In this episode I am talking with Jesse, known as  Handshake Jesus on Twitter. He shares his journey into crypto and specifically the Handshake protocol and his work with the Namebase community. I appreciated his take on how important the root zone is with the  DNS rootzone and his concentration on the name gifting projects within the Handshake community. Thanks Jesse, I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation.
Published 05/25/21
Published 05/25/21
Here is a great conversation with Clay Collins of Nomics. He is business owner, a podcaster, and a very big fan of Internet domains known as Handshake protocol domain names. Clay's second level business built on the .c TLD available at Gateway.io, is booming, that is how much he is into this new space. It was a privilege to have this conversation and much thanks to Clay for the time he spent going over blockchain, the new domains, Web3, and some financial talk as well.
Published 04/30/21
A great talk with Johnny Wu, Community Manager of Namebase.
Published 04/18/21
A great talk with Oscar Seivane Garcia and his experience with the Handshake protocol.
Published 04/09/21
This podcast and story telling is from two powerful individuals in the domain naming space, Tieshun Roquerre and Andrew (Drew) Rosener. Each has there own company and come to the same industry from two different sides. Tieshun started Namebase 3 years...
Published 03/19/21
Zach Fogg talks about the Handshake protocol and how he got into Namebase. He has an interesting story of a use case for Handshake that he is developing
Published 03/05/21
Kiba has traveled the world as a digital nomad and made it work for himself. He has taken on many open source projects over the last few years and now finds himself deep into Handshake. Hear what he has to say about the potential future of Handshake and his contribution toward his success. Thank you for listening.
Published 02/23/21
Scott is from the Portland, Oregon area and shares some of his story with a great amount of enthusiasm. His background is diverse and valuable to a project such as Handshake. His story starts with military service, software development, financial services, and marketing. That is only a small part of his story. I particularly appreciated his "why", and his ideas for furthering Handshake. Thanks Scott.
Published 02/22/21
An talk with Matthew Zipkin as he shares his thoughts on the Handshake protocol and where it is heading by way of development.
Published 02/08/21
Jothan brings a wealth of knowledge of the legacy Domain Naming System to Handshake. He uncovers some of the mystery behind Top Level Domains and some thoughts about where Handshake protocol is heading. I learned a lot and it was a pleasure talking with...
Published 02/02/21
Mark is from the Greater Madison area of Wisconsin, has a background in insurance, government, and financial sales and services, and is now the founder of Namesake Domains. He discovered Handshake during a vacation with his family when he stumbled upon an article from blockchain.com about Handshake, which helped him realize “there would now be an unlimited number of top-level domains, which would explode the level of creativity that’s possible with how we use URLs and how we interact with the...
Published 02/01/21
Jake Schaeffer shares his take on Handshake and it's place in the world as well as Namebase's growth and support for Namers.
Published 01/22/21