりします。 She goes to different islands from a main island. She swims and chills out 今日のフレーズ (Today's phrase) Today's phrase = red  Kansai-ben = blue No.1...
Published 02/24/21
What do you do in your county on valenti
Published 02/17/21
What do you do in your county on valentines day? Let's have a listen to Casual Nihongo about this topic and learn some Japanese from this conversation! 今日の質問 Question :「あやな」の思い出はなんですか? What is her memory/recollection ? Answer:塾の先生にチョコレートをあげて、お返しに、いいチョコレートをもらっていたこと。 She gave a chocolate to her teacher at cram school, and she got expensive chocolate in return. 今日のフレーズ (Today's phrase) Today's phrase = red  Kansai-ben = blue No.1  気合いを入れる(きあいをいれる) 気合を入れる = roll up ~'s...
Published 02/17/21
What do you do in your county on valenti
Published 02/10/21
What do you do in your county on valentines day? Let's have a listen to Casual Nihongo about this topic and learn some Japanese from this conversation! 今日の質問 Question :「しおり」の思い出はなんですか? What is her memory/recollection ? Answer:チョコレートを40個作ったことです。 making 40 pieces of chocolate 今日のフレーズ (Today's phrase) No.1  バレる バレる=嘘(うそ)がバレる=found out a lie ☟Examples 俺の日本語めっちゃうまいのに、外国人ってばれた。 I have confidence in my Japanese but my accent betrayed...
Published 02/10/21
Do you have “Routine”?Let
Published 02/03/21
Do you have "Routine"? Let's have a listen to Casual Nihongo about this topic and learn some Japanese from this conversation! 今日の質問 Question :「しおり」のルーティン(日課)はなんですか? What is Shiori's routine? 今日のフレーズ (Today's phrase) No.1  日記(にっき) 日記=diary 日記を書く:write a diary 日記をつける:keep a diary  ☟Example 今日の宿題は、日本語で日記を書くことです。 -Today’s homework is write a diary in Japanese No.2 去年(きょねん)・一昨年(おととし) 去年=last year 一昨年=two yeas ago ☟Examples 一昨年は、海外旅行(かいがいりょこう)行けたのになあ -We could travel abroad two...
Published 02/03/21
Do you have “Routine”?Let
Published 01/28/21